Especially the tree of the beginning of the world, it has a close relationship with the entire Pokémon world.

Kaguya couldn't imagine the consequences!

"Uh!" The dreamy face changed, how could it not know about Dark Lugia?Back then, a group of legendary Pokémon went to the Ultimate Cave to explore their way, but they were beaten in disgrace. A large number of legendary Pokémon died in the Ultimate Cave, and the Sea God managed to escape with great difficulty. , but fell into darkness.

At the beginning, the Lugia clan's seal on Dark Lugia was done with help!

Chapter 954 Dreams start to panic-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

At the beginning, the Lugia clan's seal on Dark Lugia was done with help!

If you also fall into the darkness like Dark Lugia, and you can't even imagine the dream, it would be too terrifying. You must know that Dark Lugia has been locked up for hundreds of years.

Dream could hardly imagine the picture of himself being locked up, it might as well be dead.

It did not doubt what Kaguya said. The god of the sea, Lugia, was its lesson. At the beginning, Lugia did not completely fall into darkness when escaping from the ultimate cave, but later the ominous aura became stronger and stronger. .It is not impossible for such a thing to fall on it, even if it is much stronger than the God of the Sea.

It's just that the dream also has a burden - the tree of the beginning of the world, hum!This guy just absorbed the black ominous breath, thus contaminating himself. Dream is not stupid, he understands everything in an instant, the baby's heart hurts, and he can't say it!

"Then, do you have a solution?" Dream also knew that not long ago, Kaguya helped Dark Lugia get rid of the control of darkness, and this is the only person in the Pokémon world who can deal with the black ominous atmosphere at present!

· · Flowers · · ·

Dream does not care about losing a little strength. It is only afraid that after falling into the darkness, it will lead Arceus out, and then lock itself in confinement. There will be no freedom in the future, and it will not be able to go out to play!

Fortunately, Hui Ye didn't know the idea of ​​Dream, otherwise he would definitely die without words. At this time, Dream was still worried about this problem, and there was no one else. It is indeed the most playful, innocent, and most child-like magic in the world of Pokémon. One of the babies.

"Should there be?" Kaguya frowned. Before, he relied on the Kirby beast to expel the black and ominous breath of Dialga and Guraton from the body, but it was like drawing Dialga and Guraton. Like a pumping dream?Save it!Dream is so cute, how can you beat it like Dialga and Guraton!


After all, Dialgae and Gulaton are so ugly, and the dream is so cute, so the beauty is justice!

So what should you do if you don't let the Kirby beast draw dreams?Like the dark Lugia, with the help of the evil emperor relic to expel the black ominous breath and its own power from the body?Kaguya also ruled out such an idea, this method would not be done unless it was a last resort.

Gentlemen do what they do and do not do, not to mention what the strength of the dream will be in time, if the tree of the beginning of the world is damaged too much, it will really cause trouble!

"Heavenly Beast, come and help!" Kaguya said loudly to the Heavenly Beast, who was still reaping the lives of the ultimate alien beasts in the sky.

After this battle, the level of the goddess beast has skyrocketed. Before coming here, she was only a Dilu beast, and her level was only more than sixty levels. This is among the powerful Kaguya Pokémon. , it's nothing at all, there are countless beings that are more powerful than it, but it's different now.

Since it evolved into a celestial beast, it has become the nemesis of the ultimate alien beast. It can harvest an ultimate alien beast with almost a single arrow. Level 100, this is the realm of the third-level divine beast.No one can upgrade faster than it! .

Main Text Chapter 955 Dedicated to the Ultimate Beast

In this battle, all Pokémon can only drink soup with the Heavenly Beast, and at most, they have to mingle with it. There is no way. The Heavenly Beast's restraint on these ominous breaths and extreme beasts is too great. , even the dream and the super dream can't solve those extreme beasts as easily as the goddess beast.

This is a natural restraint, the ultimate beast, eating jujube pills!

"What's the matter?" Tiannu Beast, who originally wanted to attack as many extreme beasts as possible, quickly came to Kaguya's side and asked softly.

If it can, it also wants to get a little more experience points. Opportunities like today are not every time, not to mention a large number of extreme beasts, the existence of Chaomeng allows it to attack those researchers wholeheartedly. Extremely strange beasts, do not need to consider their own safety. "Four Eight Three"

Chaomeng will block all attacks for it, while other legendary Pokémon are responsible for entangling those extreme beasts, and Tiannu beast only needs to take advantage of those extreme beasts not paying attention and secretly shoot arrows in the back. , Such an attack is almost like an ultimate alien beast!

They have almost no power to fight back under the attack of Tiannu beast. This is also Chaomeng and they are creating the best output environment and harvesting environment for the ADC of Tiannu beast!This wave of team battles is perfect and the coordination is perfect. The most important thing is that Chao Meng, a well-developed mid laner, chooses to protect the ADC. This is extremely rare. Not every team is a team that guarantees 4 and 1.

Especially something like Mewtwo.Such an opportunity can be met but not sought after. If it is possible, the goddess also wants to try the joy of harvesting people's heads more. It does not always have such an opportunity, but since Kaguya passes by herself, then it will not What can I say, in terms of mentality, the Tiannv beast is still the Dilu beast who is slapped by Kaguya all day long!

What's more, it was drawn by the god-level lottery system and came to the world of Pokémon. There is no doubt about Kaguya's loyalty. It's almost what Kaguya wants to do with it. Don't know how to refuse!

"Can you help the tree of the beginning of the world to expel those ominous auras?" Kaguya pointed to the dark tree of the beginning of the world not far away and said to the beast.

The tree of the beginning of the world is really cold, whether it is the ominous atmosphere or the ordinary air, it absorbs it, causing the dream to be affected.

This tree of the beginning of the world may indeed enhance the potential of fantasy, making it one of the few existences in the Pokémon world that can reach the level of the creator god, but the price is also a bit high!

Dreamy looked at the goddess beast pitifully, if the goddess beast said it couldn't do it, then its fate would be extremely tragic!

Close the confinement!Dreams can't even imagine!That is too scary, can you still have fun?

"Is this?" The goddess glanced at the tree of the beginning of the world. It was indeed just as Kaguya felt. The tree of the beginning of the world had also been polluted at this moment. Fortunately, Kaguya and the others came early, and the Kurama again Absorbed a lot of ominous breath, otherwise if the tree of the beginning of the world absorbs all these ominous breaths, this sacred and solemn place may have been eroded by darkness.

"I should be able to do it!" The Heavenly Girl Beast said after pondering for a moment. If before, if you wanted it to expel the ominous aura in the tree of the beginning of the world, then it really couldn't do it, but now it's different. Now, since it started hunting, its level has been increasing rapidly like a rocket, and now it has the strength of a god. It is still possible to help the tree of the beginning of the world to expel the dark and ominous aura!

Hearing the words of the goddess, Dream instantly became excited, came to the side of the goddess, took its hand and said, "Thank you, hurry up and save Miao!"

Chapter 955 Dedicated to the Ultimate Beast-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Hearing the words of the goddess, Dream instantly became excited, came to the side of the goddess, took its hand and said, "Thank you, hurry up and save Miao!"

This is simply his own savior!

"En!" The Heavenly Girl Beast was stunned for a moment in the face of such a passionate dream, but didn't say much.

After all, it is still relatively familiar with the dream, and Hui Ye also has a dream here. The Pokémon of this group do not seem to be as high as the legendary Pokémon, but they are a bit crazy. Dream is such a character, like a small Children in general.

"Holy Bubble!" The Heavenly Beast didn't pay too much attention to the dream's reaction. Instead, before coming to the tree of the beginning of the world, he folded his hands together, and an energy circle was formed on the top of the Heavenly Beast's head, and it continued to expand until it expanded. It didn't stop until it had a diameter of about five meters. .

Then I saw this sacred bubble heading in the direction of the tree of the beginning of the world, and directly submerged into the tree of the beginning of the world.

"Isn't this going to happen?" Hui Ye looked at the Tiannv beast cautiously. He didn't know whether the Tiannv beast could succeed. At least the Tiannv beast did have a strong restraint against the ominous atmosphere and the ultimate alien beast.

But if the two energies fight within the tree of the beginning of the world, then the tree of the beginning of the world will be unlucky!

When the tree of the beginning of the world is broken, what should I do?It's impossible for you to lose the dream of a tree of the beginning of the world, right?

The Heavenly Girl Beast did not reply, but just looked at the dream, and wanted to know what was going on in the tree of the beginning of the world, just by looking at the state of the dream, the two were in a symbiotic relationship.

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