"You don't understand, you don't understand anything!" Lila lowered her head, a little lost.


So is this world more important to humans or Pokémon? !Nobody knows!

But in many things, Pokémon is the master of this planet, and humans are more like an outsider!

Even Kaguya is sometimes confused!

Humans are selfish creatures, they always feel that what they do is justified, they have IQ, then Pokémon must be enslaved by humans!

Perhaps if there were no divine beasts, humans would have enslaved the Pokémon on this planet long ago!

Such as eating Pokémon, wearing Pokémon's skin god horse, this will happen!

Not to mention that humans on earth treat animals like this, it has been like this for a long time in the Pokémon world!Only this has only gotten better in the last hundred years! (Accordingly, the picture book of the green onion duck says that it is the best meat... um... actually it is not a black human, it is the truth! The two sides are also different ethnic groups!)

Humans definitely don't want to be enslaved by Pokémon. It's actually best for both parties to maintain the current balance!

It's just that some people are unwilling to be lonely and want to break the balance...


After bidding farewell to Celebi, Kaguya and his group were in a low mood. Huiye always felt that he had done something wrong. Even though Celebi enlightened him in disguise, Kaguya was always reflecting. He seemed to be Really did something wrong!

Chapter 501 The Scary Dr. Oki-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

After bidding farewell to Celebi, Kaguya and his group were in a low mood. Huiye always felt that he had done something wrong. Even though Celebi enlightened him in disguise, Kaguya was always reflecting. He seemed to be Really did something wrong!

Several people quickly entered the range of Manjin City, and soon they also received an unexpected call - Dr. Damu!

"Kaguya! Long time no see!" Dr. Damu looked at his cheap disciple with a smile on his face. Now he must have seen himself forty years ago, right? !

"Yeah, long time no see!" Hui Ye hadn't recovered from the previous Damu Xuecheng for a while, well, it was more comfortable for Dr. Damu to complain when he was young...

"You guys should be coming to Manjin City soon, right? I'm going to visit Manjin City during this time!" Dr. Damu said with a smile.

This is a common thing, after all, doctors in these areas often have to be interviewed or run programs on TV!In this regard, Dr. Damu has held a little more.

Yew sister also has it, but she is only giving some initial Pokémon knowledge explanations!

However, it is invaluable knowledge for many children.

Not everyone has as much valuable information as Kaguya, not even the Pokémon Picture Book!

"Well, yes! I can arrive before night!" Kaguya smiled, he roughly guessed why Dr. Ogi was looking for him, and he swept his gaze to Teddy, who was being held by Arturia.

This guy is no secret at all in front of many people, and the existence of Teddy was exposed not long ago.

There are also many people who want to study this teddy!After all, this is an existence that is even rarer than a divine beast. I have not found Teddy's existence when I searched the data, and it seems to be much weaker than a Pokémon, and its IQ is not good!

"Then I can also arrive today. Remember to take your teddy and let me study it!" Dr. Damu has a strong academic enthusiasm for this, and it harbors that teddy may be the origin of all Pokémon... ...even an existence that predates fantasy!

In this regard, Kaguya can only say, Dr. Damu, when you have misunderstood, this is just a teddy who is in the air every day!To say that it can kill all Pokémon, Kaguya can still accept it!

"That's no problem! Research it as you please!" Hui Ye glanced at Teddy, who was urinating everywhere on the road and left a mark of 1.9, and sold it consciously. If you want to study it, study it!I don't mind if you want to butcher it for dog meat hot pot!

During this period of time, Hui Ye was also a little desperate for Teddy. What else can this guy do besides being cute and airy? !

This is a waste of my own chance to draw a god-level lottery!

Think about what other god-level lottery draws have drawn, Pantao!Recite the Derivative Sutra!

The gap is too big, right? !

"That's so embarrassing!" Dr. Damu smiled, but this time Teddy will definitely endure hardship!At least blood-sucking horses are definitely inevitable!

Thinking about Dr. Oki holding a needle bigger than Teddy's body and trying to draw his blood, it's quite touching to think about it! .

Text Chapter 502 Kamezlei

After entering Manjin City, Hui Ye first went to a high-end hotel here to open a large suite. The price of Pokémon World is not very high. Even in a big city like Manjin City, the price may not be higher than those of small towns. Where to go!

This is a world centered on Pokémon. Compared with larger cities, small towns are more suitable for Pokémon to live in, and humans are more willing to live in nature.

What's more, there are no real estate speculators here, and there is no mother-in-law who wants a house and a car and a high-priced bride price, and there is no such woman who gives her first time to a cheap hotel, but asks her husband to buy a car and buy a house. The price is not high... …

After living in the forest for a while, Kaguya and his party finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the big suite. Their tent was indeed very high-end and comfortable, but it couldn't compare to the big bed here!

Even if they were at Mr. Steel's house some time ago, their rest was not particularly comfortable!

"Then let's go to TV Tower 14 to find Dr. Oki and have a meal!" Kaguya and the others don't need to worry about Dr. Oki's accommodation, and someone from the program team will naturally prepare it for him!

"Well, let's often buy the special delicacies in Manjin City! Last time we didn't taste it properly!" Touzi flipped through his Elf watch and quickly selected a few restaurants with good reputations!

For example, when people choose restaurants, they will choose cheap and delicious ones, which are more cost-effective!And Hui Ye and the others are more about choosing delicious food, as long as it is delicious, as for the money and horses, will they care! ?

Brother, rich!capricious!


At the same time, on Manjin City TV Station, Dr. Damu ended today's program recording, and there was a graceful woman beside her.

"I'm very glad to be able to attend this show with you!" The girl said respectfully to Dr. Damu. Most people in the world still respect Dr. Damu very much!

"Well, I'm going to have dinner with my disciples next, are you interested in coming together!? He's also from your Hezhong area!" Dr. Damu had a kind smile on his face, and he didn't think of another day today. A guest turned out to be the woman in front of him.

He remembered his unfilial grandson, Xiaomao liked this woman, and rewarded him from time to time, and he didn't know how much he spent!

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