"If one is not enough, then come to the second one!" Kaguya continued to see that a big character explosion was pushed back by the super water arrow turtle with a high-pressure water pump.

"Roar!" The Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon took a deep breath and spit out a big character explosion again, but this time it took a lot longer to use the big character explosion than before!

After so many battles, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God also felt tired. After all, it can't attack like a perpetual motion machine that never tires!

In a battle like this, even Kaguya's fire-breathing dragon will probably feel tired. After all, the big character explosion is not something that can be used at will, not to mention the loss of both sides caused by the previous violent explosion, and the last curse of Gengar, this is all. It consumes a lot of physical strength. Maybe when the Winged Dragon of the Sun God steps into the realm of the gods in the future, the physical strength can be more, or it is not necessary to take such consumption as one thing!

But the current Sun God Wing Divine Dragon can't do it!

It will also feel tired, even if the sun is recovering its physical strength, but now it is somewhat unable to make ends meet, not to mention the spirit will be tired!

After the second large-character explosion was added to the battlefield, the scene instantly became an evenly matched picture. The two large-character explosions were superimposed on each other and collided with the high-pressure water pump of the super water arrow turtle, resulting in a violent explosion. Countless air waves moved towards It continued to spread around.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"Damn, it's really powerful!" Xiao Mao's face showed a trace of unwillingness, and he naturally knew what was going on!If the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon didn't have so much physical strength, it might have already won!

"Each each other!" Hui Ye took a deep look at the Super Water Arrow Turtle, there is no doubt that if you continue to fight like this, you may really be killed by the opponent!

"But this is the last move, and it's the latest move it has mastered. You have to be careful!" Hui Ye gave Xiao Mao a playful look, and then said.


"What?" Xiao Mao couldn't help exclaiming when he heard the words, and saw the Winged Dragon of the Sun God slammed into the sky, making a crisp cry, and then saw the Winged Dragon of the Sun God turned into a golden Firebird, with golden flames all over its body, is extremely terrifying!


"This! The water arrow turtle uses the cannon water cannon!" Xiao Mao quickly gave an order, instructing the super water arrow turtle to use the cannon water cannon that he had been pressing at the bottom of the box.

After he left Luzi Town last time, he also found a place to practice alone. In order for the Water Arrow Turtle to successfully cultivate the water cannon, the water cannon can only be learned by the final evolution form of the Pokémon first obtained with the water attribute.

In order for him to successfully learn the cannon water cannon, Xiao Mao spent a lot of energy, material and financial resources!

It was not used in the battle with Ash's fire-breathing dragon before, and now it is also used as the last killer!

Cannon water cannon?Hui Ye glanced at the super water arrow turtle with a playful look, as expected of Xiao Mao, he actually let the super water arrow turtle learn this trick, even if the three water-based royal families want to learn this trick, it takes a lot of energy!

However, this is the natal skill of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!

Is it so easy to be blocked?

"Boom!" I only saw a golden light meet the blue water head-on. Compared with the high-pressure water pump, the power of this cannon is obviously much more physical!

The water vapor spread instantly, blocking everyone's sight, and then only a strong explosion sound was heard in the thick fog! .

Text Chapter 821 ends

After a long time, the water vapor gradually dissipated, and only the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God and the Super Water Arrow Turtle were seen standing in the same place. They were still standing there, staring at each other.

"It's over!" Hui Ye sighed, and he stared at Xiao Mao, sighing in his heart that the first friend he made in the Pokémon world didn't seem to have a good luck.

"Water Arrow Turtle!" Xiao Mao called out, not everyone could see the previous battle, and no one knew what happened to the Sun God's Winged Dragon and Water Arrow Turtle in the thick fog!Who wins and who loses, or which skill is more powerful!

Everyone looked at this scene curiously. After all, they had never heard of a skill like the phoenix before, but the cannon water cannon has been studied. After all, it is the legendary super "six four three" strong that belongs to the three families of the water system. Skill!

Perhaps the phoenix is ​​the exclusive skill of the winged dragon of the sun god, right?It seems that those gods have such skills!

"Boom!" Under everyone's attention, Xiaomao's super water arrow turtle fell first and became the loser of this battle.

"Water Arrow Turtle!" Xiao Mao exclaimed, and at the same time there was a flash of relief in his heart. It really wasn't that easy to defeat the legendary Pokémon!However, this is fine, at least he won't leave too many regrets, he really used all his strength!

"The water arrow turtle has lost its ability to fight. The winner is Kaguya from the Hezhong region and his Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon!" Before the referee's voice could fall, there was another boom, the Sun God The Winged Dragon also hit the street!

I ate a cannon water cannon of the super water arrow turtle, and even it was a bit too much. Coupled with the previous consumption and the use of the phoenix, this made the Winged Dragon of the Sun God lose its fighting ability!

"This?" Xiaomao looked at this scene dumbfounded, he didn't even know what he was?Did he really defeat the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, or did he not?

Although he lost, it seemed that he also made the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon lose its fighting ability. This is an ambiguous ending!

He suddenly recalled the rumbling rock that he lost inexplicably before. If it was still there, he would be considered to have defeated the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, right?

It's a pity that all this is not if!

On the other hand, after all this was over, Xiao Mao felt that his wish had been fulfilled, and his whole person had been sublimated!

Maybe this is a bit of Ah Q's spirit, but in his opinion, he has indeed defeated the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, at least he has used up all its physical strength!

This is also a fact. A defeat that is not a defeat has sublimated Xiao Mao's soul and made him truly grow up.

Perhaps in the days to come, Xiao Mao's strength will increase at a speed unimaginable for ordinary people, even if he does not travel, he can do the same!

"This result seems to be good!" Kaguya glanced at Xiao Mao playfully, then took the Winged Dragon of the Sun God back into the Pokémon Ball, and left first.

After seeing Kaguya, his sisters didn't take the initiative to mention the Sun God, they just seemed to be hesitant to say anything.

Hui Ye smiled at this and took the initiative to say, "The Winged Dragon of the Sun God is indeed the legendary Sun God. Recently, those people have become more and more dishonest, and I plan to focus their attention on me!"

"But so, aren't you very dangerous?" Cattleya couldn't help but asked worriedly, that is, she didn't know why she was so worried about Kaguya, and didn't want him to have an accident, probably because Kaguya was Few people can get along with.

The end of Chapter 821 -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"But so, aren't you very dangerous?" Cattleya couldn't help but asked worriedly, that is, she didn't know why she was so worried about Kaguya, and didn't want him to have an accident, probably because Kaguya was Few people can get along with.

Kaguya shook her head and said, "Do you think I look like a normal human?"

Other Pokémon trainers may indeed have to worry about being killed, so no matter how powerful his Pokémon is, it's useless!

It's like Kaguya a year ago, who was almost shot by a pokemon from the Pokémon Hunter organization. If Xiao Huang hadn't blocked the shot for himself, he might have been in a lot of trouble!

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