"Bite it! Bite its mouth!" Kaguya's face showed a wicked smile, his Shakira was male, and the other side's big-billed sparrow was also male, which seemed very interesting.

Shakira was obviously stunned for a moment, but the habit of obeying the trainer's instructions made it subconsciously open her big mouth, and then bite the big mouth's drill!

Big Mouth's body that was spinning at a high speed suddenly stopped, replaced by pain from his mouth... Then there was a look of confusion...

Shakira is also very confused at the moment, the sparrow is going straight to the drill to be very powerful, and it has a toothache when it is drilled. If it hadn't used Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste every day, its teeth had a good appetite, or its teeth would have lost a few teeth. , but the next thing is embarrassment, just now it subconsciously obeyed Kaguya's instructions to use bite, and now it is indirectly kissing an ugly monster, this is really uncomfortable!

How could Shakira not know that he was cheated by the infinite trainer!If the cute girl is fine, but the other party is a male Pokémon, and she looks ugly, which makes Shakira feel that her Pokémon career has lost its color!The whole world is full of thick malice!

"This?!" Arturia looked at Kaguya with a strange face, this guy's battle command is really bold!But it's shameless enough. Under such conditions, Toucan will undoubtedly lose!Unless it doesn't want its own mouth anymore! .

Chapter 451 of the main text has evolved!Shame on Bangira's life!

There was a smile on Kaguya's face. In fact, he did mean to piss off Shakira.As a representative of a generation of sluts, if you don't even have your own Pokémon, what are you doing! ?

On the other hand, Yayi and Touzi had a hint of blush on their faces. Although they had long regarded themselves as Kaguya's women, they never made it to the last step with Kaguya.

Needless to say, I usually feel shy when I hear Kaguya and Xiaolan doing something shameless, but they also feel shy when they see Nidoran and Nidona together!

This is a natural phenomenon, and they will be able to let go of it "in the future", like Xiaolan now, maybe she was quite shy at the beginning, but now she is not blushing or out of breath when talking about something!

This kind of phenomenon is very common. Sometimes you think that one of your dirty jokes is very interesting. In fact, in the hearts of girls, it is not what "[-]" is. They are actually more dirty than you in their hearts!

Yayi and Touzi are of course relatively simple. Even if they were booked by Kaguya when they were young, they are also well protected. They have just turned fifteen years old, and they have just reached the age where they can eat... Need Kaguya It takes a while to develop...

Just as Kaguya was preparing to let Shakira continue to attack, Shakira's body began to emit the light of white evolution!

Seeing this scene, Kaguya was somewhat surprised. Although Shakira was on the verge of evolution, she didn't evolve so quickly, even if she gained the experience points of this sparrow!

Is it because of this kind of thing that it is embarrassed and wants to evolve? !Or the male and female attract each other, causing Desha Kira to rise up and want to evolve! ?

Or is it verified that the same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is only for reproduction? !

After kissing the bigmouth like this, Shakira is so excited to evolve? !

Of course, Shakira is not excited to evolve, but rather embarrassed!Pokémon evolution is extremely uncertain, and sometimes levels aren't everything!Ash's fire dinosaur obviously evolved around level [-]...

Their evolution requires great stimulation. Obviously, today's Shakira was stimulated by Kaguya!

It is ashamed of its own unscrupulous trainer, and also complains about why it has no hands? !If it had arms, it wouldn't have to be so embarrassed and subconsciously bite with its big mouth!

Out of obsession with the arm, it evolved!I have to admit that this evolutionary reason is very strange, but it is also reasonable!

As the light of evolution dissipated, a dark green behemoth appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and its big mouth was still biting the mouth of the sparrow...

Name: Bangira

Height: 2.2 meters

Weight: 250.41 kg

Gender: Male

Attributes: Rock, Evil

Feature: blowing sand

Hidden Trait: Tension

Potential: Champion

Level: 63

Systematic evaluation: The powerful Bangira is very destructive and is worth cultivating!

Looking at Bangira's evaluation, Kaguya showed a satisfied face. After the evolution, her strength has indeed improved a lot.It seems that I have almost cultivated a Pokémon again!Whenever this time, Kaguya has a sense of satisfaction!And its Bangira is obviously much stronger than ordinary Bangira!

But, what does that weight mean? ! 250.41? !

Chapter 451 It Has Evolved!Shame on Bangira's life! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

But, what does that weight mean? ! 250.41? !

System, are you being naughty again? !

"Roar!" Bangira himself did not expect that it would be stimulated to evolve under such circumstances!It's just more depressing!This makes it how to brag in front of friends in the future? !

Others ask how they evolved! ?For kissing a male toucan? !

Please, it also has a face, okay? !

This is simply a great disgrace to it!

No matter how powerful it is in the future, it cannot wash away this stain, which will be the shame of Bangira's life!

It can't do anything to Kaguya, it's its own trainer, but it can deal with the sparrow!What's more, Big Mouth is still his opponent now!

Bangira directly grabbed the two huge wings of the sparrow and tore it frantically. The posture was quite like tearing the sparrow to pieces!

After Shakira evolves into Bangira, Double Convenience is not a Pokémon of the same level!

Although Bangira was very unhappy, its tearing was still grasped to a certain degree. If the big mouth was really torn by hand, both it and Kaguya would be in trouble!

But even so, the big-billed sparrow still made a whining sound of "Ow Oo Oo", and the feathers were constantly scattered, giving people a feeling of sadness for those who heard it and tears for those who heard it!

"Big Mouth!" Asu looked nervously at his Big Mouth. It seemed that the battle couldn't continue, just to admit defeat? !

Just when Aso was hesitating, Bangira looked at the bird feathers everywhere and a new idea flashed in her heart. It stepped on the big beak, and then two big hands frantically operated - to the big mouth. bird plucking...

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