Of course, this also has a lot to do with the help of the girls, and the dragon meat contains a lot of energy...

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Hui Ye to cultivate this Derivative Sutra to this level!

But even though Hui Ye's strength has been greatly improved, such a high temperature of [-] degrees Celsius is not something he can bear!

Kaguya thought of the steel armor. If he modified the steel armor, he might not be able to do this.

"Yes, I found that if the metal film that made the big rock snake evolve into a big steel snake is coated on the steel armor, it can withstand such high temperatures!" Luo Tianyi suggested to Hui Ye.

Although the use of metal film to evolve into a large steel snake will be afraid of fire skills, this is entirely caused by attributes, not the problem of metal film. Metal film itself is a high-tech material and has great scientific value!

Not only does it resist heat, but it can even give steel armor a higher level of defense!

It's just that the price of the metal film is really expensive!

It is extremely difficult for ordinary Pokémon trainers to obtain a metal foil, especially the high-quality metal foil.If those Pokémon trainers knew that Kaguya was going to coat a steel armor with a good metal film, they would definitely scold Kaguya for being a loser.

This is too extravagant for ordinary people, but it is nothing to Kaguya, not to mention that he himself is not particularly short of money, it is materials such as metal film, perhaps for ordinary Pokémon trainers. It's very precious, but it's nothing when it comes to Kaguya.

Don't forget that Hui Ye also has a family of Miss Ami, who has a relationship with one another. The family is a family of steel Pokémon. Their family's metal film is also the best in the world. It can be said that the metal film produced by their family is also the same. The best in the world of Pokémon!

Although the production of the metal film is a little troublesome for Ami's family, it is not as troublesome as the outside world, so it is just a metal film.

"Metal film? Then you can use it! I remember that there are a lot of metal film materials there. Now you can coat some armor with this material!" Hui Ye nodded slightly, since he has a steel armor , then you should also pay attention to the safety of Hirona and the others!

There is a huge difference between the protection of steel armor and ordinary humans!

"No problem!" Luo Tianyi said quickly. It can be said that without Luo Tianyi's help, Hui Ye's life would never have been so unrestrained. Tony Stark's life is difficult to leave Jarvis, and Hui Ye's life is even more so. It's hard to leave Luo Tianyi!

"Hui Ye, pay attention to safety!" Xirona told Hui Ye, they had no willful way to leave with Hui Ye. After all, they also knew that this time was very dangerous. If they went there rashly, it would affect Hui Ye. .

Page 909 Usage of metal film-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Hui Ye, pay attention to safety!" Xirona told Hui Ye, they had no willful way to leave with Hui Ye. After all, they also knew that this time was very dangerous. If they went there rashly, it would affect Hui Ye. .

"En!" Kaguya nodded lightly and threw a Pokémon ball: "The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, please!"

Just before his words fell, another strong vibration came from a distance, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking violently because of such an explosion.

"Is it another shot?" Kaguya gritted her teeth and said, after this Galaxy bomb went down, I don't know how many casualties it would cause, damn Chiri, damn Galaxy team!


"Tianyi, help me pay attention to the movements of all the members of the Galaxy Team. Today, I want to make the Galaxy Team completely become history!" Kaguya said viciously.

"Yes!" Luo Tianyi hurriedly arranged her own subprogram to fulfill Kaguya's request. For Luo Tianyi, as long as she was given the Internet, she would be a world!


Hui Ye sat on the winged dragon of the sun god to check the condition of Lizhi Lake. Lizhi Lake, which had rippling blue waves and a single color of water and sky, has now mostly dried up. Countless lake beds are exposed in front of Hui Ye. The corpses of Pokémon in the lake, and even some Pokémon can't even leave a corpse!

... .......

The lake level has dropped by half, and the island in the center of the lake, which was originally hidden in the middle of the lake, has also appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

"Aknom must not come out!" Kaguya murmured, and then motioned to the Sun God's Winged Dragon to fly quickly towards the center of the lake.

The scorching high temperature may be unbearable for ordinary people or ordinary Pokémon, but with the protection of the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon, Kaguya can enter and exit here like no one else!


"Oh? Is it coming so soon? It seems that I have to speed up!" Chi Ri gave a surprised look, but there was no worry in the direction that Hui Ye rushed over in the distance!

"His strength should not be underestimated, and your galaxy bomb doesn't seem to have any effect on him, should the operation continue?" Hunter J glanced at the direction where Kaguya came. When she was in Zhanlan City, she After suffering from Kaguya's loss, Kaguya at that time gave her a feeling that she was unmatched, and now his strength seems to be even stronger!

So is such an enemy they can face?

If it wasn't for the Pokémon Hunters Association asking her to do so, Hunter J promised that she would definitely be able to hide from Kaguya as far away as possible. She admitted that she really didn't want to be an enemy of Kaguya, and such a person had only fought against him at close range. Only then will he understand his horror! .

Chapter 910 The Ultimate Beast

Chihi glanced at Hunter J, and he also understood Hunter J's thoughts. After all, this Hunter J had really fought against Kaguya, and even almost died at Kaguya's hands. It's impossible to be timid!

As for why he didn't have the idea of ​​revenge, there should be some, but Hunter J is more practical than others, knowing that he is not Kaguya's opponent, so he wants to avoid his edge!This is nothing to despise, on the contrary, such a person is a person who really does great things, and is not swayed by personal emotions.

It is not without reason that Hunter J can be successful. He can see the form clearly and will not be swayed by his own emotions.This is also one of the reasons why he borrowed Hunter J here.

"The power of the galaxy bomb is indeed not enough to deal with it. The legendary magical "three one three" baby that has never been seen is even the legendary sun god. The high temperature brought by the galaxy bomb is unlikely to deal with the sun god. , but we are not without allies!" Chihi glanced at the direction Kaguya came from, but he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, but his eyes were focused on the almost dry Lizhi Lake that was blown up by himself with the galaxy bomb, more accurately To put it bluntly, they were concentrated in the suddenly appearing island in the middle of the lake.

If his guess is correct, then Aknorm should be here. As long as he catches Aknorm, I am afraid that the other two gods of the lake, Yuxie and Emrido, do not need to go by themselves. Look for them, and they will be delivered to your door by themselves. After all, these three legendary Pokémon are linked together, and they are indispensable!

Sure enough, after Chiri's words fell, a small fairy-like Pokémon flew out from the island in the heart of the lake. It had two gray tails, each with a red gem at the end.The head is a bit like a mushroom shape, and this Pokémon's head is pale blue!

The legendary Aknom!Represents willpower!It is rumored that if Aknom is hurt, people will lose their inner faith!

Usually it has been living in a different dimension inside Lizhi Lake, but only certain people can see its soul floating on the water.

And now Aknom's true appearance is also shown in front of everyone for the first time.

"Did it really appear?" Hunter J murmured. If it was normal, she would not have the slightest timidity in catching the legendary Pokémon. Big task, but not the same now!

She must solve Aknorm as soon as possible!At the same time, he had to escape Kaguya's pursuit. That guy was even more terrifying than when the two met for the first time!

And Hunter J even always felt that last time he escaped by relying on his own strength, it was because Kaguya wanted to deliberately let her go, that's why he was able to do so!

"Akonom! You finally appeared!" Chi Ri's face showed a crazy laugh, looking at the Aknom who was glaring at him unscrupulously, which made Aknor's anger become like this Appearance, it is estimated that he is also the first Chiri!

"Why do you do this!" Aknom's voice came into everyone's ears, telepathy, which has become commonplace among legendary Pokémon, especially those with superpowers. In the Pokémon, telepathy has also become the simplest thing.

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