"Well, it is true that he has tamed a good child!" The corners of Hui Ye's mouth also rose slightly. .

Chapter 771 Kaguya's New Pokémon

After meeting Shirona's parents, Kaguya was also recognized by the temple family, not to mention that Kaguya was the only one who had seen Palkia, and the temple family expressed kindness to Kaguya, they wanted to Gifts for Kaguya, but there are not many of these gifts that Kaguya needs!

Just kidding, does Kaguya need these gifts?

Now he is the one who has the largest number of quasi-gods in the world. As long as Kaguya is willing, he can give each person in the temple family one quasi-god. At that time, the entire temple family will be bankrupted by this.

However, after making a selection, Hui Ye still managed to subdue a little fire monkey with a decent talent. This is also Hui Ye's most eye-catching among all the three imperial families except the fire-breathing dragon!

A long time ago, Kaguya also wanted to tame a little fire monkey. The final evolution of the little fire monkey "[-]" is called a big brother by many people. Although it is too far from Monkey King, but after all It is also a Pokémon with a strong celestial style, how could he not like it?

It's just that this is the three imperial families in the Shenao area after all, and the number is rare, even if he wants to be a little troublesome!Of course, the premise is that Kaguya does not seek help from anyone.

As long as Hui Ye said that he wanted a little fire monkey, I'm afraid many people would give him face and rush to send the little fire monkey to him, but sometimes human favor is the hardest thing to owe. !

Kaguya doesn't want to owe someone's favor, but if the object is his own, that's two concepts!The temple family is friendly with him. Because of Palkia's relationship, they are also natural allies. Kaguya, who is not human, doesn't need to care!

After seeing such a talented little fire monkey in the temple, Kaguya was moved. Of course, this is not for nothing, a quasi-god of a mini dragon, is it enough?

In the eyes of outsiders, the quasi-god that is worth a thousand pieces of gold seems to be nothing in Hui Ye!If this kind of thing is said, I am afraid that a lot of people will die!

"Really? I really want to see it!" After hearing Kaguya's words, Xiao Zhi's eyes flashed with brilliance. He now has a dream, probably that one day he will be able to travel all over the world and see the whole world. Different Pokémon in different regions of the world!

It will take a long time to achieve this. After he does it, he will pursue higher-level goals, such as becoming a Pokémon master. This is also the reason why Xiaozhi didn't understand when he heard Xiaomao say he was going to end the trip. !

"Humph! If you really want to know more, you might as well read more Pokémon illustrations when you have time. This will also allow you to know more Pokémon!" Xiao Mao snorted coldly beside him. In fact, as early as last year, at his request Under the circumstances, his grandfather, Dr. Damu, had already upgraded Xiaozhi's illustrated book, which became the illustrated book for the whole region, but he did not expect that Xiaozhi did not make good use of this illustrated book.

For example, when he went to the Hezhong area before, Xiaozhi rarely recognized the local Pokémon, which made Xiaomao have a feeling of feeding the dog with his own good intentions!

I really don't know how this guy survives in the wild!

"I prefer to find Pokemon with my own eyes rather than looking at Pokémon in the illustrated book!" Xiao Zhi said in disapproval.

"You will make you miss a lot of rare Pokémon!" Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi angrily, his kindness was not rewarded, this guy really is!

He felt that he was just heartbroken for Xiao Zhi!

Even Xiao Zhi's father didn't think much of him, right?

Xiao Zhi gave Xiao Mao a dissatisfied look: "But we can't just look at the rarity of the Pokémon, the most important thing is the friendship between the trainer and the Pokémon!"

Xiao Zhi attaches great importance to these aspects, even if it is Pikachu or a baby elephant, isn't he still cultivating it up to now?

Chapter 771 Kaguya's New Pokémon -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Xiao Zhi attaches great importance to these aspects, even if it is Pikachu or a baby elephant, isn't he still cultivating it up to now?

Even if he sees an extremely rare and powerful Pokémon, he will not forcefully demand it. What Xiaozhi cares about is the process of getting along with Pokémon and growing together.

It is already a good experience to be able to recognize this. As for whether to accept it or not, Xiao Zhi will not force it either!

This is Xiaozhi!

"Uh..." Xiao Mao silently blinked at his grandfather, Dr. Damu. It seems that these concepts were all left by his grandfather at the beginning. That's right!But he seldom follows it!

I didn't expect that the one who inherited the idea of ​​my grandfather was Xiao Zhi!

Dr. Damu just smiled, no matter what Xiaozhi and Xiaomao think, he will not say anything. As a senior, it is right to guide the juniors, but you should not use your own ideas to influence others!

"Actually, both of you are right, but Xiaozhi, sometimes you have to do it when it's time to do it!" Kaguya pointedly said, in fact, when she saw Pokémon in her previous life, she was really grateful for Xiaozhi's kind-heartedness. With emotion, but he missed too many opportunities!

Today's Hui Ye no longer cares whether Xiao Zhi will surpass him!As a friend, Kaguya also wants Xiaozhi to become stronger... It would be even better when he becomes the champion!

If Ash can really match himself one day, Kaguya will look forward to it even more!

After defeating Hirona, Kaguya's mentality has also undergone a lot of changes. He knows that his commanding ability is not as good as that of a master like Hirona, but in terms of comprehensive strength, he is now the world's number one!

Pokémon's strength is also its own strength!

The heights are too cold, in addition to wanting to improve his commanding ability, he also wants an opponent!

Beast man?I don't know where yet!It is not impossible for the original protagonist of Xiaozhi!

"Dr. Oki, Dr. Yew, you are all 3.3 here!" At this time, an old man came over surrounded by everyone.

"It's President Damaranch!" Seeing Damaranch, Xiao Zhi's face showed an excited look. For some reason, he could always feel that President Damaranch was very kind, like his own relatives!

It's a pity that he doesn't see this old man often.

"It's you! Xiao Zhi!" Damaranch looked at Xiao Zhi with kindness in his eyes. I am afraid that the most sorry person in this life is this grandson!

He has a son and a daughter, and a grandson who is now the crown prince in the Hezhong area, but this grandson has not lived a very good life since he was a child. Xiaozhi doesn't even know his own life experience. This is his biggest sorry. .

Text Chapter 772 Goodbye Damaranche

The idea of ​​patriarchal preference exists in any world, especially in a world like Pokémon World, where there are many boys and girls, the water splashed by a married daughter, in Damarange's eyes, Xiaozhi is his closest grandson. , As for the grandson, I'm sorry, it's not a family!

"Ah?! President Damaranch, you still remember me?!" Damaranch's words clearly surprised Xiaozhi, and his face was even more excited. In Xiaozhi's heart, he was just a small person, but his own The little man was actually remembered by Damaranch, how could he not be flattered? !

Kaguya listened with a black line on his face, silly thing, that's your grandfather, but more often he saw Hanako's eyes looking at Damaranch was very complicated, full of hatred... It's full of inner feelings!

It's really interesting!

"Haha, Xiaozhi, you have helped the alliance many times! Miss Junsha from all over the world has praised you!" Damaranci smiled heartily15, and the people who came with him looked at Xiaozhi curiously, this Who is the child! ?To be able to get such a fancy from Chairman Damaranch, it seems that we need to investigate and investigate in the future, maybe we can make friends!

"Is that so? This is what I should do!" Xiaozhi looked at Damaranch with joy, he didn't expect that the ladies of Junsha would take such a fancy to him!

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