"Ladias!" Kaguya shouted to Ladias beside him, and touched the evolution keystone with his finger, emitting a dazzling colorful light, mega evolution, and now Ladias' level has been increasing rapidly During the upgrade, even without mega evolution, Ladias' strength has reached the level of a third-level god, and after the mega evolution, it is even a second-level god level, which is stronger than most of Kaguya's Pokmon .

It can be seen how much mega evolution has improved the strength of Pokémon, and there seem to be only two mega evolution stones of Ladios and Ladios, which are also among the Ladios and Ladias families. The holy stone is protected by Kaguya's Ladias and Ladios, and Ladios's mega evolutionary stone has been destroyed even before!

That is to say, Ladias became the only one among all Ladios and Ladias that could mega evolve.

"Hmm!" With the evolution of Ladias Mega, its strength has obviously improved by more than one level, facing Necrozma, it is a mist ball and goes away.

And Lugia also chose to use aerial blasting, and this was even the first time it used aerial blasting!Powerful!

At the same time, Mr. Koujiro's Three God Pillars launched an attack on Necrozma.

At the moment, Necrozma's state is not very good. It should be said that it is very bad. Originally, it was able to draw a tie with so many Pokémon. If it takes a long time, it may be able to use the advantage of physical strength to defeat. These Pokémon, but this tactic is obviously not applicable. This planet is the Pokémon planet, and there is a possibility that the legendary Pokémon will come to snipe him at any time.

Necrozma said that he could not continue to fight like this, not to mention that with the strength of the new force, Necrozma has completely fallen into a disadvantage, and it must leave here quickly.

Suddenly, the prism (Wang Haozhao) on Necrozma's body began to emit dazzling light, attacking the position guarded by the dragon elves.

"' ‖Be careful, this is Necrozma's skill!" Kaguya hurriedly shouted at the Pokémon.

The Pokémon who heard Kaguya's words began to avoid them one after another. They also felt the aura of destruction from the beam. It was not that they did not sacrifice for this Pokémon planet, but that they would not dodge if they could. It's an idiot to resist!

At the same time as Necrozma attacked, Lugia's aerial blast and Ladias' mist ball also hit Necrozma with great precision, but at the next moment, Necrozma seemed to be the same. Not caring about his injuries, he quickly escaped towards the channel it had hit before!

Kaguya's Pokémon all looked at Kaguya, wanting to see how this trainer chose! .

Text Chapter 873 Battle Situation

The speed of the competition, Necrozma is not very fast. Among Kaguya's Pokémon, many are much faster than Necrozma, such as Lugia, Ladias and Ra. Dios, etc., if they want to chase, they can indeed catch up slowly, but everyone actually understands that Necrozma at this moment has escaped the barrier established by the dream. If you want to escape, you can use teleportation.

Hey, who made Necrozma belong to that evil superpower type?Once there is no dream's restraint, if it wants to escape, it can still do a teleportation.

"Forget it!" Hui Ye sighed silently, the dream was already lying on Hui Ye's head, and it was extremely difficult to block this space even if it wanted to do it. After all, it's not a divine beast with space duties like Palkia.

Just trying to restrict Necrozma's teleportation has consumed the physical strength of the dream. Of course, this is not mainly physical consumption, but spiritual!

"Let's rest for a while!" Hui Ye scattered the fairy beans, and there are still many battles waiting for them. Those evil organization people don't want to attack themselves when they are not strong enough 467?Then create such an opportunity for them yourself.

Fighting to fight is the best way for Kaguya, which has a god-level lottery system. Although this will make your Pokémon mentally exhausted, there is no doubt that it can greatly improve their strength and level.

It was like the battle with Necrozma just now. Although Necrozma was not completely defeated, in the end, Necrozma escaped, and it was determined by the god-level lottery system that he won the final victory. A lot of experience points can't escape.

There is no doubt that the experience points brought by Necrozma are massive, even the dream, the winged dragon of the sun god, and the existence of Ladias have been greatly improved.

Even at this moment, Kaguya has an urge to keep Necrozma in captivity, and from time to time, he looks for it to level up and gain experience. Brushing the level, after all, this is also the biggest source of experience points, but those legendary Pokémon also need face.

Necrozma is different now (ajdg), it is an ultra beast, an invader, not a legendary Pokémon, if possible, it would be good to gain experience a few more times, suddenly, Kaguya felt that this Necrozma didn't seem so hateful anymore!

If you can always come alone and contribute waves of experience points to yourself, it will be even better!Think about it and be a little more careful!

"There will be more brutal battles in the future, you have to be prepared!" Kaguya said to her Pokémon again to prepare them psychologically.

Kaguya's Pokémon also understand this, although it may be very hard, but this hardship is not a lifetime, but a temporary one, the ability to improve is a lifetime, such a choice, no one is a fool, Of course, it is to help Kaguya defeat those opponents, so as to improve his strength!

"Go to Liuli City next?" Arturia asked Kaguya.

Hui Ye nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then said to the generation of gods beside him: "Thank you for this time, but for a long time, the world will be in turmoil, I hope you don't choose the wrong path!"

After hearing the words, the gods were silent for a moment and said, "I protect the Three God Pillars and the Holy Pillar King Regichkas!" He has already made a choice. If the Three God Pillars and the others can support Kaguya, he will naturally do the same. .

As for being a lackey of the Alliance, this does not exist, and it is impossible to exist in a lifetime!

When Lila asked him to sign the legendary Pokémon Pact, the Age of God just wanted to have less trouble, and the Alliance's requirements for him were not too harsh at that time, so he signed it!

Chapter 873 Battle Situation-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Lila asked him to sign the legendary Pokémon Pact, the Age of God just wanted to have less trouble, and the Alliance's requirements for him were not too harsh at that time, so he signed it!

It's just that Lila withdrew from the international police, so this legendary Pokémon Convention project has almost been considered bankrupt!

The Age of God itself is not a member of the Alliance, and naturally it will not stand there.

"Wise choice!" Hui Ye took a deep look at Dai and didn't say much. For him, the current generation of gods is nothing. Although the Three Gods Pillars are powerful, Hui Ye is even more powerful. The only problem is that It's just Regichkas.

"Then let's go! The current situation in Liuli City is not very good!" Kaguya said to Lishang.

Although Lugia has already rushed over, there are two super ancient Pokémon that have returned to the original fighting, and such combat power is an absolute leader even among super divine beasts.

A Lugia really may not be able to do anything.

"En!" Although Lila was a little embarrassed, she chose to sit on Lugia's back. A great god like Lugia is not something that ordinary people can sit on!

Xiao Yin silently glanced at Lila, who was sitting on her back and hugged Kaguya. She didn't know what these humans were thinking. Is that kind of thing really so important?It just feels that there is no fun at all, okay?

This little benefactor of his own family will die on the woman's stomach sooner or later.

"Then Mr. Kamidai will be here first!" You said to Kamidai again.

"I understand!" Jindai originally wanted to ask Kaguya if he needed help, but looking at the other party's appearance, he didn't seem to need it.


When Kaguya temporarily took back the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, he found that the sky here had undergone great changes. One side was windy and rainy, and the other side was scorching sun.

"It seems that Kyogre and Gulaton have both returned to their Siwon state!" Kaguya murmured while watching this scene, and then he called Dawu again.

The phone was quickly connected: "How is Dawu?"

The expression on Dawu’s side was a little sad: “Some things happened to the Huoyan team before. Guradun didn’t get the vermilion orb, and fell into a disadvantage in the battle with Kioka. Fortunately, Furong arrived and snatched the vermilion orb. Orb, after some hesitation, she returned the vermilion orb to Groudon, and the two sides started a big battle, but Fleur's life and death were unknown!".

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