"Vulcan Moth, use Fire Dance!" Kaguya gave the attack order directly.

Fire Dance is an extremely special skill, it is the exclusive skill of Vulcan Moth!It is a skill with high damage and a high chance to increase special attack!And Vulcan Moth is also one of the few non-legendary Pokémon with exclusive skills!

This also reflects the full force of Vulcan Moth!

As Kaguya's words fell, Vulcan Moth's whole body was covered with flames, and then he frantically fanned his wings like a fan, and countless flames were fanned to Heracross!

"Heracross, use split!" Abi commanded Heracross to fight with great enthusiasm.

"Clark!" Heracross waved his claws, and split the sparks that hit him, but the number of sparks was too much, no matter how fast Heracross was, he couldn't do it Despite everything, there were still a lot of sparks hitting Heracross, splashing countless sparks.

"Then the next thing is to spray flames!" Kaguya gave his order unhurriedly. For him, this kind of gymnasium is not bad, but once he gets serious, there is nothing too serious about this battle. big suspense...

".~Close-to-hand combat!" Ah Bi did not hesitate at all, allowing Heracross to choose the hard bar. This is also Heracross' chance!

Heracross faced the huge pillar of fire head-on, and directly stretched out his claws and slammed it up!

At first, Heracross was able to barely withstand the jet of flame, but it was quickly pushed back by the flame!

"How is this possible?!" Abi looked at this scene in surprise. According to the strength displayed by the Vulcan Moth, it makes no sense that the power of this jet of flame would be so strong!

"Fire Dance, the exclusive skill of Vulcan Moth, has a high chance of improving the special attack!" Hui Ye pouted, it seems that this so-called insect-type Pokémon master doesn't even understand this!

Sure enough, most of the experts and scholars these days are people who sell dog meat!Just like the so-called various brick houses in Hui Ye's previous life, there is such a way to fool the masses, and there is almost no real talent...

However, Hui Ye seems to have forgotten that he himself (Wang Zhao) is also an expert in the mouths of many people. In fact, his own real talents are not much, and it all depends on the experience of playing games in his previous life...

The moisture of his expert is also the boss...

"This way..." It's a pity that it was too late for Abi to understand!Under the blow of the jet flame, Heracross never got up again...

(Did you feel very surprised at the fourth update yesterday?! The author himself felt incredible, well, just got on the wind vane, which is a kind of response! Well! It’s down again today, and the street should be the worst wind vane in history. Fast author! I feel a little uncomfortable, even though I know that some things are not mine! But the author tries to continue to write novels that satisfy everyone, dirty but not pornographic, this is our principle... Keep complaining all the way, no What we can't complain about! There is no one we don't hate! Manual funny faces...).

Chapter 479 Your KFC takeaway family bucket is online

"Sure enough, it is the Vulcan Moth comparable to the legendary Pokémon, and the skills are so mysterious!" Asu took a deep breath and said, at this moment, he can only use himself to comfort himself!He believes that there will be no more than a hundred people in the world who know this skill, and there is no such record in the information about Vulcan Moth!

"Perhaps!" Hui Ye smiled faintly, and then Abi released his last Pokémon, a level 56 armor, and was finally taken away by the Fire God Moth with a fire dance and a big character explosion. , there is almost no suspense!

As Kaguya had imagined before, as long as he is serious, these pretty good gym trainers are not his opponents at all!In the face of absolute strength, all command and tactics are floating clouds, not to mention that Kaguya's own combat command ability is not inferior to Abi, and even wins, relying on a Vulcan moth to swept is inevitable. !

"You really are amazing! Dr. Hui Ye! This is my insect badge!" Bi handed over a badge to Hui Ye, and he is truly envious of Vulcan Moth!

407 "Thank you!" Kaguya nodded, and then the system's prompt came into his mind: "Congratulations to the host for getting the insect badge, and a chance to get a high-level lucky draw!"

Sure enough, it's a chance for a premium lottery! ?Hui Ye is secretly happy in his heart, if every gym in Chengdu area is like this, then he will really make a lot of money!

It's like a lottery map!

"Then Xiaozhi, let's go first, we will meet again when we have a chance!" Hui Ye waved at Xiaozhi and said goodbye.

"Kaguya, don't you watch my battle!?" Xiaozhi asked with some discomfort in his heart, this guy seems to be really out of touch!

Hui Ye chuckled: "No, we have to separate after that, it's not very convenient to travel together!" Hui Ye pointedly looked at his harem group, he would never allow men to join in his team come in!

Sometimes when they are in the wild, the girls also need to go to the bathroom and take a bath. How inconvenient to have other men!I also sleep in a tent at night, just have him!As for other men, go as far as you want!

"Isn't it bad to travel together!?!" Xiaozhi looked at Kaguya tangled, in his opinion a group of good friends traveling together, this is very good! !

"Crack!" Xiaoxia slapped him on the back of the head with a slap: "There are so many girls out there, why are you joining in the fun?!"

Xiaogang also looked at Hui Ye with envious eyes, this guy's female relationship is really good!

Whether it is Xiaolan, Lilin, or Yayi and Touzi, they are all stunning in the world, and even more so with the very cold-looking Arturia, where did Kaguya find so many beautiful girls! ?

He must have saved Arceus in his last life, otherwise how could he have such good luck!

However, he can only be envious!What else can you do! ?It's impossible to kill Kaguya, and then grab his sister! ? !

"That's it, you have quite a few people here!" Xiao Zhi touched the back of his head embarrassedly, he obviously didn't grasp the point of the matter, the point was not the size of the team, but the problem of girls!

Chapter 479 Your KFC takeaway family bucket is online -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"That's it, you have quite a few people here!" Xiao Zhi touched the back of his head embarrassedly, he obviously didn't grasp the point of the matter, the point was not the size of the team, but the problem of girls!

There are really very few "simple" men like Xiao Zhi!The number of female trainers traveling is generally a little less than that of male trainers. Generally, they are also childhood sweethearts or couples traveling together, as well as traveling alone and in groups with girlfriends.

But if a girl often changes male teammates, there is a high possibility that this girl is a bus, and they will have an unclear relationship with teammates for the resources of Pokémon and for the Pokmon with outstanding talents, just like (beef) Datian is like a road full of gunfire, as long as you are willing to carry the girl forward, things that are beneficial to your body and mind can happen! (For a while, poor travel was very popular, saying that it doesn’t cost much to travel somewhere, well, the price paid behind it... You know, if you have a female ticket, if you have traveled poorly, hurry up! Maybe your head It’s almost dyed into a green grassland!)

"Well, then we're leaving!" After that, Hui Ye cast a pointed glance at Xiaoxia and left, not knowing how the relationship between Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi was!You must know that there are many CPs about Xiaozhi in the previous life, Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Serena, there are quite a lot!But it seems that the silly guy doesn't have much feeling for these girls, and I don't know what he thinks... Maybe it's really a simple friendship between children!

Back then, Hui Ye also thought so, thinking that there is a simple friendship between men and women, but only later learned that it was all a lie!There must be at least one of them who likes the other!At least one of them made sacrifices!


"Ding, let's go to the advanced lottery, congratulations to the host for getting KFC's take away family barrel summoning technique!" After leaving the Hinoki Gym, Kaguya conducted the advanced lottery!

Just what does this premium draw mean? !KFC takes out the family barrel summoning technique? !System, why are you kidding me? !

How is this going! ?

It's just that how could Gao Leng's system answer the question of Kaguya, the salted fish host! ?

In desperation, Kaguya had to choose to learn this Deji Take the Family Bucket Summoning Technique, and then his face became weird, this is the magic of turning food!

As long as a certain amount of mana is consumed, Kaguya can conjure up Deji and bring the whole family out of buckets, but is it sure that this was not drawn for Artoria! ?

You know, among all people, it belongs to Arturia's favorite food!Luo Tianyi may also be a foodie, but she is just a robot, so she can only watch and not eat!But Arturia is a real foodie!When she eats, she can't see at all that she could be the legendary King Arthur!

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