After speaking, Tang Yifu immediately widened his eyes.

"Is there such an operation?

He immediately raised the gossip mirror and aimed it at Yuki, with excitement on his face, "Daughter of the devil? Is there such a creature in this world?"

When the light of the gossip mirror shone on Yuki, a pair of small pointed horns appeared on Yuki's forehead, a pair of wings appeared behind her, and the broken tail behind her was slowly swinging.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yifu was stunned again.

"Eh? Why is there only half of the tail?" Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless, "How do you know?" Tang Yifu rolled his eyes, "After listening to your story and understanding the relationship between you, if even this little thing can't be revealed , The Taoism I have learned in this life is in vain.

Ruo, Tang Yifu looked at the man and the woman in front of him again, and thought for a while.

he said suddenly.

"Wait! Tang Yifu stared suspiciously at the girl next to Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Little girl...I think you look familiar...have we met somewhere?"

Zhi Ji looked at him indifferently, and said, "The Vision cruise ship is my ship. Tang Yifu looked wary.

Lin Yuanfei was a little affectionate, "What Vision?"

Orihime Qingnae said plainly, "This guy came to Japan illegally, and he was on my cruise ship. The cruise ship is called Vision. Otherwise, why do you think I know this guy is in Hokkaido? It's just Tang Yifu's distrustful face." , "Why didn't you expose me?"

"Because I thought you came to Japan to meet my sister-in-law. For my sister-in-law's sake, I didn't tell this matter," Orihime said indifferently.

This time Lin Yuan didn't speak, but Master did so with a smile.

"I seem to have heard a big letter...Old Tang, what's the matter with you and my apprentice's wife's sister-in-law? Tang Yifu couldn't laugh at all, but his face was dark.

"Her sister-in-law died because of Hokkaido.

Without being questioned, Tang Peifu told the situation directly.

"I came to Japan for a trip back then. I wanted to see what Japanese monsters look like. I met a girl in Hokkaido. She was very beautiful and cute. We hit it off right away. We met and walked together."

"She is a young lady from a big family of Japanese Onmyoji, who is proficient in Onmyoji. Many things happened between us, but just like the development of all vulgar novels, in the end her family found out about my existence and strongly opposed us. rise.

"But she was a stubborn girl. In the end, she would rather commit suicide than go home with her brother.

"After she died, she was buried in Hokkaido, but I was deported and could never return to Japan, so I needed to be smuggled out. Tang Yifu's story is very concise, but he added something after he finished speaking.

"The elder brother who forced her to death is now the Prime Minister of Japan.

"Tuyumen Suisan?" Ding Yi's voice came from behind Tang Yifu, "So you come to Japan this time to avenge old and new grudges?"

"That's right... Tang Yifu let out a long sigh," so, little girl from Tuyumen, you can't leave here for the time being.After Tang Yifu's voice fell, the sky in the small courtyard changed color.

A huge golden gossip appeared in the sky above the small courtyard, and one after another golden runes formed long golden chains. These golden chains hung outside the small courtyard, seeming to form a huge shield

"Before our plan is implemented. You just stay here obediently. Of course. For your sister-in-law's sake. I won't hurt you.

Tang Fanfu said in an understatement.

However, the blond Yujie beside him stood up slowly.

"Hey... Tang, what are you going to do to my apprentice and daughter-in-law?" Master's eyes were not friendly.Tang Fu didn't speak, but Ding Yi did.

"This little girl doesn't know about Old Tang's plan, but Tsuchyumen Suisan may not have guessed it. To be on the safe side, the Tsuchyumen clan must not know that we are here.

Lin Yuanfei, who was standing next to him, looked confused, "So what do you guys want? Assassin Yumen Suisan?"

Tang Yifu glanced at him and said, "It's saving the world!"

Chapter 827 Two Ghosts

Tang Yifu's words made Lin Yuanfei somewhat compelled.

"Huh? Save the world? Are you also partners in justice?"

Tang Yifu was stunned for a moment, "Yeah?

The blond-haired Yujie next to her coughed dryly at this moment and said.

"Actually, the conspiracy of the Tuyumen Clan was first discovered by my apprentice.

"Well, yes, he discovered it a few years earlier than you.

After the master finished speaking, Tang Yifu's eyes on Lin Yuanfei changed immediately.

"You were the one who wiped out the Liangyi family, Cang Qi family, and Jiantong family?" The master also looked at Lin Yuanfei, obviously curious about this matter.

Do you guys really know nothing about feelings? Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly and said, "It seems like Tang Yifu did it before I lost my memory." He shrugged, "It's a good job, although it's useless.

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Lin Yuan's arm and pondered for a few seconds as if feeling his pulse.

Then said.

"The devil power in your body is easy to solve. You have a solution yourself. Why do you still come to me?" Lin Yuanlu was a little emotional, "What solution? You won't have to eat your tail again, right?"

"No, no," Tang Yifu let go of Lin Yuan's wrist and said, "There is no need to be so rough.

He glanced at Yuki and said, "Isn't your wife the daughter of a demon? You can gradually neutralize the power of the demon in your body by remembering to have sex with her every day. This will not only relieve Lin Yuanfei Some people were forced to ask, "Is there no other way but this? Is there a shortcut to hurry up?" Tang Yifu gave him a sideways look, yes, you just cook your wife into a dish and eat it.This is the easiest and quickest shortcut.

....Are you serious?" Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "But Mr. Tang, I want to get rid of the demonic power in my body as soon as possible, and then deal with Tsuchiyado Toshizo. "Tang Yifu shook his head when he heard this, "Young man, do you really regard yourself as a partner of justice? Do you think the world will stop turning without you? Or, you alone still want to deal with Tsuchiyamen

..Do you think that guy is really alone?"

"Even your master and I have to prepare carefully. Do you think you can win if you are a stupid young man? Are you actually going to give away the head?"

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