In his previous life, he had been waiting for the pearls and diamonds to be reset, but it was a pity that he had already crossed before the reset, and it was a pity to think about it now!

Thinking about it carefully, those guys in the Shenao area are not bad, at least there is no announcement that Kaguya is not allowed to come to Shenao!If it was him, he would probably do it, right?

"After all, you are a disaster star! Miss Ben's appointment is coming soon, and Luzi Town where you are located is also within my protection scope, so I guess I will stay in Luzi Town in the future!" Cattleya expressed that she was very happy Tangled, her appointment and dismissal is indeed coming down soon!This is also a matter of time. It is not bad to be in Luzi Town. There is Dr. Yew in Luzi Town. She is a good friend of Sister Xirona.What made her tangled is why her management scope is mainly Luzi Town, what does this mean?Could it be that she has become Kaguya's personal bodyguard! ?

This made Cattleya very unhappy. If it were the past, she would not accept such a transfer at all, but now she does not know why, and it does not seem unacceptable!She seems to have really changed!

"That's it! ¨!" Hui Ye nodded clearly. If Cattleya was there, then Luzi Town would be much safer. Anyway, Cattleya is now one of her own!She just has a bad temper, that's all for the young lady's temper, but she is still very kind-hearted!He can barely be regarded as one of his own!

Maybe even Cattleya herself doesn't know, according to Kaguya's exploration technique, her intimacy with Kaguya has reached 84!This is not a low figure, at least much higher than many so-called superficial friends!


As an internationally famous tourist city, Odomare is naturally extremely developed, and there are ships going to the Hezhong area almost every day!

After only five days, they set foot on the soil of the United States again.

"This is the Hezhong area! There are so many Pokémon I haven't seen before!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing while looking at the surrounding scenery.

The Kanto region is closely connected with the Chengdu region, which also causes the regional differences between the two regions to be not very large!While other regions are completely independent continents, it is only natural that Ash has never seen these Pokémon!

"There are indeed many Pokémon that rarely appear in the Kanto region, but some Pokémon from other regions will also become rare here, just like your Pikachu has become a rare Pokémon in the Uzu region! Kaguya pointed to Pikachu who was lying on Ash's head.

Chapter 717 Return to Luzi Town-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"There are indeed many Pokémon that rarely appear in the Kanto region, but some Pokémon from other regions will also become rare here, just like your Pikachu has become a rare Pokémon in the Uzu region! Kaguya pointed to Pikachu who was lying on Ash's head.

"Great! Pikachu, you have also become a rare Pokémon!" Xiaozhi said happily, Pikachu is a relatively common Pokemon, but Xiaozhi has never disliked it, and has always regarded Pikachu as his best friends, and Pikachu has never let it down at a critical moment!

The public transportation in the Hezhong area is very developed, and they returned to Luzi Town on the same day.

Seeing that this is more popular than before, Kaguya, who had a smile on the faces of the townspeople, was also slightly relieved. It seems that because of his own affairs, he did not cause too much trouble to the townspeople of Luzi Town!

Luzi Town is not a very big town, and the total population is only a few hundred people. This is incomparable with the Celestial Dynasty where there were tens of thousands of people in any town in Hui Ye's previous life!

However, the townspeople here are living extremely happy lives!

The establishment of Kaguya Gym and the establishment of the Pokémon Center undoubtedly brought a lot of traffic. Although this made them a little uncomfortable at first, after all, no one wanted to be disrupted by the original tranquil atmosphere, but it also brought them unlimited business opportunities, everything has advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how they treat it!

At least now, although there are more people, the negative impact on them is not particularly big!

Looking at these townspeople who greeted him and others enthusiastically, Hui Ye was also moved in his heart, and at the same time he was ready to repay them, but he got a lot of dragon-type Pokémon from the dragon cave!

". "I'm back!" Back at the entrance of the Yew Research Institute, Kaguya sighed in his heart, this is his home! Thinking of seeing Yew, Nazi, and Xiao Huang, she was excited for a while!

"You're back!" This time it was Nazi who came out to greet Hui Ye. After seeing these people following Hui Ye, she didn't show a jealous look, she wasn't the kind of jealous personality!If you want to be jealous, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it!

Due to the presence of Xiaozhi and the others (good) pedestrians, Kaguya just stepped forward and grabbed Nazi's catkin: "Well, I'm sorry to leave you here!" After all, Nazi joined the gymnasium for herself I don't care, but I left her at home for the trip!

"It's nothing, and it's pretty good!" Nazi shook her head, she is a house girl herself, and she is a loner!It's actually pretty good here, on the contrary, this kind of day is the most suitable for her!There are two sisters, Yew, Xiao Huang, and Xiao Chaomeng to cultivate, and their lives are quite fulfilling, not to mention that Hui Ye calls every day to get tired of it!Aside from not being able to do something, the difference isn't that big!

"Right Yew?!" Kaguya asked hurriedly after not seeing Yew again.

"She's very busy now, who made you make such a big fuss a while ago!" Na Zi pursed her lips and smiled. .

Text Chapter 718 Poodle

This really has to blame Hui Ye. What happened in Hui Ye some time ago can be said to be unprecedented, and it should be no one since. The Yulong family has existed for so long, and has never been provoked like this. In the end, Hui Ye not only defeated Almost the entire Yulong family, even the Dragon Cave they guarded, was swept away by Kaguya!

Now the big family in the Hezhong area seems to have regarded Kaguya as a big force!Although the rise of this big power will affect the interests of other big families, but who makes Kaguya strong?The Yulong family can't bear it, can they?Although it is a good idea to join forces to deal with Kaguya, after Aldomari Kaguya released Lugia, these big families have completely died down!

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!At least Kaguya's current situation has become a reality, and it can't be offended!

Unless they also have powerful beasts, Kaguya can't afford to mess with them now!However, Reshiram, the first-level god in the Hezhong area, is now in the hands of the Akatsuki organization, and Zekrom even troubles those corrupt officials all day long, causing these families in the Hezhong area to panic!As for Kyurem, well!That's an existence that 050 can't afford to mess with!At least they are still struggling with how to provoke Kyurem and use its power!

What's more, isn't Kaguya also from the Hezhong area? !From the beginning to the end, he was making troubles in other areas, which has saved them a lot of fame in the Hezhong area, and he has become a representative of the trainers in the Hezhong area!That is, his gym is left to others to take care of, if that's the case, then focus on appeasement, and make friends by the way!As long as he doesn't make trouble in the Hezhong area, Kaguya will give what he wants!Do your best to satisfy him!

Now these big families don't have much time to deal with Kaguya, Zekrom and its trainers are their confidants at the moment!These big families also expressed their heartache. Aren't Reshiram and Zekrom natural enemies?Why is there a tendency for the two to unite now, and they have to deal with the alliance together!

"That's it! Let's do this first!" Hui Ye smiled softly. He didn't want to completely fall out with the alliance for the time being. He may have the strength to violently overthrow the alliance, but there are not enough people on hand to trust!The so-called fighting is easy, but it is difficult to defend!

At least the members of that Xiao organization are not enough!

However, during this period of time, Xiao organization seems to have undergone new changes under the leadership of Chaomeng, and has gradually formed a certain organization, which also makes Kaguya very happy, Chaomeng is indeed all-powerful!

"You haven't been to the gym yet! Xiao Huang misses you very much!" Suddenly Na Zi said again.

Hui Ye nodded slightly, when he brought Xiao Huang out of the Vibrant Forest, he left her here, and Hui Ye felt a little bit of guilt in his heart!

Sometimes, the more obedient and obedient Xiao Huang is, Kaguya feels that she owes her more!It seems that I have heard that many men are like this. This seems to be a common problem for men!

"Uh, to be honest, since I became a gym trainer, I haven't been to my gym once, which is quite irresponsible!" Hui Ye touched his nose embarrassedly, and he was probably the best in the world. Irresponsible gym trainer, right?

Na Zi gave Hui Ye a sullen look: "How dare you say that?! Xiao Huang is taking care of you during this time! I didn't expect her to have such an ability!"

Nazi knew a little about Xiao Huang's past. Before she knew Kaguya, she had been living in the Viking Forest, and she had hardly seen any outsiders!Unexpectedly, she is young, and she can do better than most people who have been professionally trained!

He is very serious about learning things, as long as he mentions a lot of things, Xiao Huang can learn them quickly!Of course, this also has something to do with the particularity of the Hui Ye Gym, after all, there is no need for Xiao Huang to command the god (bidj) Pokémon to fight!

But it's great that Xiao Huang can do this!

Chapter 718 Poodle -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

But it's great that Xiao Huang can do this!

"It's really hard for her!" Hui Ye said with a wry smile!

Then he turned to Xiaozhi and Xiaomao and asked, "Are you going to live in the research institute or in the gymnasium!"

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