Xiao Lan found that it was really exciting after she finished speaking these compelling words... No wonder that guy Kaguya likes to pretend so much!This feeling is really cool.

"啾!" The older flaming bird was not angry at Xiao Lan's words, but gave her a disappointed look, then glared at her own kind and flew back to the volcano, which was also in its place. Under control, he calmed down again.

"This?!" Xiaolan glanced at the flaming bird who left with a complicated look, and then said to the flaming bird that was still in the air: "Then I will leave it to you in the future! Flaming bird!" Firebird threw a heat ball.

"啾!" The flame bird nodded cheerfully, and then touched the heat-resistant ball, turned into a red light and drilled into the heat-resistant ball, without even shaking, it was completely subdued by Xiaolan !

Seeing this scene, everyone felt incredible!The Flaming Bird was really conquered by Xiao Lan so easily!Not even fighting, this should be the most easily subdued mythical beast in the legend! ?

Xiaolan holds a heat-resistant ball with a flame bird, and she also has a bit of complexity in her heart. Has she become a divine beast trainer like this? !And this is not those young mythical beasts, but a real adult flame bird!

Hui Ye stood on the ground and showed a smile, her nagging system is really awesome, Xiao Lan just "shocked the tiger's body", and the beasts immediately threw away their morals and went for refuge!

It's a pity that he rarely encounters such a situation, and he really didn't have the life of the protagonist!

"How did you know that?!" Li Lin looked at Hui Ye's dark face in a complicated way. It seemed that this matter had nothing to do with Hui Ye. In the end, it was Xiao Lan who subdued the flame bird, but her intuition told her , this matter has a great relationship with Kaguya...

"What do I know?!" Hui Ye looked at Li Lin, a stunner that made him feel so indebted, and he couldn't help but think of messing with her!

Li Lin glanced at Hui Ye angrily: "Stop pretending, how did you know that Xiao Lan could get the approval of the Flaming Bird!?"

That is a beast!From then on, Xiao Lan's status will skyrocket, and she will not lose to the king of her alliance!

Kaguya's mouth curled into a smile: "Because she's my woman!"

This kind of self-confidence is very contagious, and Li Lin can't help but believe Hui Ye's nonsense, maybe Xiaolan is like this because of Hui Ye!After all, Xiaolan didn't realize this before, but Kaguya seems to have known this in 2.6.


The fact that Xiaolan became a mythical beast trainer is indeed beyond the expectations of many people, that is, the alliance did not expect that Xiaolan, the second young lady who was almost abandoned by the family, could become a mythical beast trainer...

And the alliance itself wanted to use the flame bird to attract some people, but I didn't expect that the cheapest one was Xiaolan in the end...

what should I do now? !Xiaolan is Hui Ye's woman, and Hui Ye's strength is getting stronger and stronger!

However, she is also a member of the alliance, and she is a child of a big family.

After thinking about it, let's calm down! ?

Unless you turn your face completely, this is the only way!

Well, at least for the time being! ....

Chapter 467 The role played by the alliance? !

"Well, I can finally soak in a hot spring with peace of mind!" Kaguya found an open-air hot spring with peace of mind and enjoyed it.It's a pity that the girls chose the indoor hot spring. If it is outdoors, in case someone and a Pokémon pass by! ?This is a very embarrassing thing.

Even if Kaguya can guarantee that no one can get close to him except himself!He didn't force a few girls, and he could enjoy the hot spring alone with peace of mind.This is his first open-air hot spring!

"Do you need me to rub your back for you!?" At this time, a familiar female voice came from behind Kaguya.

"I didn't expect it to be you!!" Of course Kaguya recognized the other party's identity, turned around and looked over, and saw that Li Lin was wearing a pen chicken you (homophony) with light blue patterns at the moment, carrying She looked at Kaguya with her signature smile, showing her infinitely beautiful picture in front of Kaguya.

"Why aren't you welcome?" Li Lin said as he stepped into the hot spring.

"Of course you're welcome! It's just that you're not afraid of being seen!?" Hui Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Lin. He still has a lot of masculinity. Li Lin is the woman he predestined, so naturally I don't want others to see Li Linru 14 like this, well, only myself and my wife can see it!

Li Lin seemed to see what Kaguya meant, and pointed not far away: "I put all my things there, and the Moon Elf can help me watch it!" Then he walked to Kaguya's side and put the female Qiao body in the area. Approaching Kaguya, he said with a little dissatisfaction: "You seemed to see that I was a little disappointed just now!?!"

"How could that be?" Hui Ye hugged Li Lin's female Qiao's body and lowered his head on her incense room: "I'm too happy to be happy!?!" In fact, with Li Lin's arrival, Hui Ye It was indeed a bit of an accident, he originally thought that it would be Arturia.

After all, there was a desire for strength in the eyes of the knight king at that time...

It seems that the stimulation to Arturia is not enough!

However, if she can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, she naturally won't force her on Artoria Kaguya!she!Can't run!

"You?!" It was the first time that Li Lin was so close to Hui Ye, especially Hui Ye's second brother, who was already in front of her, could feel its outline!

This made her feel unbelievable. According to the rumors, the man's body is not so big. Can it really fit in if it is so big?Afraid not to be broken! ?How did they do it? !

Seeing the usual carefree Li Lin's appearance a little panicked at the moment, Kaguya smiled slightly: "Tell me, what exactly do you want to tell me?!"

Kaguya didn't choose to go further. Even though Li Lin seemed to be very open at ordinary times, he was actually very conservative in his heart. Like this, it was probably the limit for Li Lin now.

And she chose to find herself at this time, there must be something she doesn't want others to know!

"Well? Do you feel that today's events are weird!" Li Lin forcibly calmed his mind, trying to keep himself from thinking about it, and asked Kaguya.

"Strange!?" Kaguya motioned for Li Lin to continue, this should be the Rockets' behavior.

"The alliance has not taken any action so far!" Li Lin expressed his concerns under Kaguya's eyes.

Li Lin's words suddenly made Kaguya realize that she was indeed ignoring someone!


The Alliance really has nothing to say about this!

Chapter 467 The role played by the alliance? ! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

The Alliance really has nothing to say about this!

So are they involved? ?

What role is he playing!

Hui Ye didn't think about it before, but after being reminded by Li Lin, Hui Ye seemed to understand a lot. At the same time, he secretly thought that he was lucky, it seems that his luck is still very good, and there is nothing wrong with listening to Luo Tianyi.

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