Kaguya's words obviously shocked the other Pokémon. There is no doubt that letting these Pokémon go to outer space to fight can help the Pokémon world and at the same time allow these Pokémon's strength to be rapidly improved, but the current Hui Ye has become the great enemy of those ultimate alien beasts!

After all, before this, Kaguya had killed a lot of extreme beasts, especially Necrozma. Kaguya could sabotage its plans before, and even brought a group of legendary Pokémon to find it. Trouble, plus what he did before, Necrozma would not let him go even if he wanted to, and he might come to Kaguya for trouble at any time. 750

If Kaguya is not protected by Lugia and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Kaguya will become even more dangerous.

"Yes, yes, but you are here?" Dialga said, still a little tangled. After all, Kaguya's safety is still very important. This guy is the hope of the entire Pokémon world!If something goes wrong, it will really trouble you!

"Then there's no problem! Let Xiao Yin and the Sun God's Wing Shenlong go with you! I have others here..." Kaguya said after hesitating for a while, he originally planned to let Ladios and It was a dream in the past, but after thinking about it, forget it.

After all, the potential of Ladios is not comparable to that of Xiaoyin, and Dream is a salted fish. Even at this time, Dream will not go to outer space to level up!And Reshiram is coming back soon. With its existence, Kaguya doesn't need to worry about his own safety.

The current Necrozma is indeed powerful, but it is not enough to crush Reshiram.

Not to mention Kaguya has the help of other Pokémon!

"Roar!" Xiaoyin looked at Hui Ye suspiciously, but still agreed with Hui Ye's idea. It's not bad to go out. Maybe it can really help other gods? .

Text Chapter 942 Arceus Awakes?

"By the way, is Arceus awake?" Kaguya then asked such a heavy sentence. Just now, he seemed to feel a flash of energy fluctuations, and that energy seemed to compare favorably with the Dialga in front of him. Even more powerful.

In the Pokémon world, Kaguya doesn't think that many Pokémon will be Dialga's opponents, so he also suspects that that power belongs to Arceus!

Hearing Kaguya's words, Dialga's face also flashed a dignified look. This human seems to know more than he imagined. As expected of the man brought by Arceus, he could actually feel the breath of Arceus. .

Just when he was being controlled just now, Dialga really felt that Arceus might wake up at any time.

However, Arceus also has injuries, which are not ordinary injuries, but injuries that are enough to make Arceus fall asleep.

The world only knows that Arceus resisted the meteorite in order to protect the world of Pokémon from being affected by meteorites, thus putting himself into a situation where he had to fall asleep to regain his strength. Only a few legendary Pokémon know that Arceus is actually a After a battle with a powerful Pokémon, both sides suffered a loss to end up in such a situation.

And the other party was only a Necrozma, and the complete Necrozma was finally killed by Arceus, but Arceus also paid a big price.The war between the Pokémon world and the Ultimate Cave has never ended.

This has only become more frequent in the last few hundred years.

"Can you give me one of your beans?" Dialga said to Kaguya after hesitating for a while.This may be a bit cheeky, but for the sake of the entire Pokémon world, Dialga has to do the same, obviously he was seriously injured, but after eating that fairy bean, Dialga really recovered from the injury, What about Arceus?

Dialga was a little excited when she thought about it. Once Arceus was restored, those extreme beasts would have no resistance at all, unless Necrozma also grew to the point of the original Necrozma. !

Necrozma will never be destroyed, and even if it dies, it will come back to life as long as the Ultimate Cave exists.This is also where Dialga has a headache.

And Necrozma, who has the strength to fight with Arceus, is also not something that Dialga can face. Even Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina may not be Necroz. Zima's opponent.

"Yes!" Kaguya nodded lightly, and without hesitation threw a small bag of fairy beans to Dialga. The fairy beans are indeed precious, and if they are used in key places, they may be able to play a key role. Fortunately, with the help of Celebi, the growth of fairy beans has become much more successful. Although Kaguya can't let her Pokémon eat fairy beans unscrupulously, she can use it without any scruples. use.

This is all due to Celebi, otherwise this fairy bean would not have grown at all!However, having said that, Celebi has been hidden by himself for a long time, should he cultivate it well?Otherwise it would be a pity!The current self is not the weak chicken who just went on a trip back then, or the alliance is about to be solved by myself!It seems that there is no need to worry about this problem anymore! (Bi, ╮(╯▽╰)╭, you bastard still remember me, the baby hasn't appeared for a long time, this scene is too small, do you feel that the baby can't compare to those coquettish bitches?)

"Thank you!" Dialga picked up the bag, felt it a little, and gave Kaguya a deep look. This human seems to be really different from other humans, good man!

Xiaoyin and Sun God's Wing Shenlong left with Dialga after hesitating for a while. They understood Kaguya's intentions. Since Kaguya said he didn't need to worry about his safety, they were not pretentious, and were directly attacked by Emperor Kaguya. Tooth Luca took away.

Chapter 942 Arceus Awakes? -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

Xiaoyin and Sun God's Wing Shenlong left with Dialga after hesitating for a while. They understood Kaguya's intentions. Since Kaguya said he didn't need to worry about his safety, they were not pretentious, and were directly attacked by Emperor Kaguya. Tooth Luca took away.

Perhaps it would be difficult for Xiaoyin and the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon to fly from the Pillar of Spears to outer space. After all, they have not reached the level of a first-level god!It is also difficult to cross the void. At most, you can only stay in place in space. You can do it in battle, but the universe is too big...

However, it is different with Dialga. Dialga is a big boss with its own unique world. It should not be too easy to bring Xiaoyin and them to a place in an instant.

Before leaving, Kaguya also prepared a lot of fairy beans for Xiaoyin and the Sun God's Wing Shenlong. After all, when fighting those ferocious ultimate alien beasts, it is inevitable that they will be injured, and even the legendary Pokémon There are also times when physical strength is exhausted, and Xiaoyin has no absolute advantage. These fairy beans may play a vital role.


Looking at the messy spear pillar, Shirona asked Kaguya, "...what should we do next?"

She did not participate in the war between Kaguya and the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team. This was the first time Shirona had witnessed such a bloody scene.

There are not a few members of the Galaxy team who died this time, and the huge Galaxy team will become a thing of the past from now on.

"What else can I do? Let's deal with Chiri first!" Kaguya looked at Chiri not far away with a sneer on her face. For someone like this, Kaguya would make him understand that sometimes death is A real relief!

However, having said that, it seems that he and this Chi Ri are also considered natural enemies, Chi Ri and Kaguya! (Lee Li) These two names represent a lot...

There's a reason for the name!The name Kaguya was also given to him by Yew. Of course, it was not Kaguya at the beginning, but Mungdou Mountain, but Kaguya resisted...

"That's right!" Kaguya suddenly remembered something again, took out the elf watch and made a call, called Xiao Zhi, and the call was quickly connected.

Xiao Zhi's condition in the video does not seem to be particularly good, and he seems to be a little injured, apparently after another battle.

"Hui Ye!" This time Xiao Zhi was no longer as energetic as usual, instead he was a little lost, thinking that he had already faced his father.

"Well, how is your place?" Hui Ye asked curiously, what will happen to this kind of father and son cannibalism? .

Text Chapter 943 righteousness

When Xiao Zhi listened to Kaguya's question, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes: "He is indeed my father!"

"Have you seen it?" Hui Ye raised his brows slightly. It seems that when Ash was very young, Hanako told Ash that his father was actually an excellent Pokémon trainer, which is why Ash wanted to become a Pokémon master. One of the driving forces, his vision is very good.

It's just now that Xiaozhi's dream is broken. His father is not only not a hero of the world, no, not an excellent Pokémon trainer, but also a bad guy who does all kinds of evil. In Xiaozhi's heart, his father is the tall image he never planned Completely destroyed.

"Well, I've seen it. He is indeed the top of the Pokémon Hunter Organization, and Damaranch is the man behind the Pokémon Hunter Organization! They don't even know how many Pokémon lives are in their hands!" Xiao Zhi's tone was extremely low. said.

In the past, he also admired Mr. Damaranch incomparably, thinking he was a great person, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Damaranch was not a good person, but a downright bad person, for his reputation, for his sake. At the 287th place, Damaranch did not know how many unconscionable things he had done.

This is something that Xiao Zhi can never forgive. Xiao Zhi can sit back and watch Damaranch and the others leave him alone since they were young, but he can't tolerate their mutilation of Pokémon.

Especially at this time, these two are still trying to attack Kaguya and those legendary Pokémon, which will cause an unknown number of people to die!

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