In Lucario's eyes, although it is not known whether these Pokémon are voluntary, they do help these evil organizations. Such unscrupulous acts of evil, if those human beings are the main culprits, then the people of these evil organizations are the accomplices.

Such a Pokémon is absolutely unforgivable, and the same is true of these humans. If there is no evil organization's behavior, how can he be ruined?

Its power is more for revenge, and it is also for gratitude, revenge against those evil organizations, and at the same time repay Kaguya and others! .

Text Chapter 880 Make trouble

Lucario will be in charge of dealing with the people from the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team, so Kaguya will naturally not pay too much attention. Although there are many people in these two organizations who have certain strength, but in the When facing Lucario, what they should worry about is whether they can survive under Lucario's stick.

Anyway, these are all left to Lucario to handle, and Kaguya believes that he can solve everything.

"When will the people from the alliance come?" Hui Ye suddenly said to Yu Longdu, who was on the side. The people of the alliance have never only been the Four Heavenly Kings and champions. , For example, the hidden combat power among the major families, there are even many people in these families who have the strength of the king or the champion.

Don't these people need to participate in the "[-]"?

"This?" Yu Longdu's face was embarrassed when he heard Hui Ye's question. He roughly knew what the alliance was planning. They simply wanted Hui Ye to fight the thunder alone. The people who came to the scene were already very socially responsible.

People like Dawu are probably still on the road. The current Hoenn area is not calm. If you want to come from other places, except for some powerful trainers, it is impossible for ordinary trainers to come to such a place.

Then it's all embarrassing!

"Is that so?" A cold light flashed in Hui Ye's eyes, and he said to Luo Tianyi, "Tianyi, connect me to everyone's network!"

"No problem, give me five seconds!" Luo Tianyi said firmly, as an existence who has long regarded the world's Internet as her own back garden, this has no pressure on her at all.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kaguya's handsome face appeared on computers and genie watches all over the world.

"Hey hey hey, listewo, owo! thisishuiyespeaking! Cough cough!" Hui Ye first chose to show off his previous life after four years of English exams but failed to pass the fourth level of English, and then said: "I am now outside Liuli City In the sea area, a war rarely seen in the world is taking place here! The Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Squad have awakened Gaioka and Guradon, trying to control them and create a world that destroys mankind, and the people of the Alliance are always In the end, they almost never appeared, and I strongly suspect that the alliance is also involved, and the alliance may even be using these two organizations for ulterior purposes."

This shocked everyone, especially a guy like Yu Longdu who knew something. He really knew what the alliance was planning, and planned to teach Hui Ye a good lesson, and even take advantage of this opportunity to kill Hui Ye. The trouble in Ye's heart was eliminated, but he didn't expect that Hui Ye would throw this question directly. Does this guy want to start a war at this critical moment?

The melon eaters in front of the TV and computers were also shocked. Many of them knew Kaguya and had heard of this person's name, the man who owned a bunch of legendary Pokémon, and now he actually Shooting directly at the alliance, awesome!

This is really going to turn the world upside down!

It was Damaranch on the other side of the computer who was shocked by Kaguya's choice. That guy dared to shake all these things out at this time, damn it!

"As we all know, the alliance has earned us a lot of money, and many of these have been taken away by those big families, but they also didn't show up at this moment!

Chapter 880 Making trouble -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"As we all know, the alliance has earned us a lot of money, and many of these have been taken away by those big families, but they also didn't show up at this moment!

Even Team Rocket, Team Flare, Team Galaxy, and the Pokémon Hunter organization have the support of the Alliance and these big families behind the scenes. Such an alliance is already dark and rotten, so I am willing to quit the Alliance completely at this moment. , join the Xiao organization! Kaguya then said solemnly, "This is not a war but a revolution!"I am willing to work hard to overthrow all this corruption! "

Everyone was shocked that Kaguya chose to quit the alliance so bluntly, and then joined the Akatsuki organization, which means that the Akatsuki organization started the war.

But the most shocking thing is that Kaguya actually said that there are alliances and the support of those big families behind those evil organizations. How could this happen?Ordinary melon eaters say they can't bear it at all, okay?

There are not one or two people in the Pokémon world who are troubled by the Pokémon Hunter Organization and those evil organizations. Many people have been persecuted by these organizations......

Hui Ye's sudden exposure caused an uproar. How could the alliance do this?Earn their money and grab their Pokémon?Tolerable or unbearable?

The crowd here is still somewhat bloody, especially knowing that there is still a shadow of the alliance behind the Pokémon Hunter Alliance, and instantly became extremely angry. No wonder they asked the police for help before, but the police used Pokémon hunters and evil organizations. There is no way.

Some wiser people believed Kaguya's words. After all, these words seemed to make sense.

Just when the Alliance was about to post an article claiming that these were all Kaguya's malicious slander against the Alliance, almost every computer received a file message, which was full of news that the Alliance or other individuals had cooperated with evil organizations, especially Damalan. Qi's son turned out to be the absolute top of the Pokémon Hunter organization, and almost everyone chose to believe this fact.

This is really scary!It turns out that the alliance they have spent so much money and so much tax on is actually such an organization.

I didn't expect that the respected Mr. Damaranch would be such a person!

The reputation of the alliance has plummeted, especially Damaranch. In any case, he is destined to be the president of the 3.4 alliance. The most outstanding president in the history of the alliance is at the end of the day. Will become the most scumbag chairman in the history of the league.

At the same time, the Xiao organization led by Chaomeng also carried out headhunting operations, and attacked those big families who were in trouble. As for those families with good reputation, they were temporarily out of the scope of Xiao organization's attack. Clear is no fish.Not all big families are bad people and domineering.

(Some readers said that I have been bloated in the last two more, okay! I am about to explode recently! My mind is not very confused, and my arms are sore. I dreamed of a little loli yesterday, and it seemed that I called her name , and then was beaten up by the female ticket, do you think I am floating? I am obviously a sister-in-law, why did I dream of loli, want shit, shit!).

Text Chapter 881 Striking against Guradon

Yulongdu on the side opened his mouth. He didn't know what to do for a while. Their Yulong family was also a representative of the big family. I wonder if they would also be among Hui Ye's targets as Yulong. The patriarch of a family, he couldn't care less about these things.

As for the fight with Kaguya, that is impossible. The Yulong clan existed in the earliest days to protect the Dragon Cave, and to some extent, to protect the existence of those Pokémon.It's just that they have also cooperated with the alliance a lot in these years, and even become one of the largest families in the alliance.

Although they did not join forces with the Alliance, they also helped the Alliance to do a lot of things. God knows if Kaguya will be mad at the entire Yulong family!

"The Yulong family is really a strange thing!" Hui Ye said as if sensing Yulongdu's resentful eyes.He also knows something about the Yulong family. The whole family is very weird. Although they have a domineering and arrogant attitude, they are also one of the best big families in the alliance, but they seem to have never done anything bad.

After all, some big families are most criticized for robbing other people's property and Pokémon, but the Yulong family doesn't seem to have such troubles, grabbing Pokémon?Just kidding, there are so many Pokémon in their Royal Dragon clan, do they need to rob other people's Pokémon?

Even the most common Pokémon in the Dragon Cave, the Yulong Clan believes that it is better than the Pokémon outside!

What's more, the Yulong family has its own rules, no matter what identity it is in the family, but outside the Yulong family can't lose the face of the Yulong family, nor can they do things that damage the reputation of the Yulong family.

Some members of the Yulong family who had a little holiday with Kaguya before, but their style outside is still very good, a strong style of the justice family.

It is the money needed to cultivate Pokémon. The Yulong family is earned through reasonable means. If such a family were to be suppressed for no reason, it would really become a big local tyrant. This kind of ignorance of humanity is impossible.This will only cause economic regression and is unrealistic.

Yu Longdu looked at Hui Ye speechlessly. He really wanted to ask Hui Ye's opinion of the Yulong family. Now he is full of deep regrets. If he had just debuted in Hui Ye, He has made good friends with him, so there is no need to worry about this issue now. He knew Kaguya relatively early. Thinking that the relationship between Dawu and Kaguya is very good now, and Shirona and Kaguya are indistinguishable from each other. Yulongdu felt a little sad just thinking about it.

He was the one who knew Kaguya first, so if he knew it, he would have been sincere with Kaguya!

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Yu Longdu had no choice but to ask. As for the dignity of the Yulong family, sorry, the Yulong family is nothing in front of the other party, what kind of dignity do you need?It's good to be alive!

These Pokémon in Kaguya's hands are really terrifying, even if they bet the entire Yulong clan, they are not Kaguya's opponents.

What's more, there are other Pokémon that Kaguya hasn't done yet!Think about if Chaomeng went to Yanmo City for a trip, wouldn't the entire Yanmo City disappear?

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