Zhi Ji smiled slightly, "I revealed the news about that person in Hokkaido to you. If I don't know, then who else knows?" Lin Yuanfei was speechless, "You have already dug a hole for your feelings, haven't you...

Chapter 821 Isn't That Cheap For You?

Zhiji did not respond to Lin Yuanfei's questioning.She stood there, stopped, and kept a relatively long distance from Yiri.

far, she said.

"As a Chinese, haven't you heard the -sentence?"

'Feng Xian, how can the tiger not be tight,'" Zhi Ji casually said a line from Boss Cao in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

After all, Boss Cao who said this turned around and cut Lu Bu off.

So you plan to chop me up now?" Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhi Ji warily, and asked.

Changzui laughed.However, no matter how you look at it, Zhi Ji's smile seems too fake.She smiled for a while, then restrained her smile, and said indifferently, "Wouldn't it be cheaper for you?"

...Lin Yuanfei felt his back go cold.

In this world, there are not many people who can make Lin Yuanfei afraid, and the eldest lady in front of him is one of them.But from the very beginning when she first appeared on the stage-until now, Zhi Ji's behavior has seemed too weird.This is not the Miss Tuyumen that Lin Yuan knew before! If it weren't for her "mind reading" as usual, Lin Yuan would have suspected that the person in front of him was Zhi Ji's twin sister.

Looking suspiciously at Zhi Ji in front of him, Lin Yuanfei asked, "How did I offend you?"

Zhi Ji sneered coldly, "Why did you offend me, don't you know? Lin Yuanfei tried to reason, "Be reasonable, Zhi Ji. I'm good. No...uh, after a long time, Lin Yuan found himself It seems that it is really the wrong party.

I can't go on with this conversation at all!

In Lin Yuanfei's heart - ten thousand muddy horses are galloping.Du Sheng made a mistake when he was young.But Lin Yuanfei had a thick skin after all, he rolled his eyes and changed the topic again.And it was an important topic that Orihime couldn't ignore.

"Well, Orihime, since you're here, you obviously know about the hostile relationship between me and your Tsuchimikado clan, right?"

"Your uncle will kill me, and I will kill him.

"As the eldest lady of the Tuyumen family, you have traveled all the way here to replace me. Did your uncle send you here?" Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, and it was a topic of hatred.Although a bit humble, this is indeed the thing Lin Yuanfei wants to know most now.Facing Lin Yuan's questioning, Zhi Ji snorted coldly, obviously seeing through Lin Yuanfei's sinister intentions.She said blankly, "If the family sent me here, then it's not me but the masters of the family including my uncle who are waiting for you here."

Although Zhi Ji's words did not exceed Lin Yuanfei's expectation.

But he still has doubts in his heart.

"Without the help of the family, how did you know I'm here?" Lin Yuanfei asked.To this, Orihime said lightly.

It's very simple, because I know that you will definitely come to Hokkaido, so I have paid attention to the situation around you.

"When my uncle ordered to keep an eye on you, I knew it was impossible for you to use Hayashibara's power to go to Hokkaido.

"Then, as a rootless outsider, who around you can help you with their own personal power without being noticed by the Japanese powers?"

"The pheasant next to you seems to have a good relationship with the group of Chinese travelers in Shinjuku... I mean, you understand?" Lin Yuanfei raised his eyebrows, "It's amazing, as expected of Zhi Ji, amazing Ah. If you were born in the Warring States period, at least you could be called the title of Zhu Ge in the female middle school. Zhi Ji looked at him indifferently, "Stop talking nonsense! Since you are straight to the point, I will ask you directly.

"Lin Yuanfei, are you really going to fight against the entire Japanese Onmyoji family? Are you really going to risk your life to stop my uncle? Are you not afraid of death?" Zhiji's sudden question made Lin Yuanfei scratch his head.

"...how do you say this?" Lin Yuanfei said, "If I say yes, will you turn against me right away?" Hearing this, Zhiji laughed.

This time, it was a real, heartfelt smile, not the false fake smile before.She's standing there. Smiling happily.Lin Yuanfei's face was stern, "Ah? What's the situation? Did I answer you?" He subconsciously looked at Yuki beside him.

Seeing that Yuki also had the same bewildered expression, it was obvious that she didn't understand Zhi Ji's reaction at all.

Zhi Ji walked towards Lin Yuanfei calmly.

"You are worried about the possibility of turning against me. It proves that you still have a conscience. You didn't completely ignore my feelings.

"Since this is the case, there is nothing wrong with showing you the way."

Ji said that Ruo had already come several meters away from Lin Yuanfei.She glanced at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Come on, I'll take you to find the person you're looking for. When passing by Lin Yuanfei, Zhiji said meaningfully, "But you'd better prepare in advance, that It seems that an acquaintance of yours has recently come to the place. Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei was a little strange.

"Huh? My acquaintance? Who is it?" However, Zhi Ji walked straight out of the beach, ignoring Lin Yuanfei.

Only Lin Yuanfei was left at a loss.

"How to say?" Lin Yuanfei asked.Yuki touched her chin, and said seriously, "According to the operation in the story, maybe she will lure us into a magnificent room and set up a sumptuous wine to entertain us. Then in the middle of the banquet At that time, I fell in love. Immediately rushed out the Five Hundred Swordsman and hacked us to death. Lin Yuanfei wanted to laugh, "Is the Five Hundred Swordsman also popular in Japan?

"That is to bring us to a mysterious space. Take us to eat and play. We feel that only a few days have passed, but when we leave, we find that decades have passed in the world? We will immediately become Old man and old lady, so that no one can stop their Tsuchimikado plot," Yuki continued to speculate.Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "Urashima Taro...don't worry, Yuki and Orihime won't cheat us."

"Just like what she said, if she really wanted to trick us, it wasn't her who appeared just now, but the five hundred swordsmen of their Tsuchiyamon family."

"So don't worry, let's follow, Zhi Ji should still be trustworthy.

"Well, it should be...

Chapter 822 Do You Like Me

With the dubious Yuki, Lin Yuanfei followed Zhi Ji and left the beach.And on the road outside the beach, a car with a very simple appearance was parked.Volkswagen Phaeton.Zhi Ji said to Lin Yuanfei behind her.

"Under special circumstances, in order not to expose our whereabouts, we have to keep a low profile, so we got this car. Let's just get it off.

After releasing, Zhi Ji sat in the driver's seat.Lin Yuanfei behind her was speechless.

A car worth more than a million yuan is like a broken pickup on the roadside as you said.Let Yuki sit in the back seat, and Lin Principle sits in the co-pilot.As the car started, the coastline outside the window began to recede behind them.Yuki had been staring at Orihime who was driving with distrustful eyes, but Orihime obviously ignored her.

Probably for the current Orihime, Yuki, who only has a child's IQ, is not qualified to be her opponent in the same stage? Hayashi Yuan Lu is sitting in the co-pilot, thinking wildly.

He was more curious about who the acquaintance Zhi Ji mentioned was.Logically speaking, he has no acquaintances in Japan.

Although this cute and innocent student president has not appeared for a long time, Lin Yuanfei still has a deep impression of her.

After all, there are only so many people who have escaped from Raccoon City. The basic people that Lin Yuan didn't see are already in Raccoon City.Thinking about it this way, it's really miserable...Lin Yuanfei subconsciously looked at the coastline behind him.He thought of the bunch of ghosts in Raccoon City again.

Speaking of which, hundreds of thousands of people died in Raccoon City to create this horrible space.

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