Text Chapter 720 Cultural Communication

During this time, let's train other Pokémon here too!For example, Pokémon such as Shanaido, Double-headed Dragon, Dream, Ladias, Nine-Tails, etc. can choose to earn experience here!At the same time, you can also start the name of this gym. Are you eager to see the legendary Pokémon?Are you eager to fight against the legendary Pokémon! ?Then come challenge me!

Even some weaker Pokémon can level up here. As for the badge being taken away, it doesn't matter. It can only be said that the other party is lucky, and the gym should occasionally send out some badges, right? !

Well, the idea of ​​building this gymnasium at the beginning was really clever!Kaguya gave her a thumbs up for her wit!

"Unexpectedly, you have become so powerful when you travel together!" Xiaozhi said, watching the "[-]" Pokémon fight, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

"Actually, you have grown a lot, and many of my opportunities cannot be copied by others! If you compare with me, you will feel ashamed in the end!" Kaguya's words made those who thought he would cook chicken soup for a few people instantly felt overwhelmed A bowl of poisonous chicken soup is still very poisonous. Even if these words are true, there is no need for you to say them, right?This makes us very embarrassed, okay?

"However, whether it's you or Xiao Mao, your strength is not that bad! Xiao Zhi, have you ever thought about it? If your Pokémon are not put in foster care in Dr. Damu's research institute, but are cultivated all the time, you Your strength will definitely increase a lot!" Kaguya said solemnly.

Xiaozhi is not like him and Xiaomao, who can carry many Pokemon around him through cheating technology, and he has no time to take care of so many Pokemon. Although Xiaogang's ability is good, he is not so powerful!

Xiaozhi can only foster a part of the Pokémon in the Dr. Damu Research Institute, so the growth rate of the Pokémon is definitely not as fast as Xiaozhi's side!

Hearing Kaguya's words, Xiao Zhi pondered for a moment and said, "But I can't do anything about it! The jenny turtle seems to be very resistant to evolution. Evolution) and Fire-breathing Dragon are already the final evolutionary type, both the Doctor's Research Institute and the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley are the most suitable places for them at present. As for other Pokémon, it seems that their talents are limited, and I have to spend all my energy on them. On the Pokémon, so that I can have the opportunity to compete with you!"

Xiao Zhi's words made Kaguya look sideways. This is the first time he has heard of Xiao Zhi's thoughts!It seems that I am too impressed with the original book, Xiao Zhi is not really a stupid thing!On the contrary, he is very smart!

After all, Xiao Zhi doesn't have the ability to see through the talents of Pokémon like himself. He needs to spend more time to verify their talents, and he doesn't know his identity background. He can only slowly collect his main force during the journey. line-up!Use limited resources where it makes sense!

Of course, Xiao Zhi is more humane. The environment in Dr. Damu's research institute is no worse than that in the wild, and the food is much better than eating in the wild!Compared with some guys who see the Pokémon's talent is not enough, they will directly release them and hurt the Pokémon's heart, Xiao Zhi is obviously much better!

Kaguya nodded knowingly and then glanced at Pikachu with erratic eyes. He silently wanted to complain, but in fact, the most adorable Fatty Huang should be fostered by Xiao Zhi. After the development of a map, the level of Fatty Huang Not low again!But this kind of punching the God of Creation in a smooth way, and losing to a Pokémon like Zhan Wuzha, Kaguya himself doesn't like it very much!

Of course, he doesn't need to make choices like Xiao Zhi's in terms of friendship and strength!After all, Pikachu is also Ash's first Pokémon!

"What are you looking at?! Pikachu is my best friend!" Ash looked at Kaguya vigilantly.

"Pika!" Pikachu also called out in dissatisfaction.

Chapter 720 Cultural Communication-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Pika!" Pikachu also called out in dissatisfaction.

"Your Pikachu is really weird, but it's good to be reliable at critical moments!" Kaguya naturally wouldn't be such a villain. As a friend, you can give advice, but you can't choose life for him!This is also Kaguya's principle!

"Uh..." Everyone was a little speechless when Kaguya said that, but this Pikachu seems to be as unstable as Kaguya said!


Taking a few people to the garden at the back of the gymnasium, and strolling on the bluestone slab, Hui Ye nodded secretly in his heart, and it really looks good in this Chinese style!

Thinking about the previous life, it seems that many people have abandoned Chinese-style buildings, Kaguya can only say that this is a loss of traditional culture!Of course, this has nothing to do with ordinary people. After all, everyone can't even afford an ordinary house. How can they have the money to consider what kind of house they live in? !The land is so precious, it is necessary to build tall buildings with reinforced concrete, and the higher the better, the better the rhythm! (Well, let me make a complaint. Of course, this is not to say that the old wooden house is good, it is definitely not good, and it is not comfortable to live in. The author is talking about a Chinese-style house!)

Now strolling in this house with strong sky and wind, Kaguya is a burst of satisfaction!

Maybe a lot of people will copy it in the future!

As a Celestial, Hui Ye is proud of such cultural export or export to other worlds!

"I didn't expect this kind of construction method to exist. Grandpa is right. It seems that such a house will be built in Zhenxin Town in the future! Is your designer still in contact?" Xiaomao walked around He said with emotion that he has decided to build such a garden in Zhenxin Town!Anyway, there is no problem for their family, most of Zhenxin Town and the back mountain of Zhenxin Town belong to their 0.6 family in name!

Proper landlord class!

Of course, in this world, in fact, most people can build such a house, as long as it is not in a big city!After all, the world of Pokémon is very big, and there are few people, it belongs to the kind of vast land and sparsely populated!

"It's no problem! I'll just ask her to design a set for you!" Dr. Damu has helped him a lot, and Hui Ye has always kept it in his heart. Now that he has the opportunity to repay, how could he miss it? Anyway, It was also designed by Luo Tianyi, and it was almost a matter of minutes!Kaguya would naturally be happy to be able to do something for Dr. Ogi!

The equipment in the garden is very complete, and the interior decoration is not inferior to those star hotels!Looking at these, even Kaguya has an urge to move here!  …

Text Chapter 721 Boiling in the Gym

"Kui Ye, I saw that there are other vacant venues in your gym before, so let's challenge!" After putting down his salute, Xiao Zhi challenged Kaguya without hesitation. The five days on the cruise ship had made his body almost rust!He's not the kind of guy to hang around!

"Is this going to cut the queue? But I agree!" Kaguya said with a wry smile.

During the Gym Challenge, it is inevitable that the competition venue will be damaged. Most of the venues can be repaired quickly, but sometimes it takes time. Therefore, there are a lot of spare venues in the gym. Check out those venues!

"Well? Is this okay?" Xiao Mao looked at Kaguya suspiciously, after all, there were so many people lining up behind!Jumping in line rashly will also have a big impact on Kaguya's gym.Don't look at Xiaomao when he acts like a rich family, but he is also very close to the people in key places. He may use his privileges to benefit himself, but it is definitely not based on harming the interests of others. !

"Of course it's possible! It's not the turn of 17 other people to come to my gym!" Kaguya smiled confidently, and then added: "What's more, didn't you guys have booked to challenge me five days ago? ?"

Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi suddenly realized that they could still come like this!At the same time, it was also the first time that Kaguya had such a shameless appearance!

"It is true that we have already made a reservation!" Xiaomao nodded very cooperatively. To a certain extent, they followed Huiye to the Hezhong area, wasn't it just to challenge his gym?If you want to force them to say that they have already reserved a place, this is also possible!

What's more, with Kaguya's current strength, even if he really did something out of the ordinary, as long as it wasn't so extreme that the Alliance couldn't stand it, then there would be no problem!This is the benefit of strength!

"It's okay!" Xiaozhi curled his lips, but didn't say anything. He is not a patient person. Maybe he can line up obediently for other things, but when it comes to fighting, Hanako's mother grew up The good education given to him will come to nothing, it's not that Ash is really ignorant of manners or anything, but that he is really too belligerent!

"Let's go!" Hui Ye nodded slightly, and led a few people to the field ahead.

The people who were still in the gym turned their attention. Through the previous events, they already knew the identity of Hui Ye, the real owner of this wonderful gym, which seemed to be the first time after the gym was established. .Many challengers said that they have challenged this gym several times, but they have never seen Kaguya, a real gym trainer!

Now it looks like it's time to fight other trainers!

Although this made some trainers who were waiting hard, most of them didn't say anything. Kaguya itself did not occupy other resources of the gym, and the other battles were carried out as they were!This isn't strictly a queue cut either!

And most of them are still quite curious, how will Kaguya fight against these newcomers?

"Okay, I have already told you the rules of the game here. These are my Pokémon. You choose three of them to challenge, and I will not command my Pokémon!" Kaguya took out I got a handful of Pokémon balls, put some of my Pokémon in it, and let Xiao Zhi and others draw lots.

"It seems very interesting! Then I'll choose first!" Xiao Zhi glanced at Xiao Mao and made the first choice. Regarding Xiao Zhi's choice as a good friend, Xiao Mao could only shake his head with a wry smile, but also Not much to say, he really knows Xiao Zhi too well!

Chapter 721 Boiling in the Gym -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

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