It seems that he has not seen Miss Joy for a long time!Well, Miss Joy is still so pretty!

But even so, it is still difficult for Kaguya to have the idea of ​​pursuing Miss Joy, after all, almost every Miss Joy looks the same!

Their family genes are too powerful!

Maybe in some novels, many people (befa) like twin sisters, but when you find that the number of twin sisters is too many, Kaguya can't accept them at all, Kaguya will lose interest.

Kaguya didn't want someone to have the same face as his own woman and do something beneficial to the body and mind with other men!

This kind of thinking may be unfair to the twins, but it can't be helped...

Miss Joy naturally knew Kaguya, and after working on the computer on the counter, she handed the Pokémon illustration to Kaguya, and also came with a badge box: "You have already registered for the Silver Conference, looking forward to it. Dr. Kaguya also had a wonderful performance in the Silver Conference!"

"Thank you, Miss Joy!" Kaguya took over the illustrated book and badge box. This kind of badge box is not precious. It seems that anyone who has participated in other competitions and won the ranking can own it!

"Ding, the update of the god-level lottery system is complete! The following is the content of this system update!

1. The god-level lottery system has turned on the weighted mode, and additional lottery opportunities of the same level can be used to define the scope of the lottery. The quality of the lottery will not be affected! !For example, when the host uses the intermediate lottery chance, he can use an additional intermediate lottery chance, and then specify the scope of the lottery, such as: exercises, natural treasures, technology!

2. Turn on the harem mode. As the host of the god-level lottery system, once the host's harem is in danger, the system will prompt you in advance!At the same time, the cultivation speed of Pokémon in the host's harem has been increased by [-]%!The current harem characters are: Yew, Nazi, and Xiaolan.Sort by knockdown! "

Chapter 444 System Upgrade! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

2. Turn on the harem mode. As the host of the god-level lottery system, once the host's harem is in danger, the system will prompt you in advance!At the same time, the cultivation speed of Pokémon in the host's harem has been increased by [-]%!The current harem characters are: Yew, Nazi, and Xiaolan.Sort by knockdown! "

Looking at the update of the system, Hui Ye is somewhat satisfied. For example, the first one looks very tasteless. After all, the chance of a god-level lottery may also draw something like napkins, but the chance is not large. If you add After he succeeds, he still draws useless things, so wouldn't he be at a loss! ?

However, on the other hand, it's not bad, Kaguya doesn't have much animal milk now!

The second point is that it is a better welfare. The harem is bigger, and Kaguya is also afraid in her heart, afraid that they will be in danger.

With system protection, this can make Kaguya feel at ease, and he can play with confidence again!

And these girls of my own, except for Nazi's Pokémon, which has a certain combat power, others are a bit tasteless, and now they can speed up the training speed, which is very good information!

The only protection is to be pushed down, which makes Kaguya a little depressed. Could it be that this is forcing them to push them earlier? !

"Ding, start the main quest: Challenge the Chengdu Alliance, each time you defeat a gym, you can get a chance to draw a lottery!" The system prompt sounded again.

This made Kaguya show a clear look, as expected!

It seems that even if I don't want to travel, I have to travel!

"The host currently has 4 intermediate-level lottery chances, one high-level lottery chance, and two god-level lottery chances. Is there a lottery!?"

"First, two intermediate-level lottery draws, one high-level lottery draw, and two god-level lottery draws!" Hui Ye still kept the two intermediate-level lottery draws, and he also wanted to draw some resources!

"Ding, let's go to the intermediate lottery, congratulations to the host for getting Tony's skills!"

"Ding, conduct an intermediate lottery, congratulations to the host for getting a detector!"

"Ding, carry out the advanced lottery, congratulations to the host for winning the Sword in the Stone!"

"Ding, conduct a god-level lottery, congratulations to the host for obtaining the corpse of Boiler!"

"Ding, conduct a god-level lottery, congratulations to the host for getting a pet Teddy!"

Looking at the system's five bursts, Kaguya was a little stunned, what the hell is going on! ?This system seems to be getting more and more unreliable!Tony Daki actually came out! ?Wouldn't that make it a fun way to play! ?Wouldn't the next one be Mr. Bi! ?

This detector seems to be a detector in Dragon Ball. This world does not use combat power, and it seems that there is no bird use!

The sword in the stone looks very useful. Arturia said that she once had a sword in the stone, but this sword in the stone did not come from her world, but the world of the ultimate class.

Ao Bing's corpse is not bad, well, you can eat it!Dragon meat should be pretty good...

Just Teddy what's up! ?Kaguya's face was stunned!

(The system has indeed been upgraded, it is not too invincible, I hope readers like it!).

Chapter 445 of the main text turned out to be a teddy! ?

Kaguya is really a little difficult to calm down about this Teddy, why is it Teddy! ?A dog like Teddy had a resounding nickname in his previous life - Tai Ritian!But this is not because they have this nickname because they have strong combat power, but they are really against the sky, it seems that they want everything!It is simply the strangest of pet dogs!

Could it be that his luck is really bad to this level! ?You must know that pet dogs like Teddy are at most a low-level lottery.

And Hui Ye is now relying on a god-level lottery chance to draw such a teddy. Could this be the god-level lottery system to trick himself? !Could it be that it saw that Ladias always wanted to push himself, so he made such a teddy to resolve his crisis? !

In other novels, even if you keep a dog, there will be a dog like Erha, but he has created a teddy in a different way!It's just the average cute girl who thinks about raising a teddy, okay? !He is a big man who is obviously more suitable for Tibetan mastiffs!

Kaguya struggled for a while, before throwing a probing technique at Teddy!

Creature: Teddy

Qualification: ? ? ? ? ?

strength:? ? ? ? ?

gender: female

System evaluation: Can be cute, can fight, a wonderful existence-!

Kaguya looked at this system review and sighed silently, fight! ?Ha ha!Who can it fight with! ?Generally, the newly born Pokémon are stronger than it!

Forget it, just keep it as a pet. Fortunately, this teddy is female, otherwise Kaguya would have to find a way to castrate it!

The most lucrative thing in this lottery is another chance for a god-level lottery, Ao Bing's corpse, which is a good thing. When Xiaobu ate a part of a hybrid dragon, he achieved this talent now.

Now a whole pure-bred dragon appears in front of Kaguya. This is full of treasures, all kinds of meat, all kinds of internal organs, and even dragon blood, all of which are good for Kaguya and Pokémon. , even Reshiram may not be able to avoid it!

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