"Are you okay now!?" Kaguya looked at Ladios in surprise, it seemed that there had been a great change from before he left, but he couldn't see any problems.He had to ask, as for the probing technique, Kaguya doesn't know how far the current Ladios has progressed, and it would be a little embarrassing if it noticed that he was spying on it!

Radios nodded slightly, and at the same time told Kaguya with telepathy: "Well, Lord Hoo cured me! It should not happen again in the future! It asked me to tell you and do what you think is right. Maybe you can really change the world!"

Hearing Ladios' words, Kaguya was obviously stunned for a moment, did he do what he thought was right?


That is a rebellion, killing the alliance!

It seems that King Ho is very unhappy when he sees the alliance!

However, thinking about it is right, how could Ho-wang really not care about the outside world at all, and stay in the so-called sky volcano as an otaku?

Well, it's a house girl. Although the legendary Pokémon seems to have no gender, but the last time Kaguya had a telepathy with Ho-oh, Ho-oh's voice was a clear and sweet girl's voice.

At the very least, it is not necessarily wrong to say that it is a house girl!

"Do what you think is right!?" Kaguya nodded, indicating that she understood, "Then Ladios, please take care of you next! I may use you to participate in the battle!"

"I'm willing to serve you!" Although Radios has a little opinion on Kaguya about his sister, he has no problems in other aspects!Before leaving, it was Kaguya's Pokémon, but because of physical reasons, there was no battle!

So now this Silver Conference, it is time for it to serve Kaguya!

The life-saving grace had to be repaid, even if it was Ho-wang who saved it in the end, it would not have recovered without Kaguya's initial help!

As long as he doesn't do anything harmful, Ladios won't hesitate!What's more, it also wants to see what step this person who is favored by Feng Wang can do! .

Chapter 781 Another Hirona's fangirl

Regarding Ladios' level, Kaguya did not guess, but it must be very high!After all, after absorbing the mega evolutionary stone before, Ladios's level was much higher than Ladias's, but with the loss of vitality, its level gradually declined.

However, after seeing Ladios again, the breath has changed!

Under Kaguya's estimation, the current level of Ladios should not be inferior to that of Ladias.

Especially the red stripe should not be so simple, there is even the breath of King Feng, when thinking of Emperor Yan, Hui Ye couldn't help but ask: "Now you, can you use Feng Wang? King's power?"

Among the three divine beasts, Suicune is undoubtedly the most popular existence due to his appearance. Among those fan fictions that have traveled to the world of "[-]" Pokémon, Suicune will always be the divine beast that the protagonist must subdue .Whether it is strength or appearance, it is the best among the three beasts!

Only this novel is an exception, the protagonist turned out to be one of the few nagging beings who didn't subdue Suicune, which almost caused countless readers to yell slogans such as don't subdue Suicune, give bad reviews, and trash authors get out!

After all, in their eyes, only the Pokémon in the protagonist's own hands are their own!

As for the others, I'm sorry, even if it's the protagonist's sister, it's not the protagonist's...

I don't know if people who have such thoughts dare to tell their wives such thoughts... Of course, the premise is that they have wives or girlfriends...

Cough cough, well, this is a speechless ridicule, let's get down to business.

Among the three divine beasts, Suijun is the most popular, Leihuang is the most low-key (no one cares), but Yandi is the most special existence, he can use the exclusive skill of Ho-king, Holy Flame...

Because of King Ho's gift, Emperor Yan has become the most special being among the three holy beasts.

Sacred flame is definitely not something that Emperor Yan can use!

Ho-oh can give Entei the ability to use sacred flames, so what about Ladios?Although it was not resurrected by Ho-oh, it didn't die itself, but it was also given life force by Ho-oh!

As Kaguya had thought before, just like the situation that Ladios encountered before, there is no other Pokémon in this world that can help Ladios except the God of Life, Feng Wang!

Even if Arceus wakes up, I'm afraid he can't do it.

There are specialties in the art industry, even Arceus is not omnipotent!

Ladios watched Kaguya staring at the flame mark on his wings, and patiently explained: "This is the power that Lord Hoo gave me, but I can't control it very well now! And the current vitality seems to be It is maintained by this flame!"

Hearing Ladios' answer, Kaguya's face showed a world look of sudden realization. Although it was a pity not to be able to use the sacred flame, Kaguya learned a lot.

It turns out that the flame of Ho-oh is full of infinite vitality. Unlike Reshiram's flame that can burn directly, Ho-oh's flame can not only burn everything, but also bring life and vitality to living beings!

As expected of the Phoenix King!


The match of Kaguya's top [-] started soon.Although he had the idea that no matter who my opponent was, he would definitely not be strong anyway, but he still took a look at the opponent's profile before the match.

In order to avoid the appearance of his own brain powder again, he will not be able to react!

Chapter 781 Another Hirona's fangirl -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

In order to avoid the appearance of his own brain powder again, he will not be able to react!

Although his probing technique can know the favorability of the other party towards him, he cannot guarantee [-]% that he will not be deceived!

It is necessary to investigate.

Today's opponent is a girl named Suzuyo, who seems to be nicknamed a tie or something. The family seems to be rich, but this is all insignificant. Anyway, there are not a few rich families in the Pokémon world.

There is no richest, only richer.

For example, the Shiruf family and the Dawu family of the Shiruf and Devon Manufacturing Company, although they are rich in appearance, are actually very rich, but they are more often like a purse of the alliance, every year. Most of the money the company makes goes into the hands of the alliance and major families.

This is also the reason why the Shiruff family wants to cooperate with the Rockets and Dago wants to cooperate with Kaguya!

Although because of the alliance, they have the opportunity to monopolize, but who is willing to work for others to make money?

Even if they don't create a monopoly, they can make money that ordinary people can't imagine!

Technology is the primary productive force!Well, this is also what Mr. Lu Xun said!

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