How did he live until now? !

You must know that Kaguya has been fighting against the people of the evil organization!

"In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds!" Hui Ye said lightly, it seems that this is the first time he has said such words in this world!

This may also be because he has confidence in his own strength now that he will say it!With the strength, the waist is also hardened! .

Text Chapter 579 Green Gem

"I don't agree with this sentence. The battle is not only about strength, but also tactics!" Dawu quickly retorted. He is a master of tactics. Every time he fights, he will fully study the opponent and set up a set of restraint for the opponent. , which also makes Dawu unfavorable in the King Challenge!

"That is, the strength has not yet reached the point where it can crush everything! If you and Lugia are to fight, even if you have the best tactics, it is useless!" Hui Ye curled his lips in disdain. The tactics are indeed very useful. , Good tactics will also make people shriveled, at least he has been repaired by Xirona, and because of tactical mistakes, his Pokémon can't show its full strength.

However, now he is really not afraid of all kinds of targeting!At least in terms of tactics, Kaguya will not be too afraid of these tactical masters, he will suffer a lot, and he also has experience!

Dawu opened his mouth when he heard Hui Ye's words, and wanted to say something to refute, but when he thought of those beasts that could destroy the world, he was instantly discouraged. In front of him, it is indeed not-enough to see!

As Kaguya said, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds!

But, this requirement is too high!

Ordinary people simply cannot achieve the so-called absolute strength!

Daigo glanced at Kaguya again, maybe he could do what he said!Kaguya's potential is so great!Even Daigo himself doesn't know how high Kaguya's upper limit is!

Even Rudias, in Kaguya's hands, has grown rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Perhaps, the future Kaguya can really say such words!

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds!How arrogant!

It's a pity that no divine beast recognizes him... Maybe this is also the confidence of divine beast trainers, but why are those divine beast trainers different from Kaguya! ?


When Kaguya took Dago to the next room, the situation here changed!

It looked like it was originally a workroom, but now there is no one here, even the desks and chairs are very scattered, and the computer screen shows the image of the room where it was before.

"They've already left?!" Hui Ye asked Luo Tianyi tangled, if the other party just ran away, wouldn't everything he's done be done in vain? !

"No, it looks like they have some misunderstanding and are fighting infighting!" Luo Tianyi on the other end of the phone also had a tangled expression on her face. She still can't figure out how things would turn out like this, and she actually fought infightingly. Woke up!Could it be that under the influence of Kaguya's halo, this has become so magical? !

"Infighting?!" Hui Ye's mouth twitched, what was going on?How can a good opponent get into a fight?Is there any fraud in this? !

"Well, now they are fighting for a green gem, it seems that there is something special, you can try to grab it!" Luo Tianyi suggested to Hui Ye.

"Green gemstone?!" Kaguya gasped, this couldn't be about the emerald gemstone of Rikakuza! ?And the target they want to deal with is the Rift Seat!

Knowing this news, Hui Ye had to sigh that these people were really crazy, and even hit the big body of the split empty seat!The last time Kaguya had seen the finishing touch of Kaikongza with his own eyes, this was also the most destructive skill Kaguya had ever seen, and it kept him fresh in his memory!

Perhaps after the evolution of mega, the power of using the finishing touch is already comparable to the level of the god of creation...

Even if the current Kaguya asks him to provoke Kaikongza, Kaguya doesn't have much confidence!

Chapter 579 Green Gem -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Even if the current Kaguya asks him to provoke Kaikongza, Kaguya doesn't have much confidence!

What's more, the Rift Seat is the patron saint who protects the entire Pokémon planet. Without them protecting this planet in outer space, I am afraid that human beings and Pokémon will not be able to live so comfortably!They have been silently guarding the planet!

"What's wrong?!" Dawu looked at Hui Ye curiously. He felt that Hui Ye was very mysterious. He seemed to know a little bit about everything. Many secrets that ordinary people couldn't know, Hui Ye could know a little bit.

This makes Dawu, who is keen on digging, excited. If he knows so many things, then he can dig things more happily!

· · · Flowers · · ·

He had a goal since he was a child, that is to dig all kinds of ruins related to divine beasts...

"This matter is indeed quite serious, and it has to do with Crackling Seat!" Kaguya's face is also very serious, it is hard to imagine that if Crackling Seat really comes and is provoked by humans, it may really be the finishing touch. It sank the entire Azure City!

"Korakuza!" Daigo couldn't help but exclaimed. Although there are legends of Kakuza all over the world, it is even more famous in the Hoenn area!

Once in the war between Kyogre and Guraton, it was the appearance of Riftza that prevented the war, otherwise it would be a question whether there would be a Hoenn area!

Therefore, the people in the Hoenn area still have a different kind of emotion towards Kaizakuza!


Daigo is no exception!

"Let's go! Go and see, this can't be taken away by them!" Hui Ye was thinking about what to do with this emerald!If you keep it around, it will definitely be a ticking time bomb!There will be a steady stream of trouble finding your own head!

This emerald is definitely not able to control the cracking seat, if a first-level god is so easy to control, then it is not a first-level god!

Those who try to use gems to control divine beasts may end up not even knowing how they died!

It is not that people use gems to control divine beasts, but they are controlled by gems!

It's just that this emerald is indeed related to the cracked empty seat. If it is handed over to others, Kaguya will not worry!to the league? !Just kidding, Kaguya is most vigilant right now is the Alliance!

Kaguya will never do anything about the cheap alliance, and those lousy old men of the alliance have done their best!

Kaguya never believed that their integrity was much more than those evil organizations!Maybe even more!

This time even Dawu is not calm anymore, if it is really something related to Likongzuo, then they really can't let them take it away!But, how did Kaguya know? !

He suddenly remembered the existence of Luo Tianyi. It seems that this guy has always controlled everything in his own hands! The situation of Hunter J before was probably caused by Hui Ye! ?

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