Is teddy's dog meat edible?

Hui Ye said that he is not short of pets, and the alias of Pokémon is also called Pokemon. Many Pokémon are like children in the eyes of Hui Ye, and they are not comparable to Teddy, the dead dog in this area!

As for Pokémon that can sell cute, there are a lot of Pokémon. Dream and Celebi are the best among them. Do you lack this teddy?So angry!

Annoyed, Kaguya kicked Teddy into Artoria's arms with "Nine Eighty Seven". Only Artoria usually takes good care of Teddy. After all, this Teddy has some past lives on him. The breath of Artoria makes Artoria a little sigh and miss!

People are a kind of nostalgic creature, even if they live very well in Pokémon now, even if they find their home here, whether Kaguya or Arturia will more or less miss the past years, of course, this is also Just to miss it.

Both Kaguya and Arturia knew that they could not go back, and they were very good in this Pokémon world! They have both fallen in love with the current life and are used to it.

There are also their inseparable existences here!

"Kaguya, why are you always bullying it!" Arturia saw Teddy being kicked away by Kaguya, and gave him a dissatisfied look, which made her feel bad, even Arturia knew Kaguya couldn't do anything too cruel to Teddy.

"Who made it so unsatisfactory!" Kaguya sighed silently, thinking that the Kurama and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God who were also drawn out have the potential of a first-level god, even if it is Dilumon It can also play a good role in battle, and its future is also promising!

But what about Teddy?They were all drawn with god-level lottery opportunities, so the gap is too big, right?

Well, there is another one that is even worse than Teddy. Last time, I drew an egg through the system lottery, but until now, that egg has not hatched. If Luo Tianyi told himself, the data of this egg has always been very normal. Health, Kaguya will suspect that this is a dead egg.This egg has never hatched, but it still has a chance to counterattack. After it is born, Kaguya will be able to judge what it is. Before it hatches, this egg has always been a mystery!

Even if the probing technique wants to probe this egg, what is it? ? ? , which also made Kaguya full of confidence in this egg, he suspected that there was a great thing in this egg!Instead of a "waste" like Teddy, who can only waste dog food when kept, they all say that it belongs to the kind of existence that exists every day, but Kaguya doesn't see anything special about it!

Teddy looked at Kaguya aggrieved, it's useless, is it its fault?If it can, it also wants to have a strong strength, who likes to keep shouting 666 in the back and be a salted fish?And being despised by Kaguya is not what it wants, right?

It's a pity that it is different from these Pokémon, its strength can't match them, and its teeth are not as sharp as them.It is also very hopeless!

The battle is still going on, but the situation is moving towards a situation that is favorable to Kaguya and the others.Even if Lugia and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God were not there, the strength of Kaguya's Pokémon was not weak at all.

Chapter 950 Celestial Beast -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The battle is still going on, but the situation is moving towards a situation that is favorable to Kaguya and the others.Even if Lugia and the Winged Dragon of the Sun God were not there, the strength of Kaguya's Pokémon was not weak at all.

And with the existence of a bug-like item like fairy beans, these Pokémon can also tirelessly attack those extreme beasts!

Therefore, even if the number of the ultimate alien beasts is still higher than them, they are gradually falling into a disadvantage, not to mention that in terms of absolute combat power, Chaomeng and Dream have an absolute advantage. It is much easier for the beast to come.The other Pokémon only need to be responsible for keeping them in check!

Just when Hui Ye thought that all these things seemed to be able to go on perfectly, he was completely stunned, and the Dilu Beast, who was dispatched by it to gain experience points, radiated dazzling and colorful rays of light, and a ray of light fell from the sky. A lot of black ominous atmosphere has disappeared. .

Seeing this scene, everyone is a bit Spartan, and the meow that looks like a mutant species is about to evolve!

Oh my god!Isn't it so amazing!

Even Kaguya himself was confused. He seemed to have a premonition that something miraculous was about to happen.Dilumon has countless evolutionary types, but it seems that there are not many evolutionary types that are really well-known, and the evolution of his own Dilumon seems to be the state he most wants to see.

Thinking back to that time, the Heavenly Girl Beast was still the goddess of his childhood. I never thought that this Dilu Beast would actually evolve into that!Are you going to be a ghost next?

Kaguya's mouth twitched involuntarily, this is a kind of happy trouble!

As the colorful light gradually faded, a graceful figure appeared in front of everyone. The mask covering her holy face made people unable to see her true face. Behind her back were six pieces of pure white wings. It gave her a different kind of sacred feeling.

Especially her figure made Arturia and Miss Lila on the side feel ashamed, it seems that there is a certain gap with this "woman"!

"Is this an angel beast?" Kaguya couldn't help but swallowed. 5.6 seems to be a bit strong. I don't know if she can evolve into an angel beast in the future. Those are the most powerful ones in the Digimon world. One of the Digimon, Kaguya has not studied these things, but Luo Tianyi understands, she has also taught herself science!

The whole Pokémon of Ladias on the side has become bad, and there is another coquettish bitch!She Raddy really wants to fall in love with Kaguya, Yas has been wanting to be in the position for a long time, and as a result, there are more and more coquettish bitches here in Kaguya.

First, Shanedo made Ladias very jealous, but now there is such a guy, what does this make him play?How can it become what they are?

How to do?So angry!

If this child is not eliminated, it will become a great trouble in the future. . . .

Text Chapter 951 The Ultimate Beast Buster

At this moment, the celestial beast does not know that Ladias has regarded it as a confidant, and it is also shocked by its current strength. Has it evolved like this?It seems to have evolved without any external force, and the plan does not need to degenerate back in order to preserve its stamina.

It has always looked like a goddess from now on!Yao Sula!How can this look still be happily slapped by Kaguya? (ノ`Д)ノ, ╭(╯^╰)╮.Tiannv beast said that it was not like this one, but Dilu beast. At that time, when Kaguya licked the cat, he was really happy and happy, just like smoking mint!

But how can he come back after he has turned into this image, can it become a Dilu beast? ╮(╯▽╰)╭!

However, thinking about it this way, the Heavenly Girl Beast did not stop in the slightest, and a sacred bubble stunned the surrounding black and ominous aura to disperse a lot.

This scene made Ku Lama very dissatisfied, and yelled at it a few times, "Brother, what do you do if you disperse these things? These are all my backup energy, okay? My old nine still thinks. We must rely on them to improve our strength!"

Nine tails is not a fox who pity Xiangxiyu. When it was in the body of Uzumaki 11 Jiuxinnai, it still did not pity Xiangxiyu and understand her, and even let Uzumaki Jiuxinai die tragically at his own hands.

If the Heavenly Beast doesn't give him an explanation, it is really possible for the Kurama to regard the Heavenly Beast as the enemy of life and death!

Cutting off people's fortunes is like killing one's parents, so why isn't the behavior of the goddess beasts like this now?Even for them, strength is the most important thing.

"Uh!" The Heavenly Beast was stunned after hearing the words of the Kurama, and then showed an embarrassed look. It just felt that these black and ominous breaths were really disgusting, and wanted to get rid of them all, thus using the sacred bubbles , I just didn't expect to infringe on the interests of the nine tails.

This is really embarrassing.


I saw it stretched forward slightly with one hand, and the feathers on its arm instantly turned into bows and arrows. A light arrow converged from its right hand. After aiming slightly, it was shot out with a swoosh, hitting the center. A nearby Tiehuo Huiye (Tiehuo Huiye: ╭(╯^╰)╮, why is it always me! Hui Ye: Who made you have a Kaguya in your name, who is not second to you! O( ∩_∩)O~~)

After encountering Tiehuo Huiye, the light arrow miraculously penetrated it. This scene made everyone and the Pokémon be stunned.You must know that Tiehuo Kaguya's defensive ability is among the best among all the ultimate beasts.

Even a normal Pokémon attack didn't do much damage to Tiehuo Huiye, but it was hit hard by a blow like the Heavenly Beast, which no one thought of before. After all, even with evolution, the level of both sides It seems to be a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

It seems that the female beast is the real ultimate alien beast nemesis!

On the contrary, Kaguya was a little thoughtful in her heart. It seemed that Luo Tianyi had said that Digimon like Tiannumon had a strong restraint on the Digimon of the virus species.

Could these abilities have also been brought to the Pokémon world?The current Heavenly Beast is not a Digimon, but a Pokémon... So within the scope of the system, these extreme beasts are actually somewhat similar to the Digimon of the virus species, so when the Heavenly Beast encounters them , to be able to achieve outstanding results, uh, this is no longer a simple effect that can be summarized.

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