"Xiaozhi, 227, I don't recommend you to challenge Qianli now!" Walking in the aisle, Hui Ye said to Xiaozhi.

"Why?" Now it's Ash's turn to be depressed, even if Kaguya wants to jump in the queue, that's not necessary, right?Tell yourself, he won't care. Although he is very eager to fight, it is not wrong, but watching Kaguya's battle is also a kind of enjoyment.

Eh, it doesn't seem to be enough for me to learn anything, but watching Kaguya crush others is really fun.

Especially when he watched Hui Ye crush Xiao Mao before, let alone how happy he was.

"Mr. Qianli is an extremely good trainer. His strength even has the level of a king. If you wait for you to grow up a bit, and then challenge the gym and fight him with all your strength, it may be more beneficial to you!" Hui Ye explained to Xiaozhi.

Hey, in order to cultivate Xiaozhi, he also spent a lot of effort!

This feeling is even more troublesome than your own progress!

Pit father! !

After Xiao Zhi heard Kaguya's words, a thoughtful look appeared on his face. He had also heard from Kaguya that ordinary gym trainers would not use their true strength against challengers.

And his own strength was too weak before, so he didn't even have the idea of ​​letting them use their full strength. .

Text Chapter 852 Bait

Now I am not weak, but it is not enough for Mr. Qianli to deal with it with all his strength. What Kaguya said seems to be very reasonable. If you keep the qualification to challenge Mr. Qianli, and wait until your strength grows in the future, this will affect yourself. Said to be a rare opportunity, it would even be much better than a battle with Kaguya.

Qianli, who was leading the way, heard Kaguya and Ash's words, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect that he would become the existence that others said they wanted to challenge.

Do you really think he eats rice for thousands of miles?After all, he is also a dignified candidate for the King of Heaven, okay?

Although it can't compare with Kaguya, it is not comparable to ordinary children.It is very difficult for a day's trainer to reach their level, let alone a child!

However, he also had to pay attention to Hui Ye's words. Could it be that Xiaozhi is really so talented?

For Xiaozhi, Mr. Qianli doesn't know very well, he just knows that this guy seems to have ruined his daughter, not the man who ruined his daughter's bicycle.

"Then I won't challenge Mr. Qianli for the time being!" Xiao Zhicai said after hesitating for a while.

At this time, he was much more restrained than two years ago, and he didn't feel that Kaguya was looking down on him, but wanted to challenge him directly.

If he can fight the thousand miles with all his strength, that is something worth looking forward to. Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi is a little itchy, but he still decides to endure it.

It can be seen that under the influence of Kaguya, Ash's character has also been affected more or less.

"Then how does Mr. Hui Ye want me to fight?" Qianli asked curiously. If he were another expert, he would definitely want to fight with all his strength. Not much, even he hadn't fought a hearty battle for a long time.

But Kaguya is different. His strength has long exceeded the category of ordinary kings, and even the champion cannot be Kaguya's opponent. In addition, the legendary Pokémon will be released from time to time. Qianli also has no confidence to defeat it. Kaguya.

"Whatever! It's all the same to me anyway.¨!" Kaguya waved his hand and said.

Although the more powerful the gym trainer is, the better the lottery chances he can get, but he did not directly ask Qianli to give his best, it depends on what the other party thinks.

"Okay then, let's fight with the specifications of the normal gym competition." Qianli said after hesitating for a while.

However, his ordinary gym challenge is also much more difficult than other gym challenges, which is determined by the gym trainer.

Although it's not like the gym like Hui Ye has been open for half a year, I didn't give out a few badges. They are all lucky Pokémon trainers. The lottery just happened to be a lower level, and I swiped in the gym. Experience Pokémon.

Otherwise, Kaguya's badge is not so easy to get.

Although the Qianli badge is not difficult to obtain, it has absolutely nothing to do with easy to obtain.

At least there are not many trainers who have obtained his badge, which is a bit like Liu Bo in the Chengdu area.

"Well, I have no problem!" Kaguya shrugged noncommittally, while Xiao Zhi looked at Mr. Qianli expectantly. What kind of strength does this person deserve so much attention from Kaguya?

Chapter 852 Bait -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Well, I have no problem!" Kaguya shrugged noncommittally, while Xiao Zhi looked at Mr. Qianli expectantly. What kind of strength does this person deserve so much attention from Kaguya?

When a few people came to the competition venue, everything here was already arranged, and the regular ones could no longer be in the regular battle venues.

At the same time, Xiaoyao Xiaosheng and Qianli's wife also came. Xiaosheng glanced at Hui Ye with a little fear, and then stood aside in fear.It looks very cute.

Kaguya's behavior before had really frightened him.Coupled with the short-term education of his parents, he was cowardly, and he didn't know whether he would encounter mixed doubles again.

"Then the number of Pokémon used in the battle is three, the challenger can replace the Pokémon, and the gym trainer cannot replace the Pokémon. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, the game ends." Mrs. Qianli came to the referee position and took on the role the referee.

This is also a common standard for general gyms. Many gym trainers and referees will also be husband and wife. This kind of relationship is more intimate and can also help each other.

As for whether the referee will help the gym trainer to cheat, it is impossible. The gym trainer itself is to select the trainer to participate in the conference. It doesn't matter to them that they lose a few games.

What's more, the referees in the Pokémon world are not like basketball referees and football referees, who have the ability to influence a game.

".‖Then it is my Pokémon!" After the referee's voice fell, Kaguya released the Pokémon ball directly, and the Sun God Winged Dragon appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"That's the sun god!" Compared with Xiaoyao, who doesn't know anything, Xiaosheng's skills are obviously much better than Xiaoyao's. He recognized the sun god just by seeing a light ball of the sun. The identity of the winged dragon.

"Is the sun god?" Xiaoyao glanced at Kaguya in the field and the winged dragon of the sun god in the field.

This seems really shocking!How could she know such a powerful person?

Mr. Qianli, who was standing opposite Kaguya, showed a helpless wry smile when he saw the Wing Shenlong of the Sun God. He didn't expect Kaguya to release it to fight. Wouldn't it be so exciting?

However, if it is possible to fight against the real (completed) sun god, it seems to be a very meaningful thing, but why does Kaguya use this sun god's winged dragon to challenge the gym?

Qianli's eyes flashed full of curiosity.

Kaguya put one hand in his pocket, with a confident smile on his face, he just wanted to let everyone in the Hoenn area know that he had come to the Hoenn area.

At the same time, visit the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God in front of everyone, and tell them that the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God is here. If you have the ability, then come and capture it!

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