In any case, Kaguya couldn't sit back and watch them face the danger. He was a traveler, but Kaguya was also a human, with his own feelings, and even regarded this Pokémon planet as his home.

I am a man with a system, although this system is a bit evil, even a bit naughty, but this is a system anyway (okay)!If he still can't keep this world in such an environment, then Kaguya can only say that he is too weak!

There is no weak system, only a host who will not use the system!

It's like there is no animal that can't be eaten, it's just that I haven't found a way to eat it. The truth is the same!

The people of the Great Celestial Dynasty are undoubtedly very intelligent. They not only cook all kinds of delicious food, but also use various systems. Can destroy the entire world countless times!

Compared with those systems, his nagging system is undoubtedly weak, and even shivering compared to those invincible systems, but Kaguya thinks this nagging system is enough!He can solve all these difficulties too! .

Chapter 918 The situation is serious

Shirona suddenly closed her eyes and said: "Palkia said that it is trying to maintain the order of space! If you want to open the ultimate hole on a large scale, even the current Necrozma can't do it. , but on a small scale, even it can't solve it completely, unless it is to completely kill Necrozma, otherwise it can't do anything!"

Since the relationship with Kaguya has become closer, the connection between Shirona and Palkia is much simpler than before, and even now she can contact Palkia at any time.

"In other words, can Palkia still maintain balance with Necrozma, or even reluctantly suppress Necrozma?" Kaguya nodded cautiously, as the god of space, Palkia I am afraid that Ya is the first to face Necrozma!

Or that the two are already fighting now!

"It can be said, but this planet is too big, and even the periphery of the planet is where the God of Space wants to maintain, so it can't directly fight Necrozma!" Sirona said cautiously, "Even many other The legendary Pokémon have left the planet of Pokémon 413 to fight against those powerful enemies in space!"

"What?" Hui Ye blinked his eyes and crossed space. This is extremely difficult for ordinary Pokémon and humans. Even ordinary legendary Pokémon have no such ability, but more powerful legends The Pokémon in the game can indeed do this, such as Hoo!

"A long time ago, the ultimate cave was opened for a while when Necrozma just merged with Cosmo. By the time Palkia reacted, a large number of extreme beasts had entered this world. , the two sides are currently fighting!" Shirona said with a complicated look.

If Palkia hadn't told her, they wouldn't have known that things had become so complicated!

OMG!What the hell have humans done?

"In other words, we still need to solve this ourselves?" Kaguya blinked his eyes. He didn't expect that things had become so urgent. Originally, he wanted to ask Feng Wang to help!

"The God of Space also said that from Aknorm, Emridor, and Yuxie, their power can be extracted to create a red chain linking time and space and a special medium, which can summon Dialga and Pallu. Chia, even under certain conditions, can control them for a while!" It's true that technology can't do anything to those powerful Legendary Pokémon, but it can be done with the power of Legendary Pokémon.

The strength of the gods of the lake is indeed not particularly powerful, but they also have a special status and special role!

For example, now, Kaguya seems to remember a part of the story about pearls and diamonds, and then asked Shirona: "Is there a place called the Pillar of Spears in the Shenno area?"

Shirona was obviously stunned when she heard the words, and then immediately said: "Yes! In the legend, Arceus created three legendary Pokémon there, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Even in the legend of Shenao, the Shenao area was created there, on the top of Tianguan Mountain, not very far from Shenhe Town!"

"This time the Galaxy team's goal may be there!" Kaguya's face was a little ugly, and they had to be stopped quickly!

What happened to Dialga might not be a big deal, but if Palkia also had a problem, then the Ultra Beasts could also attack!We must stop this from happening!

"Hui Ye, it seems that the direction Hunter J is heading is also the direction of Tianguan Mountain!" Luo Tianyi also reported to Hui Ye at this time.

Chapter 918 The situation is serious -->> (page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hui Ye, it seems that the direction Hunter J is heading is also the direction of Tianguan Mountain!" Luo Tianyi also reported to Hui Ye at this time.

(bifi) "Hunter J??" Sirona looked at Kaguya suspiciously. Sirona knew Kaguya's womanhood very well. She would not stop Kaguya from having other girls, but No woman is qualified to be her sister!

At least Hunter J does not have that qualification!

"What are you thinking about?" Kaguya looked at Xirona's obviously delusional appearance, and chuckled softly: "I just had a little entanglement with Hunter J when I was in Zhanlan City! But this time she The attitude is ambiguous!"

This is not Hunter J's ambiguity towards herself, at least in Hui Ye's heart, Hunter J is not qualified to be ambiguous with herself, although she is not particularly ugly, but what kind of looks are Hui Ye's girls now?This is simply a world of difference!

"So this Hunter J is also weird, but she is not trustworthy!" Shirona warned Kaguya that humans are a very complex creature, and few people can be completely trusted. Sometimes you are the most trustworthy. Good allies will also stab you in the back when it matters.

In Shirona's view, no matter what purpose Hunter J has, she is unbelievable. After all, she used to be a world-renowned (notorious) Pokémon hunter, and she has committed countless evil things.

"Maybe! You're right, Hunter J is indeed not very trustworthy, but in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds, not to mention she is still alone!" Hui Ye shrugged noncommittally, but In the same way, he will not completely trust Hunter J, I hope she can get to know each other!

If she can do something at a critical moment, maybe she can really do something.

"So what are we now?" Tou Zi asked. At this critical moment, Kaguya might have to split it in half to use it, right?

Dialga's matter needs to be resolved, but Necrozma's matter is even more urgent!As long as Necrozma is not resolved, Pokémon planet will face endless troubles.

And the current Necrozma may still have a solution. With so many legendary Pokémon, it may not be an opponent. If it continues to become stronger, I am afraid that this Pokémon planet will be destroyed!

"Go to Tianguan Mountain first!" Hui Ye said that he was helpless too!What can he do?

However, the Pillar of Spear really needs to pass. At this time, nothing can happen to Palkia. If something happens to it, then the ending of the Pokémon world will also be finished!

Those goddamn humans!

At this moment, Kaguya feels that human beings are the source of evil!Fortunately, he still can't forget that he is also a human being, and he won't do such crazy things! .

Text Chapter 919 Tianguan Mountain

It's not that Kaguya is anti-human, many humans and children are quite good, but there are also many human beings whose ambitions are too heavy!A lot of people are just too stupid!This makes Kaguya very dissatisfied, and many of these humans are the best among humans, and they don't even want to do something for this world, or want to do too much to change the whole world , resulting in what it looks like today.

Regarding the thoughts of these people, Kaguya can only say that there is something wrong with their brains, especially the Chiri and the others who can almost be concluded that they have cooperated with Necrozma. Their behavior is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger, and Necrozma Much stronger than a tiger.

Kaguya doesn't think that except for an existence like Arceus, who can defeat the complete Necrozma!

In the eyes of Chihi and the others, Kaguya and even himself feel that there is not much hope for using Dialga to create a new world, so he wants Necrozma to create a new world.

The Ultra Beast came to the Pokémon world and wiped out all humans, Pokémon, and those legendary Pokémon. Isn't this a new world?This sounds very unbelievable, but Chiri didn't think so, after all, for him, the world's restart is the most important thing.

This kind of person can only be said to be a real lunatic. Compared with Banmu, Chiyansong, and Shuiwutong, people like Chiri are the most terrifying. As for those Pokémon hunters, in front of these real lunatics, there seems to be some With a certain gap, their behavior is more like a petty fight!


This time, Kaguya took out Lugia, Ladias, and Radios as mounts. After all, there are a lot of girls here. Even if Xiaoyin can easily drag them up, he will not be able to do it. The back area is not large enough, and it is necessary for several people to sit separately.

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