Kaguya also knows that the fire one hundred and fifty years ago was not accidental, but someone was thinking about Lugia... There are always people who are so greedy...

"Yes, but the situation seems to be a bit similar. After all, one hundred and fifty years ago, our ancestors also left because of certain things!" Yuxu did not hide too much from Hui Ye, she even suspected that Hui Ye would It is the messenger of the sea god from Asia Island!

"En!? Is that so?! Then let's go out and have a look!" Hui Ye was also interested at the moment, he believed it should be a coincidence, living a hundred and fifty years, what a joke!

However, it seems that there is such a possibility in theory, if the other party can get the sacred fire!That's really possible!

According to legend, the sacred fire can burn everything, but it can also bring life to all things. After all, King Ho is the god of life...

"Then let's go and have a look too! But can you tell me the truth about [-] years ago on the way!?" Kaguya is also interested in what happened [-] years ago, not only women gossip, but also men occasionally will be so.

This time, Yuxu showed embarrassment: "About the fire, in fact, we have not investigated the truth, at least there is no record in the family, only know that the fire was man-made, and this forced the God of the Sea away! And the sea god at that time seemed to have a trace of anomaly!"

"Abnormal!?" Kaguya nodded thoughtfully, this is a breakthrough, but unfortunately Lugia doesn't have a mobile phone, otherwise you can ask yourself, it would be too wasteful to use that bell, Kaguya arrives I don't want to expose it yet!

"Let's go and have a look first! No matter what your relationship is with the people at Lingling Tower, the fire will still be extinguished! After all, this is about Ho-wang!" Li Lin gave Kaguya a weak look!

The man in my family has been slapped in the face!Not long ago, he said that the goddess of luck was standing by him, and now he looks like a disaster! .

Chapter 520 Gentle Water Arrow Turtle

I am afraid that after this incident spreads, Kaguya will become the most unpopular character in the Alliance, um, a downright catastrophe!

However, Hui Ye is not in the mood to think about this at the moment, his mind has already been attracted by the secrets of that one hundred and fifty years ago!Who else would have the courage to provoke King Ho! ?

You must know that Feng Wang is not comparable to ordinary beasts!

Generally speaking, Phoenix King is definitely the divine beast that human beings most want to subdue, because it is the god of life, as long as you subdue it, you can gain eternal life.Although no one has succeeded, most people think so!

Humanity is always greedy!

Kaguya is very suspicious, this time even Ho-wang may be brought out!

When a few people ran outside the gym, the bell tower, which was originally tens of meters high, was already submerged by the raging fire, even if it was a distance away from the bell tower, Kaguya could still feel the nostrils coming. heat wave.

"Boom!" The Pokémon Ball of Suicune in Artoria's arms automatically opened again!It should be said that it was opened by Suizun himself!Many Pokémon can freely enter and exit the Pokémon Ball, especially the beasts. In fact, the Pokémon Ball has almost no restraints on them, and they can come out when they want to come out!

It called out to Artoria, then jumped and ran towards the Bell Tower.

"Let's help too, shall we?" Arturia set her sights on Kaguya, she hoped for Kaguya's help!

"No problem!" Kaguya nodded and ran quickly towards the Bell Tower with a few people.

Yuan Zhushi said it wasn't too big, and when Hui Ye arrived, even Tiao Zi had already rushed to the scene to put out the fire.

"No, this fire is really too big! Everyone has water-type Pokémon, come and help!" The fire in the Bell Tower was really demonic. Even with the help of Suijun, the fire still didn't look like it was going out, even big There is a tendency that the bell tower will not be extinguished until the bell tower is completely burned down!

The staff of the Bell Tower on the side have also sent their own water-type Pokémon, but with little success, their main Pokémon is still the ghost-type...

They looked anxiously, worriedly, and absently at the bell tower that was burned by the fire. At this moment, they even felt that their beliefs were collapsing!

The people of the Seagod family knew where Lugia went after Lugia left!

However, the people at the Bell Tower had nothing but the Ring Tower. Ho-oh really disappeared and never came back since one hundred and fifty years ago.What are you going to do today? !

"Let's help too!" Ya Yi and Tou Zi looked at each other and released the little saw crocodile they had just obtained, but this time it seemed that they didn't need their help!

"I'll do it! Come on the water arrow turtle!" After saying that, Kaguya released his water arrow turtle that looked like a hill!

"Kamei!" The water arrow turtle stared at the Bell Tower with a solemn look, it obviously knew what it was!It did not expect that someone would dare to provoke King Ho!This is also destroying the current system!

But the most important thing now is to put out this flame!

Just when the water arrow turtle was about to use a large-scale water cannon, Kaguya said: "Water arrow turtle, don't use the water cannon, this is firefighting, not destroying the Bell Tower! Just use a gentle water gun!"

Chapter 520 The Gentle Water Arrow Turtle -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Just when the water arrow turtle was about to use a large-scale water cannon, Kaguya said: "Water arrow turtle, don't use the water cannon, this is firefighting, not destroying the Bell Tower! Just use a gentle water gun!"

Hui Ye was a little helpless, but his own water arrow turtle has a height of tens of meters, and it is also the largest water arrow turtle in the world!If it uses water cannons, hehe, it is really demolition!

Although Kaguya hates the people of Lingling Tower, she will not destroy the Lingling Tower!

You must know that the water gun used by the water arrow turtle is much more powerful than the water cannon of most Pokémon!

"Carmen!" The old voice of the water arrow turtle responded to Kaguya, and it was still a little cold in its shell. It almost made a big mistake. If it really used the water cannon, it would really be possible to destroy the bell tower. Destroyed!

This consequence is not something it can bear!

The water arrow turtle "gently" used the water gun, which does not seem to be very powerful, but its water volume is large and long-lasting, and the fire has gradually been controlled!

Seeing that the fire was gradually brought under control with the help of the water arrow turtle, the people of the Bell Tower looked at Kaguya with complicated expressions, and they didn't know how to face Kaguya for a while!

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Miss Junsha, has the cause of the fire been investigated!?" Hui Ye came to Miss Junsha, and no one suspected that it was an accident.

"Uh, I don't know yet! And we didn't set up surveillance probes near the Bell Tower!" Miss Junsha replied with some embarrassment.

Due to the special relationship of the bell tower, there are no cameras here. After all, people are powerful, even Miss Junsha is not easy to offend here. Almost all big families and big financial groups have great power, and the alliance treats them with great power. The constraints are also very small, after all, the alliance itself exists for them!

"En!" Hui Ye nodded thoughtfully, the security of the Pokémon world is indeed not very good, this is much better!

Only those you don't want to investigate, as long as you want to investigate things, check them out!

Don't look at many urban novels, there are always people who want to kill people, just kidding, it's just a novel!My Great Heavenly Dynasty claims to be one of the safest countries is not bragging!Surveillance is everywhere and security is everywhere, and dangerous items cannot be taken on public transportation at all!At some critical moments, even buying a kitchen knife has to be reported!

Those killers were probably caught before they got to the target!

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