"Are you sure?!" Hui Ye sneered, his face full of sarcasm, not to mention himself and Li Lin, Xiao Lan has the strength to single-handedly beat this group of Rockets.

Chapter 474 Grumpy Bangira! (Second root) -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Are you sure?!" Hui Ye sneered, his face full of sarcasm, not to mention himself and Li Lin, Xiao Lan has the strength to single-handedly beat this group of Rockets.

"Who are you?! Hui Ye!" The two Rocket Teams in the robot also clearly recognized Hui Ye's identity. This is the great devil, the ruthless man who usually abuses and beats the officer!

I didn't expect to meet Kaguya here!This is so tragic!

"It seems that my reputation is still not loud enough!" Li Lin, who was on the side, also spoke. When she was with Hui Ye, she would not deliberately grab Hui Ye's limelight, and she would be the one behind Hui Ye with peace of mind. little woman.

However, at this time, Li Lin felt that he also needed to act out, which was also an act to save Kaguya's face.

"Evil King Lilin!?" There was another exclamation from the robot. I'm afraid they never thought that their simple action would provoke these two bigwigs.

Can this be fun to play? !

Wait online!

"Now I'll give you a chance to let go of the dumb beasts, and then tell us your Rockets plan, or you will die!" Hui Ye said with his arms crossed, he didn't believe that this group of Rockets came to arrest them deliberately. Stupid beast!

"Uh!" The Rocket team members in the robot were silent for a moment. They would definitely not be able to beat Kaguya and the others. Even if they had high-tech weapons, would they be Kaguya's opponent? !

"Since you don't know the good and the bad, then don't blame me! Come out, Bangira!" Kaguya threw a Pokémon ball, and Bangira is more than enough to deal with such a weak chicken!

"That's...?" Xiao Zhi looked at the domineering Bangira in horror and couldn't help swallowing. This is not Kaguya's main force. It was cultivated by Kaguya during this period of time. With such strength, can they still play happily? !

"Bangira, the quasi-god in the Chengdu area, will evolve not long ago!" Xiaolan helped Hui Ye with a wave of coercion at the right time. After all, for many people, the quasi-god is already out of reach!

"It's amazing!" Xiaozhi looked at Bangira in shock. At this moment, he still doesn't know that he will release a Yukira in the future!

"Bangira dismantled it!" Bangira's power is undoubtedly the first among all quasi-gods, which is also its advantage!

"Roar!" Looking at Bangira who was getting closer and closer to him, Team Rocket in the robot showed a shivering look, which was a bit terrifying!

"Wait, don't come here!" Yamato, Saburo and the others are not those officers. Even if they have robots, their power is not very powerful. It's okay to bully ordinary trainers. If you meet Kaguya, you have to kneel directly!

When Bangira approached, the robot's mechanical arm also began to move and grabbed Bangira. This was purely a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Facing the mechanical arm that was grabbing towards him, Bangira grabbed it. After slamming the mechanical arm, he let out a roar, and violently tore off the mechanical arm!

Chengdu quasi-god, so terrifying! .

Chapter 475 Team Rocket Proud of Profession (3 more)

"Roar!" Bangira's strength is definitely beyond doubt. In the Chengdu area, Bangira is synonymous with destructive power!

"Kacha, kacha, tearing and tearing!" In front of Bangira, the sturdy-looking Rocket Team robot was as fragile as a piece of paper, without the slightest defensive ability at all. The expensive robot was completely dismantled!

"This!?" Everyone was startled when they saw such a "tempered" Bangira.

"Looks like what happened last time had a big impact on it!" Facing Bangira who looked like this, Kaguya didn't say anything, as long as he could remain rational in the battle, his own Pokémon Many of them have mental illnesses like these...Bangira, this is already pretty good!

"The last time you played with it like that, it was full of anger!" Artoria said pointedly.In fact, among the nobles, whether they are men or women, it often happens. Sometimes the more glamorous the appearance, the dirtier the inner. There are too many pious guys!

"Hehe! As long as I can control it!" Kaguya still has confidence in his Pokémon, even if he is a beast, he can make a good relationship, and Bangira can go against the sky! -?

"However, once in a while, you need to fight it a little more. It looks like it's been deflated for a long time!" Artoria nodded clearly. She is even the woman who knows Kaguya the best among all the people. Even in the small world, she lived for quite a long time.

At the same time, Arturia is also the woman who is best at fighting. Although she doesn't know much about Pokémon, she understands fighting. After all, she used to be a woman who was a king of knights.

"That's it!" Kaguya nodded thoughtfully. In fact, he didn't reject his Pokémon being belligerent, but as he had more Pokémon, some Pokémon had higher levels. Rarely play, it seems to find a way to solve this problem!


"Your Majesty, spare your life!" Over there, Armado, Xiao Saburo was carried by Bangira like two chickens and came to Kaguya and the others.

"This!?" The corners of Hui Ye's mouth twitched. The two of them seemed to be weird, and they even shouted this!He is not the big devil!He hasn't reached the point where he kills without blinking an eye.

"Team Rocket, what is your purpose here this time!?!" Li Lin hugged Yuexiong with both hands, stepped forward and asked, with a smile on her face that could charm all living beings, but anyone who knew her well knew that this Someone is going to be unlucky again!

"I don't know!" Xiao Saburo said tremblingly.

"Huh?!" Li Lin's face turned cold, did he feel that Team Rocket was floating or that Li Lin couldn't hold a big knife! ?

The current Lilin is not afraid of anyone, even if Sakagi is in front of him, Lilin dares to go straight to it. Sakagi has Dai Ochissis, and her Lilin also has Darkrai!What's more, there is Kaguya behind her!

"We really don't know!" Amado also said tremblingly at the moment, this is the king of the alliance, this kind of boss is not something they can offend, and it is too late to hide and walk on their own!

"Let Ladias try to hypnotize him!" Xiao Lan suggested on the side. It's better to hypnotize him directly than to force him to ask why he couldn't. After all, he's just a small cadre of the Rockets. !

"Ah?! No, we really don't know, let us go!" Xiao Saburo was taken aback when he heard Xiao Lan's proposal. If they were hypnotized, how could they survive? !Even if they don't say anything, the Rockets themselves will come to destroy them!

Chapter 475 The Rockets who are proud of their profession (3 more) -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Ah?! No, we really don't know, let us go!" Xiao Saburo was taken aback when he heard Xiao Lan's proposal. If they were hypnotized, how could they survive? !Even if they don't say anything, the Rockets themselves will come to destroy them!

"Then you came here to capture the dumb beasts for money?!" Ya Yi asked curiously, she had hardly seen any evil organizations, and she was usually well protected by Kaguya.

"How is this possible?! It's like catching the dumb beasts and selling them for money, that's the lowest level method! Like the dumb beasts, which have two evolution possibilities, naturally they have to be caught and sliced. Research!" Xiao Saburo replied without thinking, for them, this is an insult!

The Rockets are also divided into levels. The act of catching Pokémon and selling them at the lowest level is the lowest level. They have already left the lowest level. Armado and Xiao Saburo are very proud of this. Now Mei said that they will sell it. Pokémon, what an insult to their profession!

· · · Flowers · · ·

"En!?" Hui Ye's eyes narrowed, Yayi was her future daughter-in-law anyway, and she existed like a child bride, but as a result, a small team of Rockets dared to attack her. What does this mean? !

"This kind of person must hand them over to Miss Junsha!" At this time, Xiao Zhi said indignantly.

Usually, when they were fighting with Team Rocket, they would have Pikachu electrocute them away, but it was obvious that this group of people had to be sent directly to Miss Junsha for disposal.

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