"I didn't expect Lucario to be able to fight like this!" Cattleya muttered to the side, but she knew that Hirona Lucario was powerful, at least not one of her Pokémon was its opponent!

But now it is suppressed by the other party without any suspense, which is a bit too shocking!

"It uses swordsmanship. I didn't expect Pokémon to fight like this, and that swordsmanship seems to have the shadow of Kaguya!" Arturia suddenly said.

She has other ideas now, and it seems that she can also hand over swordsmanship to her Pokémon!As a knight, how could her Pokémon not be able to use swordsmanship?

"Kaguya's swordsmanship?" Cattleya asked Artorias curiously.

"Well, Kaguya's swordsmanship is very strong, stronger than any so-called kendo master in this world!" Arturia nodded slightly, she didn't say a word, whether it was her or Kaguya, I am afraid it is not ordinary anymore. The Pokémon can be compared!

This sounds so bizarre to the natives of the Pokémon world, which makes them a little unacceptable, but it seems reasonable to Arturia!

Even, she used to be stronger than herself now...

"So he's so strong?" Cattleya looked at Kaguya in surprise. She found that she didn't know enough about Kaguya. He didn't seem to be so useless except to provoke girls when he had something to do!

"What should I do?" Shirona's heart also flashed a little panic at the moment. Although she had used the sword dance several times, she helplessly found that she couldn't compare to the other party no matter how she came, and the two sides were not on the same level at all!

Pokémon trainers can play a huge role in battle. They may help Pokémon defeat opponents of the same level, or even slightly stronger than their own, but if they crush themselves, sorry, they are helpless! .

Main Text Chapter 760 Amazing!my sirona

Trainers have great benefits for Pokémon, but they are not omnipotent. Like now, in the face of the huge gap between the two sides, even Hirona can't do anything!

Two Lucarios, Kaguya's Lucario is faster than Hirona's, with better speed, stronger strength, better physical strength, more subtle moves, and stronger power. This is simply not a level of duel!

Rao is Sirona's Lucario, no matter how unwilling he is, and trying hard to resist the opponent, but there is still no way. Its skills and moves are outstanding for many Lucarios, but when encountering What arrived was Kaguya's Lucario, who had been trained in swordsmanship since he was a child, and combined with the principle of Dugu Nine Swords, Sirona's Lucario was full of flaws in its eyes!

If it didn't know that the other party's trainer was its future mistress, it might have attacked - even more viciously!

In the end, Hirona's Lucario was easily defeated by Kaguya's Lucario!

Seeing this scene, Shirona was also a little disappointed. She finally realized the trouble Yulongdu and the others encountered when facing Kaguya!Faced with such a gap in strength, she would also feel dejected!

Can't you come up with a mythical beast to make me lose justifiably?A woman is a very complicated creature. If Kaguya uses Lugia to beat her all the way, Hirona may even complain that Kaguya bullies her with a divine beast!

Of course it's all a complaint!

In the face of such a Hui Ye, Miss Xirona's choice is of course to forgive him!

After seeing Lucario who had defeated her on the opposite side, and Lucario still not using her full strength, Hirona hesitated, what Pokémon should she use to deal with Kaguya?

It seems that it is the only one left!

"Come on! Bite the land shark fiercely!" After hesitating for a while, Xirona also released her most powerful and most trusted partner!

After seeing the strong bite Lu Shark, Hui Ye was also shocked. He was abused by this guy!

"Bite the land shark, mega evolution!" Sirona caressed the evolution keystone on her wrist, and then bit the land shark with a colorful light!

"Great, it's the mega evolution of Lie Bite Land Shark. This is the battle after Lie Bite Land Shark's first mega evolution. Now I should be able to fight Lucario, right?" Cattleya pointed at Lie Bite. Lu Sha said excitedly, although the battle just now was very exciting, it also made her very upset!

Sister Shirona was suppressed!This simply ruined her three views. In Cattleya's mind, Sister Shirona has always been the strongest one!

Although he also has a good impression of Kaguya, in front of Shirona, Kaguya is still a little worse!

Xiao Nizi's position is very firm!

After seeing the fierce bite of Lu Shark, Lucario's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity, this is a rare opponent!The kind that compares with those of the opponents in the small world!

Xirona's fierce bite of the land shark is indeed very powerful, especially after experiencing the Mega evolution, it has surpassed the ordinary champion Pokémon by a lot, reaching the real quasi-god strength, and even almost touched the threshold of the third-level god.

Such a fierce bite land shark is indeed qualified to fight Lucario!

"Use 1!" While Kaguya was waiting for Shirona's order, Shirona's order made Kaguya a little stunned!use 1?What does it mean?

Chapter 760 Amazing!My Sirona-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Use 1!" While Kaguya was waiting for Shirona's order, Shirona's order made Kaguya a little stunned!use 1?What does it mean?

Meow meow meow!Kaguya said that she has been with Shirona for so long, and she has never heard of such a thing. Is this a code?

Just very quickly, Kaguya and Lucario understood Shirona's intentions!

"Wai Pi!" I saw the sharp blades on the arms of Liebite Lu Shark flashing black light, and slashed towards Lucario with a thunderous momentum!

Lucario sensed a burst of danger, quickly took out the bone stick, resisted the smashing tile, and then held the bone stick and swept against Lucario for a while.

"It turns out that this is the code name of the skill! But I'm afraid even you will not know that in terms of fighting, my Lucario is almost invincible, unless it is in front of those gods!" Kaguya said lightly.

It seems that the fighting system has not received much attention in the early generations of the Pokémon world. The most important thing is that it seems that in the previous version, the legendary Pokémon of the fighting system did not even exist!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

This also made many people think that fighting is actually the least popular attribute of Nintendo!Until the advent of the Sun and Moon version, when those extreme beasts appeared, most of the extreme beasts were still of some fighting type. In addition to the holy swordsman, this also made the number of fighting beasts not comparable to one another. There are few other divine beasts.

It just seems that the first-level gods are only Mewtwo after mega evolution!And Arceus, of course, if Arceus is a fighting Pokémon!

It's really pathetic!

"Really?" Shirona's eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't know what to think, "Use 7 while using the tile split!"


I saw that after Shirona's command fell, although the tile-splitting of the savage land shark was still going on, the terrain of the scene had changed a lot, and the terrain around Lucario had gradually changed. , Countless quicksand was born under Lucario's feet, and intentionally or unintentionally affected its actions!

"Damn it, Lu Shark can use two skills at the same time?"As expected of a fierce bite Lu Shark whose talent originally reached the level of a demigod!

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