No one knows how powerful Dream's strength is.

It must be very strong, right?

So, under everyone's attention, the destructive light with infinite horror was actually split in half by a lightsaber.

This is the destructive death light of the circle bear. The circle bear is the scariest Pokémon in the forest except for the big needle bee colony! .

Text Chapter 828 Perfect Opening

To say that the bears are terrifying, it is better to say that the bears are too bad-tempered and irritable. When they gather together, they will destroy people and destroy them, which has caused endless trouble to many tourists.

A circle bear is not scary, but a group of circle bears is a disaster!

Although their number is not as good as that of the giant bees, their destructive power is also no less than that of the giant bees. In addition, this is the finals of the Silver Conference. How can the circle bears brought out by the contestants be ordinary circle bears? comparable?

But the destructive death light used by such a circle bear was easily smashed by the holy sword, and the brilliance of the holy sword was not only that, the entire circle bear was shrouded in by the holy sword. .

The outcome is already decided, even if the dream is not a real Keldeo or a swordsman, but the power of this holy sword and the absolute strength of the dream will crush the circle bear.

Maybe the Pokémon of the Heavenly King level can defeat the champion Pokémon when the attributes are favorable, just like Kana has completely overcome Yulongdu, specializing in Yulongdu's various dissatisfaction, otherwise Yulongdu will not be convinced. I won't go to the Chengdu area to be the champion!

Although the Chengdu area is the hometown of Yulongdu, there is no doubt that the champion of the Kanto area is obviously more prestigious than the Chengdu area.After all, the Kanto region is the most important region of the Alliance!

There can be chaos anywhere, only the Kanto region can't really be chaotic.

The Heavenly King level can challenge the champion, but the elites, or the quasi-kings to challenge the real beast-level Pokémon, is tantamount to dying!

It is true that the level of fantasy has not recovered, but its actual combat power is not inferior to these gods!

Just one bout to lose the Bears!

"Isn't there the slightest bit of resistance?" He Hui sighed silently.

"Your strength should be more than that, right〃`?" Kaguya looked at the other party with his arms folded. He once saw a Pokmon in Hehui's information, and that was his real trump card.

"Although I don't want to say that, even it can't change the status quo!" He Hui smiled bitterly, but he still released his Pokémon ball in his hand.

With a flash of red light, a giant golden monster appeared in front of everyone.

Most of the players who can reach the finals are not ordinary players, and it seems that it is not surprising to be able to come up with a quasi-god!

"Is it a giant gold monster?" Kaguya murmured, he was thinking about what to transform Dream into. According to his urine, he should have wanted to transform Dream into Phoenix. Anyway, the big boss of Phoenix I don't care about these little things.

Perhaps, for them, the dignity of God cannot be violated, but it also depends on who the object is.

No mythical beast would be willing to live with the dream!

Of course choose to forgive it pull!

However, after considering that this is the Chengdu area, Kaguya gave up this idea. In the Chengdu area, people have a mysterious worship of Feng Wang. Before, the transformation of the dream into the three holy beasts almost made the whole venue boil. If Transformed into King Ho, Kaguya didn't know what would happen to them.

Was it too crazy, or threw himself crazy with rotten eggs, thinking that he had blasphemed their gods, hesitated, Kaguya still didn't do that!

Even if Ho-oh himself doesn't care, how do these humans know that Ho-oh doesn't care?

"Transform into a flame bird!" Kaguya is a good man with a beginning and an end. Since the frozen bird and the lightning bird have already appeared, let's gather the flame bird!

"Flame bird? Sure enough!" Facing Kaguya's almost cheating behavior, Hehui had given up hope, "Use illusion!"

Chapter 828 Perfect Opening-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Flame bird? Sure enough!" Facing Kaguya's almost cheating behavior, Hehui had given up hope, "Use illusion!"

It's just that Kaguya faced him this time and didn't even bother to give an order. I saw that under everyone's curious eyes, the illusion was directly swallowed by it when it came to the dream. .

This little guy seems to have the ability to use all energy as food, and some people once thought that Dream is actually a super power-type Pokémon. Kaguya saw Dream swallowing other super power-type Pokémon while fighting them more than once. Skill!

There are illusions, psychic powers, or something else.

According to Kaguya's conjecture, although this can be regarded as food for the dream, it is more for fun!

The big guy's mind is never on the same channel as the other Pokémon.

"How is this possible?" He Hui looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed. He was defeated by Dream and killed by Hui Ye, all of which he had prepared for.

However, the powerful illusion of the giant golden monster hit the dream body without causing any damage to the opponent, and was directly swallowed by it.

This makes Hehui really unacceptable. According to Dr. Kongmu, the strength of this giant golden monster has reached the level of a king!

But now?

It seems that it is not worth mentioning at the level of the king of heaven, even if the skills are swallowed, can it still be fun to play?

".〃Dream, use jet flames!" When Hehui was shocked, Kaguya would not give him time to be dazed, and it was time to end this farce!

It's too boring here!

The fiery flames shot out from the beak of flames transformed by the dream, and the scorching high temperature seemed to be no weaker than the flames of the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon at the beginning.

"Use and defend!" He Hui said quickly.

Then I saw that the seemingly powerful giant golden monster was instantly annihilated by the flames.

So has it been successful?

Everyone is curious about this question (Noma's).

"Oh? It seems to be successful, then use the hot air!" With the fall of Kaguya's command, the "Flaming Bird" began to flap its wide wings and continued to attack the giant gold monster.

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