He quickly controlled the missile and the previous control hoop, attacking the two Lugias!

The God of the Sea stared at the three divine birds in the sky, then glanced at the crowd, stayed on Kaguya for a while, then roared at Lugia and flew towards the three divine birds!

It seems that there is no intention to find the so-called controller to fight together!

Xiao Zhi's experience in commanding the God of the Sea to fight is probably going to be yellow!

"Kaguya, I need your help! Let's fight together!" Lugia flapped its wings and said to Kaguya through telepathy.

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and then she clearly looked at the steel spaceship. It seemed that the Sea God and Lugia had already divided their work before they came out. The Sea God was in charge of dealing with the three divine birds, while Rocky Asia is responsible for dealing with Jill Lutai!

Jill Luta may not cause much trouble to the sea god, but it must be solved!

Kaguya nodded solemnly, and then under the control of Lugia's super power, was sent to its back, and then Kaguya threw out "Ritian, Xiaobu, Kuailong, Fossil Pterosaur, Storm Carp!" Dragon, you cooperate with Ladias to help the God of the Sea!"

In fact, Hui Ye's goal is also very obvious. Whether it helps or not, these six Pokémon use a skill on each of the three gods, and the experience is just fine!

"Why?!" Lugia looked at Kaguya in amazement. The patriarch didn't need any help at all. Although the Three Divine Birds were powerful, they were nothing to the patriarch, who had mastered the duties of the Sea God!

"It's useful!" Kaguya smiled, and then said to Lugia, "Let's go over there!"

Lugia didn't have too much doubt, so she spread her wings and flew.

At this moment, Jill Luta's attack has arrived!

"Lugia, use the wind!" This move is considered a relatively tasteless existence among many flying-type Pokémon, but it also depends on what kind of Pokémon is used!Using Lugia is completely different!

Lugia didn't hesitate at all about Kaguya's instructions, and repeatedly fanned its huge pair of wings, and the strong wind blew out the missile and the metal iron ring!

"Let's go!" Kaguya said to Lugia.

Looking at Kaguya's appearance, Xiaolan and the others quickly took out their cameras to take pictures. Now Kaguya is in command of Lugia!

Such a good pretentious environment, how can we not take pictures to commemorate it! ?

In fact, for them, this place is indeed similar to camping. Well, even if the world is destroyed, Kaguya can protect them too! .

Chapter 420 The Three Divine Birds Are Not Stupid

Different from Xiao Lan and the others, Kaguya was a little nervous at the moment. This was the first time he had commanded a divine beast. Damn it, it was so exciting!It's even more exciting than the first time with Yew!

It's almost time to play flying chess! !

Kaguya did subdue Reshiram, but he never commanded it even once!

Rudias and Dream, Kaguya has had several commanding experiences, but they are far from reaching the strongest level now!

Lugia also seemed to have sensed Kaguya's thoughts, smiled slightly and did not speak, and quickly followed Kaguya's instructions and rushed towards the steel spaceship where Gilruta was.

Rogia's speed is very fast, the high-tech weapons prepared by Jilluta and the metal hoop that trapped the flame bird and lightning bird before can't keep up with Rogia's speed at all!

Lugia is extremely agile to shuttle between various weapons!

This is a bit unscientific. You must know that the level of this Lugia may not be very high, but in fact it seems to be much stronger than the flame bird, the freezing bird, and the lightning bird.

It seems that a certain level has been reached, and the level does not represent everything!

Now Kaguya is extremely suspicious that the Lugia that appeared in the original book should be the Lugia that she was riding!

And the real sea god, huh, is now easily sticking to the three silly birds to fight!

In front of the God of the Sea, these three three divine birds, who had reached the level of a second-level god, were abused like children!

However, the God of the Sea doesn't seem to want to hurt the Three Divine Birds, so he didn't make a particularly serious killer. Well, just bully him first!

Lugia seemed to see the puzzlement in Kaguya's heart, and then explained to Kaguya through telepathy: "The three divine birds have been sleeping for hundreds of years, and the human being took advantage of the flame bird and the lightning bird before. Thoroughly awakened and attacked, so he was successfully attacked by that human being!

However, now with the passage of time and the battle between the three divine birds, their strength has long since recovered!You don't look at them as if they seem a little embarrassed, but there is nothing wrong with them.It's not as obvious as it seems!

I just don't want to be attacked by other divine birds! "

Lugia's explanation made Kaguya's forehead go black, and it was her who had the purest feelings!

You are still too young!

And the three divine birds don't seem to be stupid!They also know how to dress!

At that time, the three divine birds were constantly attacking each other, maintaining a delicate balance, and they all wanted to break this balance, because if they continued to fight like this in the long run, maybe they would not be able to tell the winner for hundreds of years!

Then the best result is that one is injured, and the two divine birds first solve the injury, or the two are injured and then join forces to attack the uninjured one!

It's a matter of choice!

As a result, the Three Divine Birds all chose to pretend to be injured!

It's even weirder now!

This IQ is not low at all!But whether it was the Three God Birds or Lugia, they all saw the truth.There is an old man in the family who has a treasure. It is indeed a Pokémon that has lived for thousands of years. The IQ is really high!

"Then can you deal with three of them at once!?!" Kaguya asked curiously, he was now expressing doubts about the combat power of these divine beasts!

Lugia pondered for a moment before saying, "It should be possible! But it's very difficult!"

Chapter 420 The Three Divine Birds Are Not Stupid-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Lugia pondered for a moment before saying, "It should be possible! But it's very difficult!"

Well, now Kaguya has a little bit of force in her heart!

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