"If that's the case, I don't mind ending the trip and becoming a hunter of Pokémon hunters, specializing in dealing with Pokémon hunters as my responsibility, but I want to see if you are ruthless or I am ruthless, by the way! Before the Quartz Conference, I I've already killed a lot of Pokémon hunters!" Kaguya said in a cold tone.

He really doesn't want emeralds very much, this thing is completely tasteless, it's a pity to eat it, but it doesn't mean that he will be threatened!

If I can’t beat Lao Tzu and don’t travel, I will destroy you first!

Hunter J was obviously stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that Kaguya's reaction would be so intense under her own sense of reason and emotion!This is not scientific!Doesn't he know how terrifying the Pokémon Hunter Organization is! ?Do you think that if you kill a few minions, you will be invincible? !

Hunter J was puzzled, but he also knew that it seemed impossible to unite with Kaguya!But there is Dawu beside him! ?She believes that Dawu's "big picture" should be much more important than Kaguya's!

"Then what about you?! Do you think so too!?" Hunter J turned to Dawu and asked.

Dawu first glanced at Hui Ye and then nodded: "If Hui Ye decides this way, I'll be the same as him!" Although he also felt that Hui Ye was a little irrational, he would threaten him if he was threatened. Anyway, he would not lose a piece of meat. He was often told by the league in similar words, telling him what to do and what not to do, and I didn't see how he was doing!

At most, he is no longer the champion of the Hoenn region!

He is not rare!

As long as you put your hand into the Devon company!It's just that the league seems to have made some progress recently!

Those goddamn bastards!

Dawu chose to advance and retreat with Hui Ye, which is also his behavior of being optimistic about Hui Ye. Even though Hui Ye and the others are not well-known, they are actually hidden!Dawu believes this, otherwise how would Kaguya dare to declare war with the Pokémon Hunter Organization? !He didn't know that the so-called alchemy heart was really nobody...

"You!" Hunter J was hurt by Dawu's tone of voice, why do these guys toast and not eat fine wine? !Could it be that he was really looked down upon by others? !Do you really think her Hunter J is a soft persimmon? ?

Chapter 581 Threat? !Hunter of Pokémon Hunter -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"You!" Hunter J was hurt by Dawu's tone of voice, why do these guys toast and not eat fine wine? !Could it be that he was really looked down upon by others? !Do you really think her Hunter J is a soft persimmon? ?

However, she doesn't have time to deal with Kaguya and the others now. She needs to take the emerald away. This is something of the organization. If it is lost in her hands, then she will be to blame!

It's all these damn Rockets!

Hunter J glared at Dr. Nanbo and Apollo viciously. If it weren't for these two rebellious boys, relying on the facilities in the base, it would be very easy for them to deal with Kaguya and the others!It turned out to be like this!

Just damn it!

Apollo was gloating after seeing Kaguya's "death" getting into the Pokémon Hunter Organization. They didn't know why Hunter J treated them like this, but seeing that Kaguya was not good, he was relieved!

He didn't feel at all that with Kaguya's strength, he could live a good life under the wanted of the Pokémon Hunters Organization.

"Hand over the emerald, or you will die!" Kaguya planned to kill Hunter J first. With a Pokémon hunter, it is absolutely impossible to do this!

Wanting to rely on a Pokémon hunter to capture those first-level gods is just a dream!Even if Hunter J has a very high reputation in the field of Pokémon hunters, no matter how arrogant she is, she can't provoke Rikuza alone!

Then it can only be the organization behind her, or other forces hired her!

However, no matter who it is, Kaguya intends to excavate him. It is too scary for such a person to hide in Anbu!

And the other party can poison the sea, God knows what 620 will do to such a crazy person in the future!

"Doctor, how about we give up?!" Apollo gave Kaguya a gloomy look. According to his calculation, let Kaguya and Hunter J dog bite the dog. Although emeralds are important, they are not as good as Kaguya Bad luck matters!

As long as Kaguya and the Pokémon Hunter Organization fight each other, his good days will come to an end!

Dr. Nanbo glanced at Kaguya, Dago, and Hunter J. He still doesn't understand why Hunter J fired a water gun from his galaxy bomb, and why Hunter J directly chose to attack them after returning!

However, it does seem that it is better to leave now!Regarding Hui Ye's strength, he had learned a lot from the last time he was in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley. They are definitely not Hui Ye's opponents without all preparations. Although they are a little unwilling, there is no way!Had to withdraw!

(Hey, I miraculously ranked first in the morning. Although it fell off quickly, I have to say that it is all thanks to the support of readers! We will continue to work hard in the new month! Unwavering policies! Try to write innovative novels! Novels that make everyone happy!

Then the beginning of the month is also time to ask for a wave of monthly tickets!I, Pugai, ask for a monthly pass! ).

Text Chapter 582 Mutation

With Dr. Nanbo's acquiescence, Apollo breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Dr. Nanbo would choose to stay and fight Kaguya and the others. That was the stupidest choice!

"Sorry, you can't escape this time!" Kaguya would not give them a chance to escape, and directly attacked them with a hand cannon. Even if they died hundreds of times, it would not be a pity to die, not to mention Kaguya also felt that they Maybe I don't know as much as Hunter J!

When the hand cannon was about to attack Dr. Nanbo, a small energy barrier appeared in front of him at the right time, blocking this attack for him.

"A protective barrier that can be carried with you?! This is interesting!" Kaguya glanced at Dr. Nanbo thoughtfully, and then at Hunter J. Just now, Hunter J was also affected by this energy at the side of the air vent. Protected by the barrier, Kaguya thought it was a facility over there at the time, but now it seems that it can be carried at any time!

For this kind of protective barrier, Hui Ye once had a design, after all, he is still quite hated!In addition, Xiao Huang also blocked a shot for himself at the beginning!He had to take early precautions!

If you have such a thing yourself, you will not be afraid of sneak attacks in the future!You can also equip each of your girls with one!

It's just that this idea has not yet been implemented, and now it seems that these evil organizations have succeeded!He really can't underestimate the science and technology of these people! !

The villain's technology has reached such a point, so what about the alliance? !Kaguya didn't believe that an alliance with much more resources than the Rockets would have no relative technology, and even the alliance would exceed these organizations by a lot.

It seems that the world is really not to be underestimated!

Once he thought he was invincible, he would only end up being hanged and beaten in the end.

"Leave it to me! Please, giant gold monster!" Dawu also stood up at this moment. Since Kaguya was going to keep both parties, he would not be watching from the side, and he decisively confronted the rocket. The team members, after all, the Rockets can't reach the Hoenn area, and if they offend, they will offend. He doesn't panic!

However, if you completely offend the organization of Pokémon Hunters, it will be a big trouble!He decisively chose his opponent!Picking up the soft persimmon, it's not that he doesn't show loyalty, in fact, he has already performed very well!

Who made his family great, there are many things to consider!

"Damn, do you think we are easy to bully?〃々!" How could Apollo fail to see Dawu's mentality? !

"Be careful! Their various black technologies are not simple!" Hui Ye said lightly, but he remembered that the Rockets were able to guide the Firebird some time ago. Although it was not completely controlled, it was powerful enough. !

"En!" Dawu said that I have experience in this kind of abuse. After all, he has also dealt with the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team a lot. Do you really think that he is the champion of the league by throwing money at it? !

After seeing Dawu go directly to the Rockets, Kaguya can also deal with Hunter J without distraction!This is my main enemy now!

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