Xiaozhi even felt that the month of being bullied by Hui Ye was several times greater than what he had gained in Baiyin Mountain!

This is a very real feeling. Xiao Zhi has already decided that he will find Kaguya to challenge every time he finishes challenging an area in the future. He believes that this will be a good experience for him!

"' ‖That's right, Xiaomao!" Suddenly Hui Ye turned to Xiaomao and said.

"En?" Xiao Mao looked at Kaguya suspiciously, what is this guy going to do?

"I got a lot of Pokémon from the Yulong Clan before. I plan to use some of them to keep them in the back mountain of Luzi Town, and create a similar reserve. Are you interested in being a manager there!" Hui Ye said to Xiao Mao opened his mouth and said.

Xiaomao is Kaguya's first friend in this world, and someone Kaguya can trust. His ability is very good. If he really makes him a Pokémon researcher, he is more or less overqualified (Wang Qianhao) Useless!

Kaguya also wants to train Xiaomao well. When he really does something, Xiaomao will definitely become his right-hand man. He is much more reliable than Xiaozhi!

"Is it a protected area?" Xiaomao murmured. He was really moved. Compared to fighting Pokémon, he actually prefers to take care of Pokémon, and at the same time feel the joy brought by their growth!

Xiao Mao is naturally happy to be able to help these Pokémon. He originally wanted to return to the Dr. Damu Research Institute, but now Kaguya seems to be a place that needs him more!

After all, many things in the institute have already been completed, and there is not much difference between having oneself and not having oneself!

"Huiye, Xiaomao, what are you talking about?" Xiaozhi had a bad feeling in his heart, and looked at Xiaomao with burning eyes. After all, Xiaomao is really important to Xiaozhi! .

Chapter 769 Other Ways to Fulfill Dreams

Xiaozhi doesn't know when he met Xiaomao, probably when he was very young. Anyway, he grew up with Xiaomao when he was conscious, right?

They have been together since childhood, and regarded each other as friends and rivals. Now, when he heard that Xiao Mao might go to work at Kaguya, Xiao Zhi has always been a little bit unbearable!

After all, their childhood dream was to become a Pokémon master!This is the oath that everyone made together, but Xiaomao has to do other things!What about yourself?

"I will temporarily end the trip after the Silver Conference and think about life!" Xiao Mao said to Xiao Zhi after hesitating for a while, but now he is not as determined as in the original book.

At least he still has a heart that wants to travel more or less, just because of the alliance, he needs to keep a low profile for a while, the alliance doesn't want him to grow up... This is a troublesome thing!

As for what path to take in the future, Xiaomao hasn't figured it out until now, it depends on how far Kaguya can go!However, even if he doesn't travel for the time being, he still won't give up cultivating his 003 Pokémon!

And taking care of those Pokémon that Hui Ye said was indeed a huge help to him. Luzi Town Gym is very close, so it seems like a lot of fun to go to and abuse them from time to time!

"Ah? How can this be possible? Didn't we promise to go on the path of the Pokémon Master together!?" His mouth escaped to change Xiao Mao's mind.

Xiaomao looked at the half of the Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hands, his eyes were a little erratic, maybe he was young and ignorant?Do you even have such a middle school side?

But he has not forgotten this ideal until now!

After a long deliberation, Xiao Mao said, "I haven't forgotten our vows, it's just that I need to change to another path to realize it!"

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly when he heard the words. Obviously, with his IQ, it was difficult to understand Xiao Mao's implication. Is there another way?He still really doesn't understand!As the original protagonist of this world, he is just like the protagonists of most passionate animations. He is passionate, simple, impulsive, and has some big nerves. He doesn't think much at first, but he also has a good identity background!

Don't be too familiar with such a Japanese comic routine, it seems that every Japanese comic has such a rhythm, right?

However, Xiao Zhi is indeed a relatively unsuccessful protagonist. The other protagonists can become ordinary existences in the end, and Xiao Zhi's best result in the league competition seems to be only the second place!

With Kaguya's participation in his life, Ash's life is bound to be very different. Maybe in the future he can become the king or champion of a region, and even becoming a Pokémon master is not a dream!

In terms of Pokémon battles, Pokémon's talents are very demanding. Xiaozhi's Pokémon have really good talents. Once they become talents, they are all powerful Pokémon. !

As for the cost of training, this does not seem to be a problem!

Fighting consciousness, as an existence who can often make unexpected decisions, Xiaozhi's fighting talent is still very good, it is also common to defeat the strong by the weak, and of course it is also common to be defeated by the weak!This mainly depends on the state of Xiao Zhi at that time!

However, as time goes by, Kaguya believes that Ash will be a blockbuster one day sooner or later!

After all, his Pokémon talents are really good!Enough to make many people envy the kind!

"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao has his own choice. In fact, many people will have their own (ajej) choices! And he said that he is still working hard, but he just changed his path!" At this time, Xiaozhi's mother Huazi also He said a word of comfort.

Chapter 769 Other Ways to Fulfill Dreams-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao has his own choice. In fact, many people will have their own (ajej) choices! And he said that he is still working hard, but he just changed his path!" At this time, Xiaozhi's mother Huazi also He said a word of comfort.

This made Kaguya look at Hanako thoughtfully, she should be Xiaozhi's biological mother without a doubt, but he doesn't seem to have a strong interest in Xiaozhi's grandfather, which is interesting!

Kaguya couldn't help but think of the story of Cinderella. Could it be that there is a secret in it? !

I have to say that those novels written by Kaguya's previous life are really too big!

All kinds of possibilities are constantly circulating in Hui Ye's mind. Compared with the brain hole, I am afraid that no one in this world can be stronger than him!

"Mom!" Xiaozhi glanced at his mother and found that he really couldn't say anything!

"The challenge is not the only way!" Hui Ye also said faintly at this time. He recently received an invitation from the alliance to invite him to the Heavenly King Challenge, and he could even choose the location of the Heavenly King in any region!

However, Kaguya really doesn't have much interest in this!

Kaguya believed that as long as she wanted to, the league, even the champion, would be willing to let Kaguya do it, even the senior officials of the league.

But once he became a member of the alliance, he had to be used by them. He even wanted the people around him to gradually de-alliance!

For example, Li Lin has no family protection, and her only teacher has died. She is the only child besides herself. It is obviously inappropriate to stay in the Chengdu area!

What's more, the fact that she has Darkrai is not a secret in itself. If she still stays in the alliance, there will be countless troubles!

"Ah?!" A trace of confusion flashed in Xiao Zhi's eyes.

Kaguya chuckled, but didn't say anything, the current Xiao Zhi is not qualified to challenge those things, he still needs a long time to grow up.

"It seems that the alliance has invited you again!" Dr. Damu said thoughtfully.

"But I'm not interested. After the Silver Conference, I should go to the Hoenn area!" Hui Ye said faintly, the Four Heavenly Kings seem to have a high status, but to Hui Ye, they are nothing, they are just the bastards of the alliance. !

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