Suddenly, it turned its head in another direction: "Kaiokka is awake!"

"What? Woke up? So fast?" Hui Ye couldn't help but want to scold her, the water fleet moved so fast, is there a way for people to survive?No matter how much preparation he had made before, he might not be able to withstand so many troubles, and it also involved the ultimate hole.

Once the ultimate hole is completely opened, the world will face a devastating blow.

"Well, Gulaton seems to be awake too, but its power is not right!" Lugia closed her eyes and felt it. As the manager of the sea, as long as the big things that happen in this sea area, it will be more or less. At least it can be felt, not to mention the two behemoths of Kyogre and Guraton!

"What's wrong with the power?" Kaguya asked with a strange expression on her face.

Lugia nodded lightly: "Yes! There is something wrong with Gulaton's power. Kyogre has returned to his original state, but Gulaton is not. There seems to be something wrong with the scarlet orb. In this case, Gula It's impossible for Dunn to defeat Kyogre, and the continent of Hoenn will be submerged by the sea! We must stop this!"

Kyogre and Gulaton are opposites. They usually rub against each other, creating land or ocean. If this kind of thing doesn't cause something big, other legendary Pokémon won't come out to stop it.

After all, this is the mission of Kyogre and Gulaton. It is because of the constant battle between Kyogre and Gulaton that this planet has become what it is today.

The Crackling Seat is responsible for preventing their fight. Once the two fights are almost the same, that is, when the Crackling Seat comes out, let them both go to sleep at the same time. Similarly, the Lugia family can also take action if they have to.

After all, they are the managers of the sea. Whether the sea expands or shrinks, it is closely related to their own interests.

Lugia is qualified to participate in this matter, but it's just a little troublesome!For example, during the Chengdu area, Xiaoyin's mother was not involved in the battle between Kyogre and Gulaton.

"But the scarlet jewel was indeed stolen by them. Could it be that something happened to this incident?" Hui Ye murmured.

"It should be! It's troublesome! So I may have to pass!" Lugia was a little hesitant, whether it was Kyogre, Gulaton or Necrozma, it was a big trouble, hey, it's really bad luck What a hard day!

Kaguya was silent for a while and said to Luo (bgaf) Qia: "Leave Necrozma to me for the time being! I should have no problem, and I will bring Liuli City to reconcile with you when the time comes."

"Necrozma? Can you?" Lugia was obviously stunned, but after thinking that Kaguya was still Reshiram's trainer, she added: "If you can, please don't summon Reshiram. For the good, once Zekrom is also attracted, then it's really troublesome!"

Chapter 868 Preparation -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Necrozma? Can you?" Lugia was obviously stunned, but after thinking that Kaguya was still Reshiram's trainer, she added: "If you can, please don't summon Reshiram. For the good, once Zekrom is also attracted, then it's really troublesome!"

When Hui Ye heard the words, his forehead went dark, and it seemed that this was the case. He didn't expect that he had already provoked so many bigwigs before he knew it. His strength is indeed strong, but he is also very troublesome.

Thinking of this, Kaguya sighed helplessly: "Don't worry, I am prepared, and my friends are not only Reshiram!"

Kaguya looked at her own Pokémon, Reshiram, Xiao Yin, Sun God's Winged Dragon, Dream, Ladias, Ladios, Kurama, plus all kinds of magical creatures that had already touched the border of the beasts. Baby, that's enough for him to do a lot!

And there are foreign aids on the sidelines, the Lugia clan, Ho-oh, and his good friend Chao Meng, and he feels that he seems to be winning against Necrozma!

If Shirona is next to it, it seems to be more interesting, Palkia will ask if you are afraid if you come to one! ?

Thinking about his own Celebrity Hui Ye is a pain in the ass, this guy can only play support, and that Dilu Beast, usually it's good to lick the cat!

Kaguya didn't expect them to fight or something.

On the contrary, Xiandou has accumulated enough now, and it should be enough for him to continue fighting!

Thinking about it carefully, Kaguya seems to have no solution for a long time!


Two huge figures emerged from the deep sea, and a larger figure flew directly in the direction of Liuli City.

Lugia, who was sitting on Kaguya and Artoria, was rushing towards the nearby town, and he had to replace his Pokémon!

During the rapid flight, Kaguya called Miss Lila.

The phone was dialed very quickly. After a few months of absence, Miss Lila's mental state seemed to have improved a lot. She didn't need to worry about the alliance. She had a good rest.

"Long time no see, Kaguya, did you come to the Hoenn area to find me?" Lila asked Kaguya playfully.

He is still concerned about Kaguya's whereabouts, and naturally knows that this guy has come to the Hoenn area.After quitting the international police, Lila still paid a lot of attention to Kaguya, and even analyzed his behavior. It's hard not to pay special attention to such a man, right?

"Lila, where are you now?" Kaguya didn't bother to be polite to Lila, and asked directly. .

Chapter 869 World Destroyer Boss?

"Uh, are you looking for me? Although I do have a crush on you, will it be a bit awkward?" Listening to Kaguya's impatient voice, Lila's shrewd appearance disappeared a lot. , showing a rare look of embarrassment.

After all, the entire Hoenn area is in chaos now. If Kaguya comes to him desperately, it is really not the right time. If it causes heavy casualties, who can afford it?

"Eh? Lila, listen to me, you are very dangerous now, there is an extremely terrifying existence that has been eyeing you, tell me where you are right now!" Kaguya said solemnly .

Lila's strength is indeed very good, and she is protected by the three holy beasts, but even with this strength, it is almost impossible to deal with Necrozmana. Perhaps on this planet, Naik Rozma may not be able to use her full strength, just like Kaguya cannot create a nuclear bomb, but it is not something Lila can handle-it is!

"Am I dangerous?" Lila blinked her eyes, she seemed to have nothing worthy of coveted by others, but she still said: "Then you can come here directly, I am in the battle frontier area, roughly at [-] South of No. [-] Waterway, but it can only be reached by taking the Breaker in Shuijing City or Kaina City. You can go there and take a boat to come.”

"Do you think I need to take a boat?" Kaguya looked at Miss Lila speechlessly. This woman doesn't look like Lila at all. The real Lila wouldn't make such a simple mistake. Her IQ dropped by two. grade.

"Uh, I'm sorry I forgot, then Kaguya, come here!" Lila said apologetically to Kaguya after she was obviously stunned for a while, as if she felt that something was wrong with her today.

My brain seems to be missing a muscle!

"I'll be there soon, and Mr. Kamidai should be in the battle development zone, right? You try to stay with him, the current situation is very dangerous, not one or two three holy beasts can deal with it!" Kaguya Her expression is extremely solemn. It can be said that the legendary Pokémon have spent a lot of effort on Lila, specially arranging the three holy beasts to protect her safety, but when facing Necrozma, the three holy beasts The beast has more than enough snacks but not enough.

Kaguya even felt that even with the addition of the Three Gods Pillars of the Age of Gods, it might not be enough for Necrozma to fight!But it should be okay to hold Necrozma for a while now.

The place where Kaguya is located is not particularly far from the battle development area, and it doesn't take much time to rely on Lugia's flying speed in the sea.

But in the meantime, Hui Ye still ran to a nearby town and asked Xiao Huang to send all the Pokémon in his gym. After all, it was a battle of the century, and he rarely let his Pokémon They are all present.

As for worrying about someone doing something on the way to send the Pokémon, hehe, do you think Kaguya needs to worry?He didn't do anything on other people's teleportation path, and the other party could already thank God!How dare you come to provoke him?Kaguya didn't cause the transmission system of the entire Pokémon world to fail, and those people should be happy!


When Kaguya was about to arrive at the battle development area, they clearly felt that the sky ahead was dim, and whether it was sunlight or other light seemed to disappear under such circumstances.

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