For quite a few years, Lila has also been a high-level executive of the international police, and Lila also has a certain understanding of many legendary Pokémon.And Zigard came here, it seems to be a matter of course.

"Is Zygarde? It seems to be very powerful!" Arturia glanced at Zygarde, who was still deforming, and it really gave people a sense of ignorance!

"Well! But who would have thought that there would be so many legendary Pokémon in "[-]"?" No matter who sees such a scene in front of them, they will be shocked. Ordinary trainers will never be able to Seeing a legendary Pokémon, but it's different here, Lila is numb now!

The ones that have been seen before, those that have not been seen before, and those that are not even in the information of the alliance, these legendary Pokémon have all appeared, and come together to fight against these extreme beasts.Maybe all the legendary Pokémon in the world are gathered here!

This look of unity is really hard to see in the legendary Pokémon.

With the continuous flashing of green light, Zygarde gradually turned into a snake, and its eyes consisted of 4 green hexagons, like the compound eyes of insects.On the back of the head there is a black decoration like a salamander, with green hexagons on it.There are 5 forks on the tail.

"Is this the original appearance of Zygarde?" Arturia looked at Lila curiously, it seemed that this was indeed a strong appearance!

"It doesn't seem to be. It is rumored that Zygarde is in a stronger state!" Lila said solemnly. Now Zygarde seems to have a lot less forgiveness green, but the speed is obviously slower than before. few.

Zygarde has many forms, and humans don't know much about Zygarde. Lila said that she doesn't know much about Zygarde, but only knows [-]% of Zygarde's appearance. .Possesses a power that even Xerneas and Yveltal can overwhelm.

Zygarde glanced at Arturia, and did not take the initiative to contact Arturia. Even if he wanted to find her, he would need to find her after the battle, and then change his form and appearance to get closer.

I don't know if this battle can be won!

It glanced at Kaguya and Kurama, and it might really win!

Kaguya and Kurama were constantly interfering with the actions of the ultimate alien beasts. Obviously, their existence attracted a lot of attention, and it also made the ultimate alien beasts put a lot of firepower on them.

The legendary Pokémon who were originally extremely powerful have also become auxiliary existences at this moment. They are more attacking those extreme beasts from the periphery, and at the same time attacking those who want to take the opportunity to go out and make trouble!

Previously, because of Necrozma and the ultimate hole in space, these legendary Pokémon temporarily did not have time to take into account the situation in the Alola region, thus allowing Necrozma and the others to gain convenience, otherwise things would not have happened. It would be as bad as it is now.

Chapter 980 The Hidden Enemy-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Previously, because of Necrozma and the ultimate hole in space, these legendary Pokémon temporarily did not have time to take into account the situation in the Alola region, thus allowing Necrozma and the others to gain convenience, otherwise things would not have happened. It would be as bad as it is now.

After all, the legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon world are also waiting for the revival of Arceus. Without the approval of Arceus, no one can declare war on the entire Ultimate Cave on behalf of the Pokémon world.

"Kurama, the situation seems to be a little bad!" Kaguya said to the Kurama speechlessly while controlling the Kurama to fight and retreat.

"It seems that they are all starting to spread out!" Jiuwei nodded, "And it seems that there are other creatures coming here, not the ultimate alien beast!"

Kurama's perception ability is very good, even if the other party is far away from him, the Kurama can still perceive the other party's existence, after all, those guys have a bad feeling for it.

"Then don't care, let's go directly!" Hui Ye smiled bitterly and looked at the cracking seat, like this kind of existence, it really makes people feel numb, after all, this cracking seat was once a powerhouse in the world of Pokémon, in order to The Pokémon world has done a lot of things, and the Kakuzu family has always been protecting the Pokémon planet from alien Pokémon from the universe. .

And at the beginning, this cracking seat was willing to go to the ultimate cave to explore, and it was very selfless. The strong man he wanted was really not easy to start!

If the cracking seat can only go all the way to the dark, and can no longer be restored to the original state, then there is no problem in killing the cracking seat, but they obviously have a way to rescue the cracking seat, but they are somewhat helpless at this moment!

"Roar!" The Kurama also let out a roar when he heard the words. Although the previous style of fighting and retreating was not bad, he could even leave him the title of Jagged Kurama, but this was not what he wanted!Crushing by strength is what the Kurama likes most!

What's more, its strength itself is not bad. In a battle like this, Kurama would rather run to the back, obediently make a fort, and continuously release the tailed beast jade, so that he can defeat some more opponents!At the same time, you can save more energy!

After all, the Kurama in this state is indeed very suitable for using the tailed beast jade. It does not take much time to charge up, and it can play the tailed beast jade similar to those super divine beasts with all-out blows. This kind of output should not be said too high. !

The pitch-black long sword appeared again in the hands of Kurama, and it jumped in the air, jumping out to a height of about a hundred meters, and slashed away at the cracking seat in the air!

This sword is enough to cut through the void 3.3, as if the entire sky is rendered by it!

Faced with such a sword, Crack Kongza has no intention of evading at all. It intends to directly take over the sword of Kurama. This sword is enough to kill those extreme beasts, but it is not suitable for Crack Kongza. Same!Don't look at the racial value, the defense and special defense of the cracking seat are not particularly good, but its body is still very good, this is an existence that can travel in the universe!

(Ziggard's form problem is indeed a big problem. Even after reading Pokémon, the author said that he still doesn't understand it very well. This is still a certain distance from the Pokemon encyclopedia. Cells and cores, this is a big problem. Question, uh! Don't take this too seriously!).

Chapter 981 Old Man's Breath

The existences that can cross the void with their fleshly bodies are all very powerful beings. Even though Deoxys doesn’t seem to be very good, in fact, their bodies are also very powerful. Deoxys in defensive form. However, with 160 defense and special defense, this is not something that ordinary Pokémon can achieve. Even Lugia, famous for its various defenses, only has 130 defense and 154 special defense, which is inferior to defense mode in all aspects. The Deoxys!

You must know that Lugia is also a leader in defense among the legendary Pokémon!

Of course, this also has something to do with Deoxys itself. It can switch modes. To a certain extent, it is indeed much more disgusting than other legendary Pokémon. Even if it can't be beaten, it can disgust the opponent.

The defense of the cracking seat is not high, but its fleshly body is very powerful!

When Kaguya and Ku Lama attacked and slashed at the cracking seat, facing the sword that destroyed the sky and destroying the earth, the cracking seat was not directly split in half, but suffered a lot of injuries. The dragon scales on the periphery of the seat that are enough to allow it to swim in the 11th space are also falling a lot at this moment.

However, at the same time, terrifying energy was also gathered in the mouth of the fissure, and it was sprayed in the direction of the Kurama and the others.

Facing the attack from Kakuzuo, Kaguya and Kurama were also awe-inspiring. This guy is really terrifying. He chose to change his wounds so decisively, and Kakuza previously chose to be beaten by his own big brother. The sword is slashing, in order to be able to hit them at close range, it is really decisive!

After that, Hui Ye showed a wry smile. He and Ku Lama were thinking about how to save the life of the Korakuza, but the Korakuza would not think so. At this moment, the Korakuza was just a legend that was polluted by the black and ominous aura. It's just a Pokémon, it's not just attacking itself, if it is released, it will destroy the Pokémon world.

It is no longer it, but a beast that only knows how to destroy!

Thinking about it this way, Kaguya's eyes are still emitting a deep blood red, and he is constantly strengthening his pupil strength in order to stabilize Susanoo's state!After all, the destructive power of Rift Seat is not comparable to those of the ultimate alien beasts!

Kaguya didn't have the slightest worry about the ultimate alien beasts attacking herself and the Kurama before. After all, these attacks were very scattered. With the hardness of Susanoo, they could be easily blocked. With Kaguya The pupil power can easily and quickly repair these damages.

But the attack of the cracking seat is different. Its attack is extremely powerful, and it is not something that ordinary people can withstand. Compared with the destructive power, the cracking seat is among the best among all the legendary Pokémon!

A little bit of face-breaking is the best way to deal with Susanoo. As long as the attack of Kaguya breaks through the armor of Susanoo outside Kaguya, it is enough to damage the deity of the Kurama who is protected by the armor. is the most important.

Otherwise, with Kaguya's pupil strength, coupled with the black and ominous aura here, he can continuously restore his ability, and Kaguya and the Kurama are indeed perpetual motion machines!

"Kurama leave it to me!" Kaguya's face showed a trace of solemnity, and her pupil power continued to expand Susanoo's protection!

Chapter 981 The Old Man's Breath-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Kurama leave it to me!" Kaguya's face showed a trace of solemnity, and her pupil power continued to expand Susanoo's protection!

"Boom!" Finally, Kakuza's attack landed on Kurama. After the intense bombardment, Susanoh's outer shell shattered!

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