"En!" Kaguya nodded, and at the same time threw an exploration technique at Sui Jun, and found that Sui Jun's level had actually increased under the blessing of the dark ball!It's just that this promotion method also has great drawbacks, and its lifespan has been greatly affected!

Although the situation is a little better than the original Ladios, it is not particularly optimistic...

Fortunately, Suijun is a divine beast, and his lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary Pokémon.

The situation of the Bangira like Bijas is not so good!Fighting frantically squeezes its life. After all, it is only a quasi-god, not a real beast, and its lifespan will not be much longer than that of ordinary Pokémon!

Maybe if we continue to fight like this, Bangira will die soon!

This should also be the reason why the dark ball was destroyed in the first place, right? !

This side effect is really too big! .

Chapter 491 I'm afraid I lost my mind

The characteristics of the dark ball destined it to be destroyed, and Kaguya even felt that the destruction of the dark ball, whether it was the alliance or the beast, might be involved!Well, in a very "immortal" language, this kind of dark ball is really "harmful!"

Chaomeng's Chaomeng ball is already a degraded version of this dark ball, and the gap is still obvious!

I don’t know where Bishas got so many dark balls. Maybe Bishas had the intention of treason a long time ago! ?But Sakagi has kept him until now and let him deal with it, as expected of Sakagi!As expected of the first hero in Kaguya's heart!

"However, this is of no use to my Pokmon!" Kaguya snorted coldly, and then shouted at Ladias: "Ladias, use your mind power!" Even "September [-]" is of some use to champion-level Pokémon, but it doesn't have much impact on Ladias today!

"Hmm!" With a red light emitting from Ladias' eyes, the dark balls that attacked them were instantly controlled by Ladias's thought power and scattered out.

"This!?" Seeing that the dark ball seemed to have no effect on Ladias, Bishas was obviously stunned for a moment, knowing that the previous dark ball was inexorable!Not to mention the desert tyrant Bangira, the legendary Suicune was also successfully captured by the dark ball!It seems that the strength of this Ladias is much stronger than he imagined!

"Kaguya, be careful, Sui Jun is under control!" Arturia also said to Kaguya in the sky, not only Sui Jun has a different feeling for her, she also likes water. This kind of divine beast... This has nothing to do with strength, but has a great relationship with character!

"En!" Kaguya nodded, and soon Bangira and Suicune's attacks followed, and Ladias hurriedly avoided them with extreme speed.

"Ritian, Bangira, please!" Kaguya didn't release more Pokémon, the ghost knows how many dark balls Bishas still has, and Tyrannosaurus was also included in the Pokémon balls before. , this time is not the more Pokémon the better!

"Roar!" The fire-breathing dragon wanted to fight for a long time!The strength of this Bangira is not bad, and with the blessing of the dark ball, it is just right to fight!

"Then Suicune, I'm counting on you!" Kaguya patted Ladias on the head and said, even though Suicune got the blessing of the dark ball, Ladias was still in the state of mega evolution, and his strength compared to Suicune is even better!

"Hmm!" Ladias nodded, then put Kaguya on the ground and rushed towards the Suicune who was already controlled by Bishas!

"Kaguya, Celebi has already been caught by him with that special Poké Ball!" Ash and the others also ran over and said to Kaguya.

"Haha! Although that guy Sakagi wanted to harm me, he still created a chance for me to catch Celebi. Now it's too late for you to do anything! As for Sakagi, I'll let him know what the real beast is! "Bishas touched a dark ball in his hand and said wildly.

Obviously, this guy has a kind of self-confidence in Celebi, and even thinks that Celebi's strength is even higher than that of Sakagi's Ochisis!

I have to say that this kind of person who doesn't know much about divine beasts is really sad!

Kaguya also has a lot of divine beasts in his hands, but he still doesn't think he has the ability to fight against the whole world!Even if he has a Reshiram!

Sakagi has a powerful supernatural beast, De Ochissis, but he has been avoiding a head-on collision with the alliance in addition to showing his muscles at the Quartz Conference. This is the correct behavior in Kaguya's view. , in exchange for a certain compromise from the alliance...

Just like the Great Celestial Dynasty in the previous life promised not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, even if they did not use them, others would panic. This is the deterrent effect!

Chapter 491 I'm afraid I lost my mind-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Just like the Great Celestial Dynasty in the previous life promised not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, even if they did not use them, others would panic. This is the deterrent effect!

However, after Bijas captured Celebi, he jumped up and down like a clown jumping up and down, thinking that he could fight against the whole world. In Kaguya's view, this was a brain-dead phenomenon!

Look at yourself, look at Xiaolan, Lilin, and Nazi, who is far away in the Hezhong area, aren't they all trying to make a fortune in silence? !

This is the difference in the layout!

"Damn it, return Celebi quickly!" Xiaozhi yelled at Bixias... …

"Return it?! Hahahaha! Come back! Then I'll give it back to you! Come out! Celebi, let these stupid mortals feel your power!" The dark ball was thrown, and a dark red light flashed, and Celebi appeared in front of several people.

Its originally clear eyes have lost their agility at this moment, and their eyes glanced at everyone absentmindedly.

"Celebi!" Damu Xuecheng couldn't help but exclaimed, and wanted to run towards Celebi, but was quickly pulled by Xiaogang on the side.

Kaguya watched very tangled, it seems that everyone has such a young time!

Even Dr. Ogi was so impulsive when he was young!

Maybe, Dr. Damu would like Xiaozhi so much. Except for some reasons, maybe he is very similar to Xiaozhi and him when he was young, and he saw his shadow back then?

"A stupid human!?" Kaguya's mouth twitched, your sister's!Isn't this what he often despises others' words! ?

"Bi!" Soon Celebi's small hand covered his head, and he let out a painful cry, and then his whole body floated up, and a powerful air flow spurted out from Celebi's side, constantly facing the outside. expand.

The air waves continued to spread to the surroundings, blowing away countless trees and the magical 1.7 baby onlookers. Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

"Hahaha, have you seen it!? This is the real god!" The frenzy in Bishas' eyes was even more intense than before. This was the power he was after, and this was the power of the god of the forest!

"Stop, you will exhaust Celebi's life like this!" Kaguya could clearly feel that Celebi's life was passing madly. It is not a Pokémon that is good at fighting, plus The huge physical strength consumed by traveling through time and space has suffered a lot of injuries. If it continues like this, it will really die!

"Haha, it's a god! You're jealous of me! How could Ladias be the opponent of Celebi!" Bixias's mind was out of order at the moment!Perhaps it is also the ending of being lost by power...

Chapter 492 Oki Xuecheng is stunned!

Hui Ye secretly cursed in his heart: Are you out of your mind! ?I will envy you! ?What kind of international joke?Jealous of how you killed a good Celebi! ?You can't do something so stupid!As a person who does big things, the most taboo thing is to exhaust the water and fish...

"Xiao Lan, I need your help!" Hui Ye shouted to Xiao Lan behind him while resisting the strong wind.

"Bao, okay!" Xiao Lan is indeed a girl who communicates deeply with Hui Ye every night. You know my depth and I know your length. Sometimes Hui Ye gives a random look and she knows that Hui Ye wants to What kind of posture, the girl who wants to come several times, instantly understands what Kaguya means!The tacit understanding between the two sides has become very good under the long-term "cooperation", just like an old couple who have been together for many years!

In fact, this is also easy to understand. Huiye's beast cannot be exposed, and Li Lin is temporarily a hidden boss, so only Xiaolan's flame bird can be revealed. Until the last moment, they will not use all their trump cards. All revealed!

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