"Like cute Pokmon? How can I have one?!" Xiaozhi smiled wryly, he is not that kind of person, as long as he likes his own Pokmon, okay? !He even likes most wild Pokémon! .

Chapter 723 Complaining about gyms? !casual

Of course, Xiaozhi's idea is sincere. He has a pure heart for Pokémon, otherwise the original Ho-wang would not have chosen him!Ash would even treat all Pokémon the same if it wasn't for being a Pokémon master!

Such an idea, at least Kaguya can't do it!How could he possibly be a trainer who only sees what a Pokémon looks like? !

Suddenly, Kaguya looked at Pikachu with an erratic look. Needless to say, this is definitely Pikachu's fault!Unlike during the Quartz Convention, Ash's Pokémon has changed a lot!Only Pikachu remains the same!In order to make Xiaozhi like them a little more, Xiaozhi's Pokémon will naturally try to get closer to Pikachu. As for what Pikachu's characteristics are, it's still cute!

This pot, Pikachu has to carry it, and it doesn't have to be thrown!This is probably because Ash loves Pikachu too much!

However, if you change to any team, Pikachu's strength is not enough to crush other players, but you can get the trainer's most favored Pokémon to lead the team. Sooner or later, something will go wrong!There is no unconvincing picture that is already very good!This is still Ash's love for the Pokémon getting the Pokémon's response, and it's a result of both sides' accommodation!

Hui Ye 893 does not have this problem. His first Pokémon was Xiaobu, and now he is a dragon spirit. He is powerful, and now he has reached the level of a god. It has never been left behind!Of course, the real leader of Kaguya's team is not it, but Mengmeng. If there is such a thing as Mengmeng, what kind of Pokémon would be dissatisfied with Huiye? !

Even if the dream today is not the strongest among all Pokémon, even if it is a child's character, even if Kaguya has a divine beast like Reshiram, Kaguya has never been chaotic here!

Xiao Mao also didn't have too many troubles. His Moon Elf and Water Arrow Turtle were equally powerful. Although he couldn't crush other companions, he also had a strength advantage!

Only Xiaozhi has a problem here, Pikachu's strength can't crush other Pokémon, and the powerful fire-breathing dragon and wonderful frog flower have been sent to other places by Xiaozhi to practice!This has to make Ash's Pokémon think a bit more and try to get closer to Pikachu!

In this regard, Kaguya can only say that Xiao Zhi seems to deserve it!

"You should explain the reason to your Pokémon (bhfg), they are all talented and shouldn't be ruined by you!" Kaguya said to Xiaozhi after a moment of silence.

"Understood, I will!" Xiaozhi nodded slightly, not knowing what he was thinking!He has always been reluctant to force Pokémon to evolve, thinking that as long as his Pokémon are happy, he didn't think that it was not that they didn't want to evolve, but that they were accommodating it, which made Xiao Zhi be loved by Pokémon. I was deeply moved, and at the same time filled with guilt!

Xiao Mao let out a faint sigh, after all, Xiao Zhi is a little different from himself. It seems that these troubles are inevitable, but he doesn't know what to do next!

"Xiao Mao, then do you want to try it?" Hui Ye smiled playfully at Xiao Mao again. In fact, Xiao Mao's strength is really not weak!The performance of the Quartz Conference is not even as good as Xiao Zhi's helpless Zangzhuo!The current Xiaomao may still have a huge gap with Tianwang, but it is estimated that he will not be worse than the average gym trainer!

What's more, he seems to be cultivating Pokémon with a powerful talent, which is incomparable to Ash!

Chapter 723 Complaining about the Gym? !Whatever -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

What's more, he seems to be cultivating Pokémon with a powerful talent, which is incomparable to Ash!

"Me? I have to prepare and aim to defeat Bangira tomorrow!" Xiao Mao did not choose to challenge directly, but to make a systematic plan. This is also his characteristic. From time to time, I will have a full understanding of the opponent, but there is also one thing that is comparable to Ash, which is his temporary command ability!

Now Xiaomao has set a small goal for himself, such as defeating one or two Pokémon of Kaguya, how could Xiaomao miss such a good opportunity to interact with powerful Pokémon!

At the same time, he was also sighing that Hui Ye's strength is now strong, this Bangira can't even be the main force here in Hui Ye, but it is extremely powerful for them!

"Then do whatever you want!" Kaguya shrugged, and then said a few words to the staff on the side, leaving Bangira and the two-headed dragon here, as well as Kabimon. And Shanaido!These are all Pokémon that Kaguya needs to level up!

Seeing that Kaguya was leaving, the trainers who were lining up quickly walked over and said, "Master Kaguya, please give us a chance to challenge the legendary Pokémon!"

Kaguya's eyes narrowed, but what he saw was a very determined look, and then said: "If any of you can get my badge, you will be qualified to challenge God!"

"But we want to challenge the divine beast!" I don't know which trainer was the first to speak, and others also joined in.

This made Kaguya instantly upset, and said coldly: "If I can't even beat my ordinary Pokémon, then how can I challenge the legendary Pokmon? What do you think of the legendary Pokmon? If you want to challenge, you can challenge them, so don’t they lose face! Of course, if you don’t like it, you can also go to the alliance to sue me. I don’t care, but you are responsible for the consequences!”

He didn't expect that he could be famous outside, to the point where a child stopped crying, but when he arrived in the Hezhong area, he found that his face might not be easy to use here!This feeling is really... If you say challenge, then challenge, then I am very shameless!

"This?" Those trainers were dumbfounded, they had never seen a gym trainer like this!Is he really that big? !

Someone wanted to threaten Kaguya for a few words, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't speak again. Let's go back and tell Miss Joy the matter, and tell her about it!Well, the gym trainer threatened the challenger for no reason, and asked him if he was afraid? !

Members of the Joey family also have the responsibility of supervising the gym. If the challenger is dissatisfied with the gym, they can give feedback to Miss Joey!Then Miss Joey will review the gym. They believe that with so many trainers complaining about a gym, the people in that gym should feel scared and finally choose to compromise!

Kaguya doesn't know what these people are thinking, otherwise, he will die laughing, there is no shortage of self-righteous people in the world! .

Chapter 724 Bear children are the scariest

Will the Alliance come to its own trouble for these trainers?And these things are still caused by the legendary Pokémon. Just kidding, are the legendary Pokémon you guys able to challenge casually?

I really don't know what to say!

All the while, the Alliance's attitude toward legendary Pokémon has been embarrassing!When the alliance was established, the gods played a great role, but the alliance wanted to master such energy!

Of course, this energy cannot be controlled by ordinary people!On the surface, humans also need to be in awe of the legendary Pokémon!

Even without Kaguya's action, the alliance will teach these ignorant boys a lesson!

Could Kaguya be so threatening?If Kaguya had given in so easily, the alliance wouldn't be so big-headed!He picked out the Dragon Clan without using Rogia!What else could they do?Some people have even said that Kaguya may already be the most powerful Pokémon trainer in the world!Of course, this does not mean how powerful Kaguya's battle command ability is!But Kaguya's Pokmon is too powerful!Never in the history of mankind has anyone held so many legendary Pokémon in their hands!

As for Kaguya's combat command ability, uh, sorry, although it has improved a lot, it still hasn't reached that level!On the contrary, Kaguya's special abilities are enough to give many powerful trainers a headache, and this is also his ability!

When Hui Ye and the others returned to the Yew Research Institute, Yew had already returned, and seeing his "big wife" Hui Ye's heart warmed, it was because she helped him handle many things that he could So traveling outside!

Once, Kaguya said that his women are not big or small, but whether he or other girls know that yew is always the most important one to Kaguya!This big wife deserves its name, and the so-called equality is also for other girls!

Maybe Yew isn't the prettiest, maybe she can't help Kaguya too much in the future, but she's still her!

"I'm back!" When Ye Shan saw Hui Ye's return, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes, but his appearance was very dull. The two were like old couples who had been together for more than ten years. Eyes are enough.

"Yeah! I'm back!" Hui Ye nodded slightly, home is always warm, people outside are sinister, there are always people who want to harm Hui Ye, even if Hui Ye is powerful, he always has to be on guard against other people, but at home But it is different!

After eating a meal carefully cooked by Luo Tianyi, it is naturally a warm battle!

The big strings are noisy like torrential rain, and the small strings are like whispers.Caocao is full of mixed bullets, big and small pearls fall on the jade plate.Guan Yingyu's flower bottom is slippery, and it is difficult to fall under the flowing ice of Youyan Spring.The cold and astringent strings of the ice spring are absolutely condensed, and the condensate will never stop for a while.The silver bottle is broken and the water is sprayed out, and the iron cavalry protrudes, and the swords and guns blare.Beware of painting at the end of the song, the four strings sound like Liebo. (Every time I recite the pipa, I have to think crookedly. Is there anyone who is the same as the nagging author?! Bai Juyi must have done it at that time!)


The next day, Kaguya didn't get up until noon, and he seemed to be back in a salted fish mode!Sure enough, he is still suitable for this kind of comfortable life!

"Aren't you going to teach the children here, Hui Ye?" Shirona said to Hui Ye with two dark circles under her eyes. The soundproofing facilities here are very good, but they can't stand the loud noise. Living next door, how can you easily ignore it?

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