Chapter 505 Easy Win!

"Normal mode!?" Xiaoqian gave Hui Ye a deep look, but it made sense. Hui Ye himself was traveling. With his strength, he really didn't need to participate in the Silver Conference to prove anything. Hui Ye is here to challenge the Chengdu Alliance, more likely to want to travel and play! ?If people want to fight, they can go to the King Challenge long ago!

Anyway, I can't beat Kaguya, so it's better to be a smooth human...

"Well, just the normal mode!" Kaguya touched a few Pokémon balls around his waist. If there was a chance, he also wanted to give these Pokémon a chance to fight!As for the level of the lottery chance, Kaguya doesn't have any special expectations now. The better the lottery chance, the higher the chance!Low-level and intermediate-level lottery chances are not necessarily bad. Didn't you see a god-level lottery chance and still draw a teddy? !

Well, it was actually Teddy who made Kaguya slightly uncomfortable. What does this stupid dog want? !Are you cute? ?How about getting a Pikachu!People are known as the cutest yellow fat man!


"Then it's one-on-one, please, big tits!" Xiaoqian took out a Pokémon ball from her waist. She was quite understanding. Usually the battle is 3V3, so she directly changed Into 1V1, so fighting ~ easier.

Looking at the big tits who were less than [-] in the field, Kaguya nodded with satisfaction, this woman is quite good!

"Then I'm counting on you, Kodora!" Kaguya hesitated for a moment, and then released Kodora. This Kodora is the evolution of the Kokodora that Kaguya captured in the Hezhong area at that time. Usually, he seldom participates in battles, instead he gnaws ore and drinks nutrient solution in the small world.

No need to be nutritious, it has evolved into a Kedora not long ago, but the combat experience is still a little less.

"Kedora!? Big tits use scrolling!" Xiaoqian glanced at Kodora, this kind of Pokémon must be relatively rare outside, but it shouldn't be anything here in Kaguya, it may be The weakest Pokémon on Dr. Kaguya's side! ?

Inadvertently, Dora has been labeled Kaguya's weakest Pokémon!

"Stop it!" Kaguya knows how disgusting the rolling of Xiaoqian's big milk is. Through continuous rolling and drinking milk, its battery life is simply like a bug, and the power of rolling will also change with time. It grows stronger and stronger with time!

The person in front of him should be an expert in big tits trainers, and he may also be the best big tit trainer in the Pokémon world...

The tactic of rolling and drinking milk seems to have been invented by this Xiao Qian!

"Coco!" Ke Dora stepped forward, facing the big tits that rolled into a ball, she didn't flinch at all, but pushed it up with her solid little head.

"Boom!" When the spinning big tits met Ke Dora's hard head, the rotation speed was obviously stagnant for a moment!

"Very good, push it up!" The corners of Kaguya's mouth curled up, as long as the rolling tactics couldn't be carried out, then there was nothing scary about this big tits!It can't be snapped anyway!

"Coco!" There was a flash of determination in Ke Dora's eyes. It is not particularly strong here in Kaguya, and even its father is a weak chicken here, but it wants to fight and seize this number of people. Not many chances to fight!Bring out the best in yourself!

"Hmm!" The big tit was so violently pushed by Kedola, it was very uncomfortable, and at a certain angle, it was picked up by Kedola and flew several meters, directly into the sky! (Why did I feel so weird when I wrote this paragraph!? Is the author too filthy? I want to think crookedly and face the wall with me! Uh, it seems that I can’t even face the wall and think about it!)

"Big tits!" Xiao Qian took a deep look at Hui Ye, and secretly said that it was indeed Dr. Hui Ye, who could see her tactical thinking with just one glance, and successfully deciphered her tactics.

Chapter 505 Easy Win! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

"Big tits!" Xiao Qian took a deep look at Hui Ye, and secretly said that it was indeed Dr. Hui Ye, who could see her tactical thinking with just one glance, and successfully deciphered her tactics.

How did she know that Hui Ye was on the hook, Hui Ye knew about Xiao Qian's tactics more than ten years ago... Well, maybe Xiao Qian hadn't been born more than ten years ago!

"Next is the steel tail, kick it out like a ball!" Kaguya cheered at Kodora.

"Coco!" Ke Dora nodded, and when the big tit was barely able to resist in the air, the short and strong tail swept away, and the big tit was swept away again.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Victory is decided!

There is no pressure at all, it is almost like a king-level god playing a bronze game, there is no pressure at all...

"Big tits!" Xiaoqian was speechless when she saw the big tits pouring down on the ground with circles in her eyes. She didn't expect to lose so quickly, and she didn't even give her a chance to drink milk. Could it be fun to play! ? !At the same time, I was deeply impressed by Kaguya's strength.

This man is stronger than he imagined!Maybe if you take out the main force yourself, you may end up like this in the end!

"I'm sorry, this little guy has very little fighting experience!" Hui Ye said apologetically looking at Xiao Qian. Compared with other gym trainers, he obviously felt that Xiao Qian was much better than them!This at least gave him a chance to choose. Others were eager to fight with their strongest strength.


For Ke Dora, he really didn't expect this little guy to have such strength now, he has made rapid progress, and his nutrition is very good...

"It's okay! Your Cordola is developing very well!" Xiao Qian grinned, but she was MMP in her heart. This win is too neat, right? !I really have no face like this, okay? !

"Thank you!" Hui Ye touched Ke Dora's head, this little guy is really growing fast, it seems that it's time to come out and fight more!

"This is a standard badge!" Xiao Qian took out a badge from the small bag on her chest and handed it to Kaguya.

"Thank you!" When Hui Ye took over the badge, the prompt sound of the system also appeared in Hui Ye's ear: "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the standard badge and getting a chance to win the intermediate lottery!"

Seeing that it was an intermediate-level lottery, Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief. Although he chose the normal mode because of his anger, he was also afraid of the chance of a low-level lottery, which was too weak...

"The owner of Xiaoqian, I don't know if there are any big milks suitable for milk production in your ranch. I want to buy a few!" Hui Ye then said to Xiaoqian.

(Excessive plot, there is an original big plot below!).

Text Chapter 506 The tacit understanding with Sakagi

"Ah!? Do you want to buy big tits!?" Xiao Qian looked at Kaguya and nodded: "As you are, you can indeed buy big tits! But our ranch will only sell newborn babies. Milk feed, they'll be producing milk in about a month or two!"

Adult big tits will naturally not buy and sell, which involves buying and selling Pokémon!Except that the official alliance can do this, everything else is illegal...

And not everyone can buy it. At least if the identity is a good citizen of the eight generations, Kaguya will naturally have no problem. The one who helped him register his identity is Dr. Zishan... To a certain extent, he is still the adopted son of Dr. Zishan!At least he became a son-in-law in front of him!

"Can I only buy juvenile big milk for irrigation!? That's no problem!" The animal milk in Hui Ye's small world has already been drunk "four seven three", no matter how much water is added, Hui Ye is not a slut This committee knows how to make friends out of nothing... (everyday black people...)

As long as the level of the big milk pump is raised, the quality of the milk will naturally improve, although it is destined to not be compared with animal milk, after all, it is specially provided by Huangtian Emperor, unless Hui Ye can improve the level of a big milk pump At the level of divine beasts, there may still be a chance... but is this possible? !

"Then come with me!" With a smile on Xiaoqian's face, she took a few people to her family's ranch. She had already forgotten the previous unhappiness. The price of big breasts is not cheap, and there are so many Big tits fill the cubs, and it is expensive to raise them!Now that there are buyers, she is naturally happy.

The Big Milk Farm is on the outskirts of Manjin City. Even if the housing prices here are not very high, it is impossible for things like pastures to open in the urban area. There is really nowhere to spend the money!

"This is the Big Tits Ranch. Almost all the milk in the Chengdu area comes from here!" Xiaoqian proudly introduced to Hui Ye and others. In fact, the main reason why she became a gym trainer Or because of this ranch, the family's great business also needs an official identity to protect...

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