"Chichi!" The cold water of the high-pressure water pump was instantly evaporated when the big characters burst. Xiao Mao found helplessly that when his Dragon King was using water skills, he could only reluctantly guarantee himself. Don't be crushed and beaten by the Winged Dragon!

Even the big water skills like high-pressure water pumps can only barely resist the attack of the winged dragon!

But is this a concept?

Look at the other side's Wing Divine Dragon, it seems as easy as drinking saliva after using a fire attribute skill like Big Character Blast, but what about your own Thorn Dragon King?That nozzle mouthparts are going numb!

Just a big character explosion made the Thorn Dragon King consume a lot of physical strength!

You must know that this is the result of the fire element being restrained by the water element, and it is even the result of the thorn dragon king having a higher level than the winged dragon!

Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have been crushed and beaten by now!

Asshole!Why are these gods so difficult to deal with!

You must know that your Thorn Dragon King is not a weak character in all Thorn Dragon Kings, regardless of his current strength or talent, but this can't stand Kaguya cheating!

"Oh? It actually blocked it! Let's put another big character on it.¨!" Hui Ye folded his arms and watched all this with great interest, looking like a big villain behind the scenes!

I saw that under Kaguya's instruction, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God once again sprayed out a big character explosion, a great skill recognized by fire-type Pokémon, but when it came to Wingshenlong, it was as easy as eating and drinking!

This second big character explosion is like the last straw that broke the camel's back, directly making the Thorn Dragon King helpless!

Originally wanting to resist the previous big character explosion, it needs to spend a lot of effort, and now adding a big character explosion, how can it be played?

Other fire-type Pokémon need to stagnate for a period of time even after using the big character explosion. It is not that the skill itself will cause such a situation. It is not the same as destroying the dead light, but the Pokémon itself is using such a big After the skill, you need to take a breath to recover your physical strength!

But what about now?The previous big-character explosion did not completely disappear, and another big-character explosion came, can it still give people life?I'm afraid it's not just Xiao Mao who is going to vomit blood, but other Fire-type Pokémon and professional Fire-type Pokémon trainers are about to vomit blood!

Such a fire-type Pokémon may not be too open, right?

The Thorn Dragon King, who was trying his best to resist the big character explosion, shrank his pupils when he saw the second big character explosion, but before it could respond, the big character explosion merged with the previous big character explosion to produce a fierce explosion. Swept it all in.

"Boom!" Such explosions rarely appear even in the Silver Conference, and the heat waves generated by the explosions rolled around.

Chapter 813 Be Proper in Action-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Boom!" Such explosions rarely appear even in the Silver Conference, and the heat waves generated by the explosions rolled around.

"Thorn Dragon King!" This shocked Xiaomao, no matter what, the Thorn Dragon King is his partner, shouldn't such an attack kill him?

This is too much for Xiao Mao not to worry. The medical technology in the Pokémon world is very developed, and many Pokémon hospitals can treat injuries, but once the injury is too serious, even the best medical facilities cannot do it!

Rescuing a dead Pokémon, sorry, that's Ho-oh's job, and only the God of Life can do it!

With such a powerful attack, Rao Shimao couldn't help but worry about the Thorn Dragon King!

"Don't worry, Wing Shenlong's shot is measured!" When he said this, Kaguya was somewhat embarrassed and uneasy. After all, this was also Wing Shenlong's first shot, who would know? !

Even if the Wing Shenlong had been told before to put some water!

However, sometimes this degree is not so easy to grasp!

Finally, as the thick smoke dissipated, the body of the Dragon King appeared in front of everyone again. After suffering two large-character explosions, it had already passed out and lost the ability to fight. There were many burning marks on its body. Traces, the sale is very miserable!

Kaguya couldn't help but threw an exploration technique in the past. Could this Thorn Dragon King be grilled?

Fortunately, Hui Ye also breathed a sigh of relief afterwards. Although it looked a little miserable, there was no problem with the life safety of the Dragon King!

Otherwise, I'm afraid this matter is really going to be troublesome!

"." It's fine, just rest for a while! "Hui Ye said to Xiaomao. At the same time, he secretly praised the Sun God Winged Dragon in his heart, it must be showing mercy!

I didn't expect it to have such a precise grasp of power when it just appeared, it is worthy of the legendary sun god!

"That's good!" Xiaomao breathed a sigh of relief (Zhao's), and handed the Dragon King to the side medical staff. Naturally, they would take care of the Dragon King.

Just how do you fight after yourself?

Seeing the Sun God's Winged Dragon who used the big character explosion, a fire-type Pokémon's ultimate trick, still blushed and breathless, Xiao Mao's head was a little troublesome!

How to deal with this?

What a hassle!

After a little hesitation, Xiaomao released his next Pokémon: "Please, Kuailong!"

He has also set the goal of this competition, and that is to defeat the Winged Dragon of the Sun God in Kaguya's hands!

Be the one who defeats Kaguya!

And he also saw the infinite potential of Wing Divine Dragon, it is better to win it once now, there will be no chance in the future!

Once he wins, he can even brag that he beat the Sun God! .

Chapter 814 Kaguya's trump card?

Defeating the Sun God, which is Xiao Mao's goal, sounds crazy, but it's not particularly scary!

As Kaguya said, if there is no ideal in life, what is the difference between it and salted fish?

"Quick Dragon? Are you going to play so soon?" Hui Ye said to Xiaomao pointingly. After all, this is Xiaomao's hole card that he has hidden for a long time to reveal, and his strength is indeed strong. Pokémon is no match for it at all!

Xiaomao has confidence in his fast dragon, but the opposite is God!Still the true sun god!

"It's natural, I'll do my best when facing you!" Xiao Mao said in a passionate tone.

Kaguya said noncommittally: "It seems that you don't know anything about power!" After saying this, Kaguya was also stunned for a moment, what the hell, he actually said such a big villain's words !

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