The temperature at the scene instantly rose.

"."is that a lie?What kind of Pokémon is this? "Xiao Mao complained with pain on his face, "Are you sure you didn't bring down the sun?" "

After all, the Moon Elf is only the Moon Eevee, and naturally cannot fight with the Sun.

It's just that Xiao Mao really can't figure out, where did Kaguya come up with this bizarre Pokémon.

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God! Serving as the Sun God!" Kaguya smiled at Xiao Mao, this was the first time the Winged Dragon of the Sun God fought!

At the same time, countless gods in the Pokémon world turned their attention to the venue of the Silver Conference.

They all felt this divine power, even though the current power of the Sun God Winged Dragon is still very weak, and even not worth mentioning in front of them, but they also felt the future potential of the Sun God Winged Dragon.

However, it's just a matter of paying attention!

(Okay Zhao)

They were neither nervous nor angry about the appearance of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, which was different from Deoxys. They all noticed that the role of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God was that of the Sun God, and currently occupies this position. Indeed, there are those in charge, Solgaleo!The first is the ultimate beast from the ultimate cave!This is more or less different, and has been rejected by the Pokémon world, even if they fight, the beasts will not care!

Moreover, the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God seems to already have a place to perform duties, and they are not even rejected by the world at all. They also have no distaste for the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God, and even have a touch of kindness!

Just like my own!

What's more, this is Kaguya's Pokémon. Although you don't know where this human being made this Pokémon, even Arceus has acquiesced in his existence. What else can they say, let's make trouble with Kaguya! ! .

Text Chapter 809 Sun God

"What the hell is this?!" Xiao Mao roared frantically in his heart. If Kaguya released a legendary Pokémon he knew well, he would accept it, but this Sun God's Winged Dragon, he really Haven't heard of it!

Also, according to him, the sun god is not Solgaleo, that is the legendary Pokémon in the Alola region, how did it become the winged dragon of the sun god?

However, seeing the appearance of the other party, it seems that it really looks like the sun god. This is definitely not wrong with Shenwei, and the hot fireball is indeed like the sun!

To a certain extent, the winged dragon of the sun god is really more qualified to be called the sun god than Solgaleo.

In addition to Xiaomao's crazy complaints, the staff members of the alliance who responded the most were already stunned at this moment!Kaguya unexpectedly released another divine beast they had never seen before!

Since Kaguya said it was the sun god, then it really was the sun god!

As for Solgaleo?Could it be a false god?After all, many of the stories that have been handed down are subjective assumptions by human beings, and not necessarily all true. At present, Kaguya is the one who knows the legendary Pokémon best among human beings!

He knows these gods better than all the District Doctors, and those who specialize in research on legendary Pokémon!

793 is just that Kaguya's strength is stronger than before!How can this let them have fun?

Do you want to bully people like this!

Can they still show off their power over other people?

If Kaguya is provoked, wouldn't it be over?

The stronger Kaguya becomes, the more terrifying they feel!

The unease in my heart continued to spread.

The major families have ruled the alliance for hundreds of years, but they are not willing to hand over their power easily!

"This Pokémon, do you know?" Dr. Damu asked Dr. Yew with a bewildered face. The appearance of the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon obviously broke his previous understanding of this aspect!

Destroy the three views!There is wood! ?

Yew shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before. This is the first time! He didn't leave all the Pokémon to us to take care of!"

As the only person other than Kaguya who can freely enter and leave the small world, Yew does not usually go to Kaguya's small world for no reason, and she has naturally never seen this Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon!

The other women also shook their heads one after another. Hui Ye has always kept his trump card. Maybe this kind of thing was released after Hui Ye already had other trump cards, right?

They all know some of Kaguya's habits!

"Hey, I hope this doesn't cause anything to happen!" Dr. Ogi's eyes flashed with deep concern. As far as he knew, the sun god was definitely Solgaleo!

This is proven!

But now Kaguya has released the winged dragon of the sun god, which seems to be more like the sun god than Solgaleo, will this cause the two to fight for life and death for the role of the sun god!

For the territory, the Three Divine Birds can fight without any scruples. For the sea and the land, Kyogre and Gulaton are constantly fighting!Kanzaki Kongza of the sky is even more interested in the territory, and any Pokémon or other things that enter his territory are the objects of his battle!

Now it is really possible to fight for the job!

I don't know what's going to happen by then!

"Don't worry about Dr. Damu, Kaguya must have his own preparations!" Dr. Yew smiled and comforted Dr. Damu.

Could Kaguya be unprepared! ?Of course there is. If Solgaleo dares to come to trouble, then the young master will beat you up!Reshiram, Mewtwo, Lugia, these are not vegetarians!

Chapter 809 Sun God -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Could Kaguya be unprepared! ?Of course there is. If Solgaleo dares to come to trouble, then the young master will beat you up!Reshiram, Mewtwo, Lugia, these are not vegetarians!

Just ask if you are afraid of it!

He Hui Ye is such a short guard!

"Transform! The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!" Originally, it required a lot of runes to transform the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, but the system directly simplified all of these, which made the Winged Dragon of the Sun God Dragons can transform directly!

"You can still transform!?" Xiao Mao said that his whole person has become bad, why every time he fights with himself, these strange things will appear, is it true that God is against him?

I saw that under everyone's eyes, the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon revealed its original appearance, with a golden body all over and a bird's head growing on its head. The two huge wings on the back are even more shining!

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