This is a very painful thing!

"Then what do you mean by looking for me this time?" Kaguya asked Palkia curiously.

"I just feel you, and want to tell you something! The Ultimate Cave is no more than two years away from the time when it will once again be on a large scale!" Palkia said.

Chapter 764 Can I go back -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"I just feel you, and want to tell you something! The Ultimate Cave is no more than two years away from the time when it will once again be on a large scale!" Palkia said.

"It's less than two years? It's coming much faster than I thought!" Kaguya's face showed a clear look, but he wasn't too afraid. Since the dark Lugia incident, He felt that the ultimate cave was not so terrifying!

At least he restrained the ultimate hole very well!

The only worry is whether there is an existence comparable to Arceus in the ultimate cave!After all, that's another world!

And he himself, for the time being, can't do it every day!At most, it has a restraining effect on the ultimate cave itself!

"By the way, Palkia, can I ask you a question?!" Kaguya suddenly asked again.

"Huh?" Palkia is not as cold as others. It is still very close to Kaguya. When Kaguya first came to this world, it awakened Arceus, and Arceus gave it to Kaguya, who was still young at the time, and let it take care of Kaguya!

Later, it also placed Kaguya on the yew side. It can be said that today's Kaguya has a great relationship with it to a large extent. This kind of feeling is like looking at one's younger generation.

It was the first time Kaguya and Shirona met, holding a tiger's skin in their own name as a banner, and it didn't blame the slightest, but it was quite interesting.

"Can I still go back to my original world?" Kaguya asked Palkia after hesitating slightly.

The other party is the god of space, so it is also the most qualified existence in the Pokémon world to answer this question!

"Now you, do you still want to go back? After all, you are not the original you! And even if you go back, it may have been hundreds of thousands of years!" Palkia asked curiously. on.

Do you want to go back?Kaguya's expression was a little dazed, is his home from his previous life still there?

"And even a body like yours can't bear the pressure of traveling through space! Even the gods can't bear such pressure, and I'm just because I'm special..." Palkia said again: "When the time comes, you Your body will be destroyed, even I can't protect you!"

"Is that so?" Kaguya frowned slightly, he understood what Palkia meant, and it would be very difficult to travel back, unless he was really not afraid of death!

What's more, there may not be a chance to reshape the physical body at that time!

The god-level lottery system is his biggest hole card now, but what is the essence of the god-level lottery system?Kaguya doesn't even know!So what should I do?

Even if I go back, I won't be the same person I used to be!

(Uh, return to Earth again? Don’t think about this issue for now, even if you want to go back, it should be the finale!).

Chapter 765 The only person who has seen the God of Space

"You're right, and I can't give up everything here!" Hui Ye said with a wry smile. He found that he had already regarded himself as a native of the Pokémon world, and he also had his own home here!A real home, where there is Yew, Xiaolan, Nazi, Lilin, and in the future, there will be Sirona, Mei, Toko, Cattleya, and others, let yourself ignore them, Kaguya can't do it of!

He felt that he should learn more from Artolia in the future!Compared to herself, she seems to be better at adapting to the world than herself.

Palkia's eyes towards Kaguya were full of approval. In fact, it may not be able to help Kaguya return to the previous world!It's not that it can't send Kaguya to his original world, but that Palkia knows the existence of a parallel world, and it was also the first to discover it from Kaguya!

Before that, it had never seen any traversers, let alone the existence of parallel worlds.

"Hey!" Hui Ye sighed softly, and said nothing more.He felt that Palkia was actually quite kind, and then asked: "Then why did you leave the white jade orb outside? That should be very important to you!?"

"It's almost the same. I usually use this to observe the outside world! But now..." Palkia said that he was also embarrassed. Compared with being enshrined, it seems to prefer to be exhibited in a museum, so that he can observe more- human beings!

However, this is also the sincerity of the temple family, and it will not blame them for this.

Compared with many ungrateful human beings, the people of this temple family are really of excellent quality, they are all good children!

Listening to Palkia's words, the corner of Kaguya's mouth twitched, and he just said, how could such a boss throw away his exclusive props at will! ?

Now, I am afraid it can only observe the temple family well!

It's so interesting!

"Do you still have words to ask?" Palkia continued to ask.

This time Hui Ye shook his head. He didn't have any problems. After getting Palkia's words, he felt that his mood had also improved. Even if Ye has so many resources, there is no reason for the realm to be too high!

"Okay then! Looking forward to our next meeting!" Palkia's eyes flashed a red light and the night appeared directly in the temple!

This sudden change took everyone by surprise!

"Hui Ye! It's great that you're okay!" Rao Shirona couldn't help but let out a surprise cheer at the moment.

The other Arturia, who has the closest relationship with Kaguya, has never worried about Kaguya.Even the God of Space is probably not as powerful as Kaguya! ?What's more, the other party is not malicious!

"Of course I'm fine! I just met it once!" Hui Ye's words caused a thousand waves in an instant, my God, did Hui Ye go to see the God of Space just now? !

So he may be the only one who has actually seen the God of Space?

This made the people of the temple family couldn't help but marvel.At the same time, the eyes that looked at Shirona were a little erratic, as if to say, why are you still here and still not abducting your man home?Tie him to the temple family, well, give birth to a child today!

Kaguya is a man who has seen the God of Space!

Angel!This is what most people say about Kaguya at the moment!

"You?" Shirona looked at Kaguya tangled, she now had an inexplicable worry in her heart, wouldn't this guy subdue the God of Space?

To other people, this idea is nothing but a dream, but now this person is Kaguya!

Chapter 765 The only person who has seen the God of Space -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

To other people, this idea is nothing but a dream, but now this person is Kaguya!

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