Since Aknom has been captured, it may be difficult to rescue it, so let these extreme beasts be completely left here, perhaps there are quite a few extreme beasts in the ultimate cave. However, there will never be too many of these ultimate alien beasts, otherwise Necrozma would have led the ultimate alien beasts to come in!

Since Necrozma wants to do something, then he will leave these extreme beasts here completely, I don't know if it will hurt heart!

Chapter 913 Sword Criticism Tie Huo Hui Ye -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Since Necrozma wants to do something, then he will leave these extreme beasts here completely, I don't know if it will hurt heart!

"Roar!" Hearing Kaguya's words, the Wingshenlong of the Sun God was overjoyed. It had seen Kaguya and Lugia working together before. It was so handsome, and it seemed to be able to Help its strength to temporarily raise a level, even if it is temporary, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God is willing!

Afterwards, I saw strange and enchanting hooks appearing in Kaguya's eyes, and a powerful force spewed out from it, instantly covering the surface of the Sun God's Winged Dragon. The Sun God's Winged Dragon was like a Like an ancient warrior, he was covered in armor, and even his wings were covered by Susanoo, and at the same time, a sword about six or seven meters long appeared in his hand!

"I didn't expect the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon to cooperate with me to use Susanoo, the effect is even better than Lugia and Reshiram!" Kaguya murmured, Lugia and Reshiram The strength is incomparably powerful, even stronger than the Winged Dragon of the Sun God.

But the Winged Dragon of the Sun God also has its own advantages. It stands on its own and has two arms, which can better match the use of Kaguya Susanoo!

"My big sword is already thirsty!" Kaguya's face was faintly excited. He himself has extremely strong swordsmanship. It can be said that in the entire Pokémon world, no one can match himself in swordsmanship. It's just that these swordsmanships seem to be useless in the face of these powerful Pokémon and ultimate alien beasts!

But things are different now. With the blessing of Susanohuo, he can also control all of this, holding a long sword to chase down those extreme beasts. Kaguya never thought about such a thing before. Dare to imagine, but now it is different, Kaguya even feels that under such circumstances, he can even go to fight Necrozma directly!

As a truly powerful swordsman, he will never be afraid of a master who is stronger than himself, and challenge directly by leaps and bounds. That is the highest honor for a swordsman.

This is the case with Hui Ye now. He turned his gaze to Tiehuo Huiye not far away. As the ultimate beast of the steel and flight types, Tiehuo Huiye's various attributes are extremely high except for speed. Balance, it is an excellent Pokémon!

Now, though, it's doomed!

Tiehuo Kaguya, who was originally under the siege of Dream and the Kurama, seemed a little out of power, and now he is fighting with Dream and them, trying to create time for the people of the Galaxy team.

At this moment, Hui Ye has quietly brought the Winged Dragon of the Sun God behind Tiehuo Huiye. A long sword is cut down, and Tiehuo Huiye hastily responded, with an energy barrier outside its body. Shrouded, it seems that he wants to resist Kaguya's inevitable sword.

"How can it be so easy to resist? Now my situation is unexpectedly good!" Kaguya showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Susanoku's long sword changed direction, and once again struck at a strange angle. Tie Huo Hui Ye. .

Text Chapter 914 Escape?How can it be so easy?

"Hey!" The long sword several meters long slashed directly on Tiehuo Huiye's body, creating intense sparks. This scene quickly attracted the attention of everyone and all the Pokémon. Can Tie Huo Hui Ye work? ?

After all, the iron fire Huiye is the ultimate beast of the steel system. The powerful defensive ability makes the dream and the Kurama unable to take it for a while, and only Huiye knows the strength of his Susanoohu, if he can apply it If it is good, even if it is a high mountain, he is confident that he can split it!

Said that his Susanoo is a little worse than Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke, but it is also an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and his strength cannot be underestimated, but with the cooperation of the sun god's winged dragon , the strength is also extremely powerful!

"That's it!" Suddenly there was a sneer at the corner of Hui Ye's mouth, and Tie Huo Hui Ye's body, which was like copper and iron bones, was split into a huge crack by Hui Ye's sword!

Now even Mengmeng and they are a little shocked, Kaguya seems to be getting more and more knowledgeable in this regard, and her strength seems to be getting stronger and stronger!

Tie Huo Hui Ye also let out a rare cry of pain, no matter how he thought about it, he never thought that his body would be split into a huge gap, which was unimaginable, but now is not the time to think about these things, it must Hurry up and escape from this damn battlefield, and go back to recuperate for a while, otherwise it is really possible to - die here.

Such a situation was unexpected by Tiehuo Kaguya, Pheromero, and Electric Bunch. They originally thought that the three of them would come to work, enough to complete any task. Even if Kaguya could not be defeated, they could still be played. Domineering as the ultimate alien beast!

It's just that Tiehuo Huiye, Philomero, and Dianshumu never imagined that the opponent this time seems to be far more powerful than they imagined!

Even this time, Tie Huo Hui Ye may stay here!

Before Tiehuo Huiye had another reaction, Huiye's second sword had already been split, this time from another extremely tricky angle, Tiehuo Huiye tried to use his skills to resist this attack.

Just at the same time, the dreamy jet flame and the big character explosion of the nine tails have hit it on time!

"Boom!" Under the all-out attack of Kaguya and the two Pokémon, Tiehuo Huiye was completely smashed into two halves.

However, Tie Huo Hui Ye is an extremely powerful beast anyway, and even with such an injury, he still managed to keep his own life.

"Such a powerful vitality? As expected of the ultimate beasts comparable to those legendary Pokémon, Dream, Kurama, make it disappear completely!" Kaguya's face showed a hint of coldness, and her kindness towards others was obvious. It's cruelty to yourself!

What's more, the other party is still an intruder from the ultimate hole. Once they are successfully invaded, it will be a disaster, not only Pokémon but also humans.

It would be a massacre.

Since it is an enemy, Hui Ye will not choose to keep his hand at this time. God knows how many enemies there will be in the future. This is destined to be a war of either your death or my death!

For Kaguya's words, Dream and Kurama did not refuse. They also knew the importance of this matter. The war between the two sides was likely to have begun, and they had no need to hold back.They know that if they are defeated at the moment, it will not be much better.

There is never mercy in war!I don't know how many iron fire Huiye there are in the ultimate cave!I don't think there will be too many, nor too few.

Chapter 914 Escape?How can it be so easy? -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

There is never mercy in war!I don't know how many iron fire Huiye there are in the ultimate cave!I don't think there will be too many, nor too few.

After handing Tiehuo Huiye to Dream and Kulama, Hui Ye turned his attention to Pheromero and Dianmu, which startled Pheromero and Dianmu. In terms of level, Pheromelus and Electric Beamwood are no worse than Tiehuo Huiye. The three have their own strengths and are roughly in the same league, but their defensive capabilities are not as good as Tiehuo Huiye!

Even Tie Huo Hui Ye was split into two halves, not to mention them!

They must escape quickly, if they stay here, they may die here!Anyway, their mission has been completed, those humans captured Aknom, I believe that Emrido and Yuxi are not far away!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

They have done what they need to do, and it's time to leave, but Kaguya won't give them this chance!Now that you have chosen to make trouble in the Pokémon world, you must bear the price of making trouble!

The existence of such terrorists is absolutely not allowed to continue to exist!

Can't let them go!

Kaguya's legendary Pokémon are not vegetarians, and even some of them won't be at a disadvantage in [-]v[-] when facing these ultra beasts. want to run?Sorry, no chance for that!

When Susanoh's long sword was aimed at Pheromero and Dianbumu, Philomero and Dianbumu clearly felt a strong killing intent and a sense of crisis. If they stayed here, it might be true will die!


Pheromero took the lead to attack Lugia with a flying knee kick, and wanted to take this opportunity to repel Lugia and then retreat quickly, but it never thought that it would be better if it didn't attack first. , Philometis came to this, Kaguya clearly sensed Philomey's intention, and the long sword several meters long was the first to aim at it!

Under the package of Susanoo, the winged dragon of the sun god quickly flew to the Pheromero, and at the same time swung the long sword and stabbed the Pheromero head-on.

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