However, that weak and small body, compared with the huge sword beside it, is as weak as an ant.

Tsuchimikado Suizan withdrew his hand and said slowly.

"Don't blame me, Lin Yuan,...the sound of blood splattering sounded behind Shang Yumen Suisan.

He turned his head abruptly, but saw the scene of Ned Hogg in the center of the ceremony being shrouded in sword light.Obviously it was only a momentary interlacing, but the moment the sword light erupted, Nidhogg's body had already turned into torn apart blood spray,

In the midst of countless stumps, broken arms and broken flesh, Lin Yuanfei, covered in blood, smiled bitterly and half-kneeled in the center of the altar.

"I don't blame you, Tsuchimikado-san.

He said with a smirk, "And I hope your companions don't blame me either!"

In front of him, a magician named Ned Chongge was torn apart.

The moment the sword light of Feitian Yujianliu erupted, the unsuspecting magician disintegrated like this, turning into blood and flesh splattering all over the sky.

Tsuchimikado Suizan watched this scene in silence, speechless for a while.

Then, he shook his head.

"Confinement trap... but this trap is really real. How do you do it?"

Lin Yuanfei Lu sneered, pointing to the distant sky, "Look at that direction.

Tuyumen Suisan frowned and turned his head.

Then, he showed a surprised expression.

In the distant sky, there is a demon's body constantly falling.Although the demon's body was already torn apart and out of human form, Yi Ri could barely make out the appearance of Lin Yuanfei.

Tuyumen Suizan was a little startled, "A separate body?" Lin Yuanfei grunted and shook his head, "A separate body! That's my body.

He gasped for breath and spoke slowly.

"You probably don't know how strong my recovery ability is... .T virus plus the power of the devil, even if I cut off my head, the head can quickly regenerate a new body.

Of course, this move would do great harm to Lin Yuan.

But at a critical moment, he threw Gu Wutou's body on the Frozen Throne to attract Tsuchimikado Tousan's attention.The head that I cut off hides in the corner of the shadow. Relying on the strong self-healing ability, a new body grows.Finally, at the moment of confusion when the illusion disappears, kill Nidhogg, the driver of the ritual!

And with the death of the magician, the magic power in the center of the altar, which was almost uncontrollable, began to riot.

Tsuchimikado Toshimi looked at this scene blankly, and said, "Is the destiny on your side in the end?" Hayashibara waved violently, pulling the powerless Freddy back from the ground to the spiritual space.

Then, he took a deep breath, looked at Toshizo Tsuchimikado in front of him, and said

"Fucking fate!

"Although a person's success must consider the course of history, self-struggle is more important! Toshizo Tsuchimikado! This time I won!"

Tsuchimikado Tousan looked at him indifferently, and said, "Yes, you won.

"But so what?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked indifferently at the magic power of the mad riot in the center of the altar, and said

"Do you know why I didn't find a way to dispatch the army to block the waters near here?

"Because once the ceremony is over...whether it succeeds or fails, there will be an explosion here.

Chapter 845 Tigers

The words of Tsuchiyamen Suizan made Lin Yuanfei's expression froze slightly.

At this time, he has recovered his human body and got rid of the appearance of a demon.

It's just that this newborn body is covered with blood and wounds. It is obvious that the victory just now is not as light as he said.

And he did feel the increasingly unstable violent magic power behind him.That is the magical power accumulated from the six best leylines in Japan, and each leyline is stronger than the spirit veins in Fuyuki City.These six strong sources of magic power, plus the spirit vein under their feet, a total of seven spirit veins accumulated power exploded.That terrifying power probably even wiped out ten Fuyuki cities.Lin Yuanfei looked at Wakato Mimon Suisan, and said slowly.

"You guys really want to play such a big scene.

Tsuchimikado Toshisan looked at him, and said calmly, "Is there any last words? Tell me, this is the last chance.

Lin Yuanfei's body was full of devilish energy, he roared angrily, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Tell me your uncle!

The long and narrow blade of Mikami Tsukimune instantly slashed towards Tsuchimikado Toizo in front of him.

"I'll cut you first! Then leave this place! Amid Lin Yuan's roar, his knife had already landed in front of Tsuchiyado Suizan.

However, an invisible barrier appeared in the void.

In the next second, a pale shikigami emerged from Shi Yumen Suizan's body.

Snow boy.

The snow boy who had recovered his normal body stopped in front of Lin Yuanfei and said,

Xuetongzi's expression was very serious.Lin Yuanfei snorted, and the blade turned around, drawing a cold arc on the spot.

The sharp sword light shrouded Shikigami.

"If you say you can't kill it, you can't kill it? I will kill you together! Amid Lin Yuan's roar, Jian Guang erupted on the spot.

But Xuetongzi, whose sword light was fading, kept fighting back, blocking all the sword lights that were aimed at Tuyumen Suizan.Golden sparks even splashed when the blades collided.

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