For Kaguya's conjecture, Dream did not speak, but kept the default.

"I see!" Hui Ye sighed, but he didn't think humans were pathetic, nor did he think these legendary Pokémon were controlling the lives of humans.

After all, this world is not just a matter of human beings, but also the world of Pokémon. These legendary Pokémon represent not only themselves, but also the planet's own will.

Man can conquer nature?Hehe, most people who think this way don't know how they died in the end!In fact, human beings are the most selfish creatures. .

Chapter 848 Provocation?

After a sleepless night, Kaguya and Arturia got up early and went to the Orange Flower Gym. The Gym still has to be challenged, no matter how strong or weak it is.

It's just that when he hadn't reached the gym, a phone rang, and the caller was Dago, who hadn't seen each other for a while.

"Could it be that this guy knew that he was in the Hoenn area and wanted to entertain himself?" Kaguya and Dawu are also good friends, this guy is his future brother-in-law, and the relationship is not bad, plus he and Dewen Manufacturing companies have always cooperated. In addition to game companies, the cooperation of Devon Manufacturing is also one of Hui Ye’s important sources of funding.

"Hey, what's the matter with Dawu?" Kaguya asked calmly, although he was somewhat puzzled.

The face on the other end of Dawu's video was not very good, so he still replied: "Something happened, and it's not a trivial matter. You should be in Chenghua City by now, right?"

As for Kaguya's whereabouts, this is not a secret, even anyone with a little power can easily find out if they want to investigate, and he himself did not hide his thoughts.

Now he is going to completely disturb the muddy water, how can he hide his traces!

Using oneself as a target to lure a snake out of the hole, except for Kaguya, I am afraid that no one can do it, and no one else has such awareness!

Most of them really cherish their lives too much, and Kaguya does indeed cherish his lives, but he is absolutely not greedy for life and afraid of death. He does this because he has his own confidence.

On the other hand, Arturia has a strong self-protection ability. Compared with fighting, no one in this world has more rich experience than her. As King Arthur of Great Britain, the battles she has experienced are not what ordinary people can imagine.

Although she thinks that she is a king who is not very good, and even wants to deny her history, her fighting ability is also beyond doubt.

Although the two are not Pokémon, their personal abilities are already more Pokémon than Pokémon!

I am afraid that only the legendary Pokémon can crush them!

"Yes, I was just about to challenge Chenghua Taoist Hall, but I didn't expect your call to come!" Hui Ye said with a little playfulness.

With the black line on Dawu's face over there, challenging the Orange Flower Dojo, Kaguya really has a leisurely mood!Although Mr. Qianli, the new gym trainer of Chenghua gymnasium, is quite good, the difference in strength is still a bit big compared to Kaguya.

Heavenly King candidates, this sounds very cool, and it can be regarded as an admission that a trainer has the qualifications to become Heavenly Kings. When selecting Heavenly Kings in the future, they will be the first to look for them, but who is Hui Ye?This is the existence of a large group of legendary Pokémon, even if the alliance has to give him three points.

If he were Kaguya, he would have stopped traveling a long time ago. Well, all over the world can find rocks to play with.

"The archaeological site between Chenghua City and Mobai Town you just passed by was invaded last night, and the other party was from the Water Fleet!" Dawu said with a very heavy face.

"The people of the Water Fleet, the archaeological ruins? Just what does this have to do with me? It's impossible for me to go directly to the people of the Water Fleet to go hard steel, right?" hands-on.

Chapter 848 Provocation? -->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"The people of the Water Fleet, the archaeological ruins? Just what does this have to do with me? It's impossible for me to go directly to the people of the Water Fleet to go hard steel, right?" hands-on.

But they all have their own plans and dreams, and they will never cooperate with other organizations in terms of purpose and actions. They are still making their own plans.

Especially like the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team, even if they are now, I am afraid they will continue to be hostile. After all, one of these two organizations wants to find Gaioka to create a world with only the sea, and the other wants to wake up the ancients. Raton creates a world with only land.

Almost every one of these two organizations is crazy and doesn't (bjeg) know that both land and sea are indispensable.

Even Kyogre and Gulaton know this truth.

The two of them create continents and oceans to fight constantly for this, and more of them belong to their own responsibilities. Of course, a pair of good friends want to fight is also an important reason. At their level, very few Pokémon can be them. opponent!

"Of course I can't bother you anymore, but don't you feel that you just arrived in Chenghua City, and something happened to the ruins, isn't it a coincidence?" Dawu said with a bad expression, if He probably wouldn't be so angry when the water fleet went to destroy other places, but for him, a champion who loved to collect stones, that was unacceptable.

After all, there are some special stones that you can hardly find in the mines, but you need to go to some archaeological sites. Therefore, even if I don’t like to go to archaeology, I have some understanding, and even become an expert in this regard.

"You mean they're targeting me? Want me to find them?" Hui Ye was also a little silent. If anyone else said what Dawu said, he would definitely turn the table and choose to turn his face. After all, whether this sentence is It sounds like I'm doubting my own rhythm.

But Dawu is different. They are not only friends but also half collaborators. He has hinted to himself more than once that Dewen Manufacturing Company can completely stand with Xiao Organization, but Xiao Organization must ensure that Dewen Manufacturing Company can get what it deserves. treatment.

This is inevitable. Kaguya has never thought about the idea of ​​equalizing the rich and the poor. It is obviously unscientific and not in line with human nature. There are always people who want to be lazy and hate work. Human nature itself has problems.

What Kaguya has to do is to eliminate most of the clan today, cancel their privileged status, and give more civilians a chance.

As for the existence of a company like Devon, people rely on their own development of technology, why do you attack it?You can do it if you have the ability!

High-tech is still very important, such as the kind of companies that engage in games or real estate to become a national first-class enterprise itself is unhealthy and unscientific, and even hinders the progress of human beings!

Kaguya's eyes are not so short-sighted. Although he will not encourage the existence of such oligarchs, he will not target them either.As long as they play by the rules of the game!

In this regard, Kaguya also believes in Daigo and the others!

"It should be aimed at you, maybe a provocation to you!" Dawu said to Huiye after pondering for a moment. .

Text Chapter 849 Personality Charm

"Are you provocative? Haha!" Kaguya smiled noncommittally. It seemed that Dawu also got some rumors, so he specially reminded himself that someone was going to do something to him, and this friend was quite good.

"It should be! According to your character, if someone is doing things under your nose, I'm afraid they will go back to find their traces and sabotage their actions!" Dawu saw Kaguya's appearance , he explained patiently.

Although Kaguya's current strength is indeed very strong, he would be envious of all kinds of legendary Pokmon, and Dawu can be regarded as a person who watched Kaguya grow up. There are no legendary Pokémon, and now it is someone I need to look up to~!

However, Dawu doesn’t have much jealousy about this. He doesn’t really care about these things. He cares more about stones than Pokémon battles. If he had to choose the same between Pokmon battles and stones, Dawu He would choose the precious stone without any hesitation, and if it wasn't for Kaguya's matter, he would even have given up the Hoenn region championship to Mikoli, and he could go looking for the stone wholeheartedly!

This is a bit of a plaything, but Daigo is such a person.

"Is that so? So are they trying to get my attention?" Kaguya nodded slightly. This information was related to what Sakagi told him before. I'm afraid this is really a conspiracy against him.

"Then have you been to that archaeological site?" Kaguya then asked, the water fleet couldn't just do such a boring trick.

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