What's going on here?

He is a little confused!

Xiao Zhi didn't know that the hot beast has hidden characteristics to cause fire. After all, according to his inertia, it is impossible for the hot beast to fight against the fire-type Pokémon, and it is even more impossible for the grass-type!Inverse attribute battle is what Ash insists on!Not inverse attributes, this game can't be played at all!

But it seems that the current state of the hot beast seems to be better!

Then don't think about it!

Let's talk after it's over!

"Hot Beast, use Purgatory!" Xiao Zhi said indifferently.

It's just a pity that Xiao Mao didn't give any orders, just let the wind speed dog stand there stupidly, quietly waiting for the purgatory damage to fall on him.

".ˇThis?" Xiaozhi blinked suspiciously, and saw that under the full attack of the Fiery Beast, the Wind Speed ​​Dog was not injured at all, and the same flames as before seemed to be shining on its body.

This also attracted Xiaozhi's attention. He may not know the existence of the ignition characteristic, but this does not mean that there is a problem with Xiaozhi's head. On the contrary, during the battle, his intuition is sharp!

Fire skills have no effect on both Pokémon?

In Xiaozhi's mind, such a guess quickly came up, followed by a wry smile, what is this?

It was obviously two fire-type Pokémon, but they both turned out to be unable to use fire-type skills!

Is there anything more fucked up than this?

Xiaozhi doesn't know, he has never met it anyway!He was also disgusted!

"Hot Beast, you can't use fire-type skills, use high-speed stars!" Xiao Zhi reminded the flaming beast.

Faced with Xiaozhi's judgment, Huo (Wang Liao Zhao) Explosive Beast also rolled its eyes. With such a judgment, it roughly guessed whether it was good or not?

However, shouldn't fire-type Pokémon be fought with flames?

This made the hot beast himself annoyed for a while, hey!

"Fengsugou, use the shadow clone!" Xiaomao is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the strategy he had set before. Although it is disgusting not to be able to use fire-type skills, Fengsugou has another advantage - speed!

This is unmatched by many Pokémon!

There were countless shadows of the wind speed dog at the scene, even if the hot beast wanted to find the body, it couldn't do it, let alone hit the wind speed dog!

(I feel that the wind speed dog is really pretty good. The racial value of 555, except for some mythical beasts and quasi-gods, there are not many Pokémon higher than it? And all attributes are quite balanced! The author likes to use it very much !).

Text Chapter 794 Forced [-]/[-] Split

"Find it out!" Xiao Zhi quickly ordered to the Flaming Beast.

Although high-speed stars are a must-have skill to some extent, when the speed reaches a certain level, it can also be out of this category.

The high-speed stars only destroyed a few afterimages.

"How is this possible?" Xiaozhi looked at this scene in surprise, he remembered that the high-speed star should be a must-have skill!This is also one of the few things he knows about the basics of Pokémon!

"Nothing is absolute! Don't you understand it by now?" Xiaomao said to Xiaozhi coolly. In fact, he was also fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, the speed of the wind speed dog was fast enough, otherwise he would really of using the wrong skills!

He has always despised Xiao Zhi in this regard. If he really made a mistake, it would be a real tragedy!How can I make fun of Xiao Zhi in the future?

"There is no absolute?" Xiao Zhi's face showed a face of sudden realization, it seems that it is indeed the case!

There is no certainty, some things are really beyond common sense!

Just like before, he attacked Kaguya's Pokémon with many skills that were deemed to be successful, but his Pokémon could still be easily evaded. This is indeed a very unscientific existence!

But didn't it happen?

820 Although this happened to Xiaomao, it is not completely unacceptable!

"In this case, the hot beast uses tile splits!" Xiaozhi gave another order, defense is not his strong point!

"Tread again!"

"Rock Blockade!"

"We also rock block!"


It's a close fight, especially since the two Fire-type Pokémon can't use Fire-type abilities, it's more interesting and weirder.

But it was also a pretty good match!

Of course, in the case that neither side can use fire-type skills, the Fire Beast has some advantages.

Even if two Pokémon are only Fire-type Pokémon, they still have a single attribute!

But the wind speed dog really doesn't have as many skills as the hot beast...

It needs four legs to crawl, but the flaming beast can stand...

Well, this is a bit of a spoof, but the fact is true. Under Xiaozhi's constant consumption of character and using Rejuvenation Roar, even if the level of the wind speed dog is slightly higher than that of the fiery beast! (bicf)

Both sides also lost the ability to fight almost at the same time!

"It seems that your growth during this period is indeed unexpected!" After Xiao Mao took back the wind speed dog, he gave Xiao Zhi a deep look, but that's fine, he can really go all out!

"I've always been strong!" Xiao Zhi responded, but he was somewhat guilty. After all, he might not really be Xiao Mao's opponent some time ago.

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