However, he was more regretful in his heart, why couldn't he express his stance earlier? !

It seems that he is still too young, or that he is too inflated during this time!

It's even more drifting than nagging the author!

(This matter is not over yet...Well, there will be a big plot after that, which is related to many mythical beasts! Mina-jun is just an introduction!).

Text Chapter 514 Kicking the Pavilion

Xiaosong is indeed drifting away. Ever since he became the spokesperson of the Lingling Tower in the outside world, he has instantly become a winner in life. Not only has he become the number one task that Yuanzhu City said, he has also become the gymnasium of Yuanzhu City. Trainer, successfully blinded his eyes!

If it weren't for the previous blow, Komatsu wouldn't even realize that he was floating!

However, is it too late now? ?If it doesn't work, he has really become the eternal sinner of the Bell Tower!

At this moment, Komatsu has already held a grudge against Minajun, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't be so embarrassed!The boat of friendship is overturned as soon as it is overturned. If it wasn't for Mina-kun, he wouldn't be like this! ?

"Haha, just be happy!" Komatsu smiled awkwardly. As for who will fight Kaguya after that, this is something that needs to be considered!

The trainers of the three holy beasts do exist, and they once wanted to find the help of these trainers. However, the trainers agreed, but Emperor Yan and Emperor Lei did not. The beasts are arrogant, even if they become trainers The Pokémon, they still have a high degree of autonomy, and they sometimes won't agree to the trainer's request.

At some point, the divine beast is the uncle... When the trainer disappoints his divine beast, they will also leave!

However, the matter of Suicune 453 is different, Mina-kun wants to snatch Suicune, it is difficult to clear up this matter!Suicune alone has a bad sense of their Bell Tower, right? !


In the residence, Yuxu left after introducing his five sisters.

Kaguya and the others sat around, discussing what happened today.

"I didn't expect that Komatsu would turn against the water in the end!" Yayi was quite curious about this, and she was still on the same page before.

"That should be because of Suijun! After all, Kaguya has given this matter a certainty before, Suijun is the messenger of Ho-wang!" Li Lin took a deep look at the Pokémon of Suijun on Arturia's waist Ball, this is a divine beast with a backer behind it!

"Maybe it is! But his reaction is really slow!" Hui Ye smiled faintly. In fact, when he was in the situation, he had roughly understood it!It's just that he is also sighing that this successor of the Bell Tower is really useless!

"Then are you going to challenge the Bell Tower tomorrow!?" Xiaolan looked at Kaguya curiously and asked, but she was curious about what choice Kaguya would make in the future. (beeh)

"How about going?! What if you don't go?!" Hui Ye looked at Xiao Lan with a half-smile.

"If you go, face them together!" Xiao Lan looked at Kaguya speechlessly. She knew that this guy was actually like a girl in some respects and liked to hear nice words, well, that is, sweet words.

However, Kaguya seldom spoke sweet words to them, neither she nor Yew sister, nor Li Linnazi, had heard Kaguya say a few words of love!It's just that Kaguya always asks them to tell him!

This is simply a bitch!

However, Xiao Lan can only follow Hui Ye's wishes at the moment, this is also a little secret that no one knows except them!

Hearing Xiao Lan's words, a satisfied smile appeared on Hui Ye's face. He himself didn't know why he became like this. He is a straight man, and his three views are quite positive, but he still likes to do it. Sometimes Kaguya also wants to correct it, which is more and more imaginable from the hypocritical slut he despised before!It's just that he still can't resist this feeling, no wonder those ancient emperors like to hear all kinds of good things!

Fortunately, Hui Ye only likes to listen to his own woman's words, otherwise, he will eat jujube pills with his willpower!

Chapter 514 Kicking the Pavilion-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Fortunately, Hui Ye only likes to listen to his own woman's words, otherwise, he will eat jujube pills with his willpower!


After lunch the next day, Hui Ye took a group of Yingying Yanyan to Yuanzhu City Gym. Not only Hui Ye's girls came, but also the five sisters of Ibrahimovic.

In this matter, they stood firmly on Kaguya's side. Even though they were only girls, their positions were clear and firm.This moved Kaguya somewhat, even if it was only for Lugia's sake!

This is already very rare, after all, they are just girls... It's not that Kaguya looks down on the girls, but at some point, the girls will hesitate... After all, Kaguya is not their man...

Maybe it's Kaguya's relationship, but the atmosphere of the Yuanzhu Taoist Hall today is extraordinarily solemn!

Komatsu was also waiting at the gate of the gym early. For him, and even for the entire Bell Tower, the next thing is very important, and there is no room for sloppy!

"Dr. Hui Ye, you're here!" Komatsu first said hello to Hui Ye, his attitude was much better than yesterday, but he remained neither humble nor arrogant, and then looked at the five Ibrahimovic sisters if they pointed at them. Things are really not easy to solve!

"Well, I'm here to challenge the gym, you can also think that I'm here to kick the gym!" Kaguya nodded noncommittally. In fact, if Komatsu hadn't acted against the water in the previous situation, Kaguya might have directly Smash in!

In the eyes of many people, gyms are sacred and inviolable. At some point, gym trainers are even more powerful than the mayor, but they are not forbidding provocation. Kaguya can guarantee that even if he beats Komatsu , Humanity is destroyed, and I am just being looked after!

Not to mention that only one gym is destroyed, and the most money is lost... Plus the reason of yesterday, Hui Ye may not even need to pay any money, they are victims!Stand in a vulnerable position.

Just like how a pedestrian violates the traffic rules and the car hits you, the responsibility is also on the car.

The battery car rammed the road and hit the car. Sorry, the responsibility is still your car.

No way, who made your car have insurance!

You deserve your bad luck!

Even if someone bumps into you, you will be responsible for their injuries and for lost time and trouble!You can go touch porcelain!

The electric car is the real uncle, what is the horse that crosses the road? !Ride however you want!Dissatisfied? !Ride side by side and see how dare you drive!

Hui Ye is now like an old man who rides an electric car. He is arrogant and domineering. If you have the ability, come and hit me!Whoever hits who is unlucky!

"Today, are you my opponent, or are you fighting the younger one and the old one?!" Hui Ye had already confronted Komatsu yesterday, and this guy is not his opponent at all... He doesn't know who will come this time!

Played the small to the old! ?The corners of Komatsu's mouth twitched, this Dr. Kaguya's mouth is full of strength!

"I'm still here to be your opponent this time, but in order to show the strength of our Bell Tower, the Pokémon is not mine!" Xiao Song took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions and said...

Text Chapter 515 Super Geng Ghost

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