"It's really fast!" Hui Ye remembered at this time that there seemed to be some information that said that if Kuailong was the fastest Pokémon, then Bidiao would be the second. Of course, it definitely didn't include divine beasts.

Chapter 447 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It's really fast!" Hui Ye remembered at this time that there seemed to be some information that said that if Kuailong was the fastest Pokémon, then Bidiao would be the second. Of course, it definitely didn't include divine beasts.

In fact, although the fast dragons are called fast dragons, their race value in terms of speed is not very high, and the same is true for the eagles, which may refer to the flight speed!

However, facts have indeed proved that sometimes this so-called racial value really has no scientific basis, and the speed of the eagle is really fast!

"Don't worry about it, block it and use the hail!" Kaguya ordered Chenglong directly.

A speed like Chenglong is incomparable in front of Bidiao, not to mention that the opponent is in the air, unless it is swimming against Chenglong, then Chenglong can kill most of the Pokémon in seconds!

It was extremely quicker than the carving, but Chenglong had already decided to forcefully take this wave of damage. With Chenglong using the weather skill Hail, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and it really looked like it might snow at any time.

"Bidiao!" With a bird call from Bidiao, it hit Chenglong head-on.

However, it seems that it was just a hit, and it did not cause much damage to Chenglong!

At the same time, hailstones have already fallen in the sky!

"Blizzard!" Kaguya said directly to Chenglong, who had already slowed down, seeing that hail had begun to fall in the sky.

"Broken..." Accompanied by Chenglong's soft moan, the battlefield was instantly gusty, and countless hail and snow fell from the sky. The scene was like a 477 ice and snow field!

Not to mention the dragons and the statues in the battlefield!

It was Yai Touko and the others who were on the sidelines, and they all felt the incomparable cold at the moment!

It's so cold!

The quasi-king-level Pokémon has been able to greatly affect the weather!If Chenglong is willing, it can even be frozen for one kilometer!

"Bi Diao, use the strong wind!" I don't know what Asu thought, but he came up with such a method.

Hearing the words, he flapped his wings frantically, and even tried to blow the blizzard in the direction of Chenglong.

Such a crazy behavior made Kaguya's Chenglong's eyes flash with a hint of yin. Its strength is nothing among Kaguya's Pokémon, but it is not so despised by the outside Pokémon. Want to change the direction! ! ?

Think beautiful!

Chenglong's temper has always been very good, but as the child of Tianwang Chenglong, he is also Kaguya's Pokémon, and he has a kind of arrogance since he was a child!

"Ah!" With Chenglong's second force, the blizzard became bigger, like bricks of ice falling from the sky, even if Bi Diao tried his best to dodge, he couldn't dodge them all! .

Main Text Chapter 448 Fighting Aso

Blizzard's hit rate is actually not particularly high, this move is powerful and consumes a lot of Pokémon's stamina!It is generally not recommended to use it, but when combined with hail weather, it is almost [-]% able to hit the opponent!

Soon, Bieu was affected by the blizzard, and even its huge wings began to freeze, which seriously affected Bie's flight speed, and more ice cubes fell on Bie's body.

It's completely gone!

"Bi Diao, use the storm!" Ah Su didn't expect that Hui Ye's Chenglong, who might not even be able to enter the second team, would have such a high level, possibly even higher than his absolute main force, Bi Diao!

Even if the wings have been frozen a lot, Bidi can still flap its huge wings, but the frequency has dropped too much!

Along with Bidiao's use of the storm, the wind of the blizzard finally changed, and at the same time the direction of the huge ice cube also changed, which also relieved Bidiao, otherwise it would be smashed to death by this ice cube sooner or later. !

"Chenglong uses the freezing light!" Hui Ye quickly told Chenglong to stop using Blizzard. If necessary, Hui Ye didn't want to use skills like Blizzard. This is really a skill that kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred!

Even Hui Ye's Chenglong is far stronger in physical strength than Chenglong of the same level, but the blizzard for just such a period of time made Chenglong panting, which shows how much stamina it consumes!

You know, it's not long before the battle begins!

It is estimated that only the thick physical strength of the frozen bird can continue to use the blizzard!

"Hurry up and avoid it!" Asu hurriedly said to Bi Diao. Although the blizzard was cracked, the current Bi Diao situation was not very good. The blizzard caused a lot of injuries to Bi Diao, plus the loss of physical strength. And the freezing situation on the wings, if you hit the freezing light again, then Biziao really won't be able to play!

"Compare the carvings"! "Bi Diao was ordered to fly in the air quickly trying to avoid Cheng Long's fatal blow, but unfortunately, its current speed is still far behind compared to before!

Perhaps in the heyday of Bidiao, there was a high chance of being able to avoid this freezing light, but now Bidiao has nothing to do with the freezing light. Even if it tries its best to speed up, it still cannot offset the freezing effect it brings to itself. influences!

I have to admit that Kaguya's luck is very good!

"Boom!" The freezing light instantly froze Bi Diao into a huge block of ice, which fell to the ground. Bi Diao completely lost his ability to fight!

"Good job!" Ya Yi and Tou Zi instantly turned into little fans and cheered for Kaguya.

My sweetheart is getting better and better!

Asu took a deep breath, but didn't say anything, Kaguya's strength was obvious to all!And Chenglong's attributes are still restrained from his own carving!

Just being defeated by a Chenglong who is not the main force makes Asu somewhat disappointed...

In fact, he is also from the favored son of heaven. Well, the gyms in the Chengdu area are actually much more valuable than those in the Kanto area...

The battle still had to continue, and Asu released his second Pokémon: "Please, Nighthawk!"

This is another Pokémon that Kaguya is familiar with!

In the animation, the silly thing subdues a flashy owl nighthawk!At that time, in the animation, I felt that this owl nighthawk seemed to be quite strong. Later, Kaguya also subdued and cultivated it in the game, but it was not particularly easy to use. Well, waste of emotion, give a bad review!

Of course, Owl Nighthawk is a pretty good Pokémon in the flight department, especially since it can use a lot of superpower skills, but it doesn't have superpower attributes, which is more or less nondescript!What a pity!

Chapter 448 Fighting Asu -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Of course, Owl Nighthawk is a pretty good Pokémon in the flight department, especially since it can use a lot of superpower skills, but it doesn't have superpower attributes, which is more or less nondescript!What a pity!

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