"No problem!" In fact, Minajun's position has been monitored by Luo Tianyi all the time, and he can't escape at all!

Chapter 524 The Importance of Bells-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"No problem!" In fact, Minajun's position has been monitored by Luo Tianyi all the time, and he can't escape at all!

"Suijun, let's go together!" Arturia hesitated for a moment and said to Suijun, the only thing she worried about was that the Three Holy Beasts would compromise!

I don't know what the transparent bell actually does!I hope it's not as important as you think!

"Hmm!" Sui Jun nodded and motioned for Arturia to ride up. After all, she is a human being recognized by herself, so she can naturally ride on her own to run. As for Kaguya's, it's a joke, I didn't get it. The humans it admits can't ride it!


"Shuijun, the person over there received the message, the person who took the bell asked you to be his Pokémon, and he was willing to return the bell!" Luo Tianyi also quickly passed the message to Hui Ye, There are almost no secrets between them, and when Kaguya knew this information, it was a pain in the ass!

He even suspected that the main purpose of that Mina-Jun was only SuiJun, as for the other Thunder Emperor and Yan Emperor, it was just incidental!

"Roar (wishful thinking!)" Sui Jun roared angrily, don't these damn humans know how much trouble they have caused! ?

Kaguya was silent for a while before she said, "Can you tell me what that bell is!? Why do you seem to be so anxious about it?! Of course, if you can't say it, forget it!"

Curiosity killed the cat. Kaguya is in such a situation now. He is really curious.

Sui Jun pondered for a while, this kind of thing belongs to the kind of thing that can be said or not. There are people who know about it, but not many people, so Kaguya can tell it! ?

It didn't know, but thinking that it might still need Kaguya's help, it finally chose to say: "Hohohoho (that bell is a token of Lord Hoo, who left, but it was also given to human beings) Opportunity for correction! It allows us to wander around, looking for suitable candidates, and when human beings are truly worthy of trust, then the pure-hearted person will shake the bell and summon the arrival of Ho-no-sama!)”

Hearing Sui Jun's explanation, Kaguya's mouth twitched. Does this mean that in the future, Ash will be the man who summoned Ho-oh! ?

Damn, this guy Xiaozhi is also open! ?

Kaguya suddenly thought that she might want to make a revolution in the future. Is it necessary to reach a consensus with Xiao Zhi first? !Otherwise, what if he summons a Ho-oh to oppose him at that time? !

Maybe at that time, Kaguya doesn't need to be afraid of King Ho, but it's still a hassle!

However, who is Ash! ?Who is his father? !What's so special about him? !This is something Kaguya has been investigating!

"So all of you are protecting Xiaozhi!? Do you think he is the one who can shake the bell?!?" Kaguya looked at Suicune tangled, do you want to kill Xiaozhi yourself first? !Think about it or forget it, the relationship between the two parties is good, and they are also friends. It is impossible to want to kill each other just because of a little thought! ? .

Chapter 525 The murderer is Mina Jun

The most important thing is that Kaguya doesn't guarantee whether he can kill Xiaozhi. After all, Xiaozhi is also a guy who is open and can renew indefinitely. At the beginning, Dream and Chaomeng didn't kill Xiaozhi. The average person is really good. It's hard to get rid of Ash's!Destiny is added!

"Hoo (it doesn't have to be him, he is just a trainer with the purest mind that Ho-sama sees, and can be used as an envoy of Ho-sama, but he doesn't seem to be mature enough!)" Sui Jun explained to Kaguya. for a while.

Xiaozhi often puts himself in danger, even with the care of Lord Hoo, it is not always effective. Hoo is not his nanny, and solves problems for him every time!That turkey wouldn't do such a thing!

"The purest?!" Kaguya's mouth twitched, but thinking about it carefully, Xiaozhi might really be the most innocent person in the Pokémon world, after all, he is the protagonist!Animations must always show the peaceful coexistence of human beings and Pokémon. It is impossible for a dark and evil protagonist to appear! Otherwise, this kind of animation will not be able to enter the Great Heavenly Dynasty at all. A certain electricity bureau will block your rhythm in minutes!As for the bloody scenes, there must be no such scenes, after all, Guoman is Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf!That's the standard!

"Perhaps! But will Ho-oh appear this time?!" Kaguya wondered whether Ho-oh would be blown out because of this incident, even though in the ordinary animation version, Ho-oh only had one at the beginning. Forced, and then left brother is not in the world, but the world still retains the mysterious image of brother legend, the other Phoenix King really did not appear~!

"Hey (if you don't get the bell back quickly, the angry Lord Fengwang will come back and break all the current rules!)" Shui-jun reminded Hui Ye.

Breaking the current rules, Kaguya has some bad premonitions in her heart. At the beginning of the harmonious coexistence of Pokémon and human beings, Feng Wang made a lot of effort, even the establishment of the alliance. Treaty, the whole world will be in chaos! ?

At the beginning, Ho-oh's character was still very good. As the god of life, he saw that the whole world was in dire straits. Not only did humans and Pokémon hurt each other, but he was committed to promoting the harmonious development of both sides.

Kaguya is always complaining about how bad the current situation is, saying that it is unfair, that is because he has not seen what it was like thousands of years ago!

Knowing that King Ho might break the current rules, Kaguya is not happy at all, even if this matter seems to be of great benefit, after all King Ho is also one of the backstages of the alliance.

However, this is not what Kaguya wants to see!

Perhaps, he is not a real hero!

"Let's go quickly! After this incident, I need you to do me a favor, can you?! My Ladios was killed by bad guys before, and its vitality is declining every day, and only Fengwang can do it." Healed! Of course, if Ho-oh refuses to treat him, I will still help!" Kaguya hesitated for a moment and said to Suicune, it seems that Ho-oh is the only one who can save Ladios in this world!

His relationship with Ladios is not very good, but he is very good with Ladias, he can't bear to see Ladias sad...

"Roar (yes!)" Sui Jun agreed immediately. To be honest, they liked Kaguya's attitude more and asked for it in person, otherwise they would be disgusted afterwards. This guy Kaguya is not a gentleman, nor is he a gentleman. villain!

Still getting along well!

What's more, the one to be treated is Ladios, which is also a kind of divine beast and has preferential treatment. I believe that Ho-wang will also help!For the God of Life, this is an innocuous thing in itself!


"It's here!" Arturia took the three holy beasts a step ahead. As for the people of the Bell Tower, it's up to them whether they can keep up!

This is a house with a very strong Japanese style. If he didn't know the reason, Arturia would never have imagined that these rich people would do such a thing!

Maybe it's because you have money to do this kind of thing!Humans will never be satisfied with the status quo!

Chapter 525 The murderer is Minajun-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Maybe it's because you have money to do this kind of thing!Humans will never be satisfied with the status quo!

"Roar!" The three holy beasts glanced at each other and rushed in with Artoria.


When the three holy beasts brought Arturia to the door, Mina-kun, the initiator of everything, was holding him and scolding Fang Qiu on a certain tender model!

· · · Flowers · ·

This is the girl that Komatsu prepared for him before, and even this house was prepared by Komatsu!

Even though it was very unpleasant with Komatsu before, Minajun still stayed, and Komatsu still sent him a girl that night.

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