That is to say, in the current Liuli City, there are no strong people at all, not even a gym trainer. Isn't this the people of the Water Supply Fleet and the Fire Rock Team stealing their homes?

In a rage, Dawu directly chose to call Mikoli, and Kaguya laughed secretly at the side, Liuli City is the inside of the crater.Long ago, an underwater volcano erupted and jutted out of the ocean.The crater in the center of the land forms a lake due to the accumulation of rainwater.Soon, people found that the climate here was very warm and suitable for living, so they built the "Zero Two Three" Liuli City in this crater.Looking at the sky from Liuli City, you will see the edge of the crater, forming a unique scenery.At night, you will feel that the stars are surrounded by the crater, so Liuli City is also a very popular leisure travel resort.

There are a lot of people in Liuli City right now, but once a big event breaks out, countless people are destined to die because of it, and the cauldron of all this is likely to fall on Mikori.

I can only say sorry to these Hui Ye, although he wants to solve this incident as soon as possible and save those innocent people, but he is not a savior and cannot achieve everything.

Even if he is now rushing over with Ladias and Lugia non-stop, it is too late, not to mention that he still needs to find help now!

"Dawu, why did you come to me!" Mikuri appeared in the camera of the elf watch very arrogantly, and there seemed to be a stage behind him: "Dawu, did you see it? With the admiration of so many people, maybe I can realize my dream right away, and promote the Pokémon Glamour contest to various regions, and they will definitely like this kind of event!"

His words are full of excitement and self-satisfaction, everyone has their own ideals and dreams, just like Michaeli never wanted to become a powerful champion trainer, but to become an excellent gorgeous competition performer. The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, which was originally unpopular, has been extended to all corners of the world.

No one can refute Michael's ideal. After all, this is not a bad ideal. Compared with the ideals of Shuiwutong, Chiyansong, and Chiri, Michael's ideal is too normal. There is no way to say there is something wrong with this ideal.

This ideal is like a normal child wanting to become a Pokémon master, which is irrefutable.

"Mikeli, now is not the time to talk about this. What is hidden in Liuli City, you should know?" Mikoli's hometown is in Liuli City. He said before that his responsibility is to protect what The thing, it looks like it is Gulaton and Kyogre now, but what is he protecting now?

Neglect the first person!

When Mikkori heard Dawu's words, his face changed slightly, and then he said calmly: "You all know? But this shouldn't happen, right? Even if they were found by the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team. , without the vermilion orb and the azure orb, they would not be able to wake up at all."

Speaking of which, he still looked indifferent, that is, he himself does not know where the vermilion orb and the azure orb are now, so how could the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team know?

"But they have already found it, and they are now heading to Liuli City to wake up Kyogre and Guraton!" Dawu said to Mikori with an ugly face.His heart was full of disappointment.

He is supportive of his friend's pursuit of his ideals. After all, he himself is such a person, and even Daigo once wanted to give up the championship in the Hoenn area to Mikori, but now Daigo is disappointed in Mikri!

Chapter 865 Mikoli, Playful and Depressed-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

He is supportive of his friend's pursuit of his ideals. After all, he himself is such a person, and even Daigo once wanted to give up the championship in the Hoenn area to Mikori, but now Daigo is disappointed in Mikri!

He clearly knows that the current Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team are looking for Kyogre and Guraton all over the world, but pinning their hopes on the fact that the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team cannot find the vermilion orb and the blue orb. Such a person It's too playful, isn't it?

If it were me who had such an important responsibility as Mikri, I am afraid that at this critical moment, I would have to protect both of them every step of the way!But Mikri directly chose to run away...

Dawu finally understood why Naqi became more and more indifferent to Michaeli. The two were not as close as they used to be. Even if they wanted to do things, they couldn't do it. It seemed that Naqi had already seen it through. Mickey!

"What?" Mikri's face changed when he heard Dawu's words: "They found the vermilion orb and the blue orb?" He was still trying to grasp the last straw.

"Yes, Furong's family has been responsible for the protection of the vermilion orb and the azure orb for generations. According to the information she told me before, the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team have taken away the vermilion orb and the azure orb, and are now heading towards Liuli City. If you don’t want your hometown to be destroyed, hurry up and stop them from waking up Guradon and Kyogre!” Dawu rarely lost his last patience, and his heart was full of feelings for himself, the fact that he was a child. Big best friend disappointment.

Fuck it!

Mikri's face over there was full of loneliness: "It's too late, I'm in the Kanto region now!" As the base camp of the alliance, Mikri focused his gorgeous competition on the Kanto region, hoping to get the Kanto region People's support, this is of great benefit to the promotion of Pokémon's gorgeous event. I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Damn it!" Dawu cursed secretly and hung up the 3.6 phone directly, too lazy to talk to this best friend who was playful and despondent, and then he set his sights on Hui Ye: "Then I'm going to Liuli City to stop them now, you Woolen cloth?"

Prevent?Dawu also doesn't know if he can do it. It seems that Kaguya is the only one who can fight against Kyogre and Guradon, but the other party is coming for Kaguya!

Kaguya couldn't guarantee that there was no action.

"I'm going to visit Hai Zijin first, then we'll part here, don't die!" Kaguya said to Dawu.

After all, Daigo is one of his few friends!He didn't want Dawu to die directly!

"Don't worry! I haven't found all the precious stones in the world, how can I die?".

Text Chapter 866 Rogia in Hoenn Region

Dawu didn't know that there was something called a flag in this world, otherwise he wouldn't dare to stand up indiscriminately. It's true that champion trainers are very powerful, but they are not completely safe. People at the same level died in the line of duty. It seems that I heard that Xiaoxia's parents used to be trainers at the level of heavenly kings, and they also died in the line of duty in the end!

Therefore, although the three Hualan sisters performed very badly and became the shame of the entire Kanto, well, it seems that they have recently been upgraded to become a shame of the entire Pokémon Alliance Gym, but they can still live a good life and enjoy the things their parents gave them. The benefits and privileges brought, no matter how rubbish their gym is, no one wants to ban their gym.

Well, Kaguya doesn't know how to describe this kind of behavior. Children naturally have the right to inherit the money and honor earned by their parents. This is true in any world, and even Kaguya can't rule out this kind of behavior. Thoughts, such as confiscating all property after the death of parents is simply an act of inhumanity. In the entire history of mankind, there is only one that will force you to hand over all the property left by your grandparents. If you don’t do it If so, do it firmly!They may even be shot because they lack a sense of collective honor.

Kaguya didn't have such an idea either. It's a bit of a conscience. It is estimated that only a few poor people who want to take revenge on society can come up with it?

However, Hui Ye also doesn't like people like the three Hualan sisters. He only enjoys the shadows brought by his parents, but he doesn't want to have the obligation to maintain this honor. Such descendants are hopeless. If you have children like this, I'm afraid you regret not shooting them on the wall, right?

Now let a younger sister who is more than ten years old fulfill such an obligation, and continue to go out and enjoy herself, there are no such older sisters!

Ahem, this topic will be skipped for now, but this is indeed something Kaguya hates the most.

"Then Dawu, please pay attention to safety, we will contact you at any time!" Kaguya waved at Dawu, and then sat on Lugia's back with Artoria.

The original Xiaoyin's body is not much worse than that of Ladias, but recently, his body has undergone a lot of changes, although it is not comparable to the body shape of his parents, and it is not comparable to the previous two. The size of the sea god, but it is not a problem to fly with Kaguya and Arturia.

"Ow!" With Xiaoyin's loud roar, a white light shot out of the sky and flew towards Hai Zijin.

Looking at the backs of Kaguya and Arturia leaving, Dawu waved his hand, and then the smile on his face faded and changed to a firm look: "Kaguya must succeed!"


The Chenghua Forest was not very far from the sea area where Hai Zijin was located. Under Xiaoyin's full-force flight, he flew out of the Chenghua Forest in the blink of an eye, and flew out of the range of Chenghua City in no time.

Lugia's flying speed has always been underestimated. In fact, Kaguya is also the only one sitting on Lugia's back. Well, now Arturia is the second one.

The two soon came to the sea near Hai Zijin. At this moment, it was already covered with dark clouds, and the sky was pouring heavy rain. If you sail on the sea, there will definitely be a shipwreck, and even the Titanic may have a hard time surviving under such huge waves. (Ugh, isn't this nonsense? Titanic, but a tragedy!)

It's no wonder that Yuanzhi called Dawu before. This sea area is indeed in chaos, and the God of the Sea is really angry!

Chapter 866 Rogia in Hoenn Region -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

It's no wonder that Yuanzhi called Dawu before. This sea area is indeed in chaos, and the God of the Sea is really angry!

But looking at Xiaoyin's appearance, you know that Lugia in the Hoenn area has not been captured, otherwise Xiaoyin would not be so relaxed!

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