Lin Yuanfei kept staring at the other party's face, but the other party did not react at all when he heard the word "Holy Church".

This made Lin Yuanfei a little frustrated.

Could it be that there is no Holy Church in this world?Or is this church not part of the Church of the Holy Church?


Lin Yuanfei sighed in frustration, thinking that he really didn't have such good luck.

How can it be such a good thing to find a church who can just hit the church of the Holy Church?

Lin Yuanfei was very frustrated.

And the priest looked at Lin Yuanfei like this, and comforted him.

"Sir, don't worry. If you really want to find this Holy Church, I may go and find out for you. I still know many knowledgeable and talented old priests. If I have any news, I will definitely inform you. "

The young priest said with a smile, "However, if you want to join that church and convert to the Lord, you can do it here. The grace of the Lord is regardless of the power of the church. Everyone is a servant of the Lord. Whether it's me or the Holy Church you mentioned, we are all the same, and we can help you share your troubles."

Lin Yuanfei sighed—I was hunted down by all kinds of monsters and ghosts, and I need the Church of the Holy Church to help me get rid of the demons, can you?

But this priest looks pretty good, so Lin Yuanfei didn't say such touching words.

Although he felt a little disappointed, he still smiled reluctantly.

"Thank you for your concern, Father. May I ask what your address is? I still have a little favor and I may need your help."

Since the other party couldn't find any clues about the Church of the Holy Church, they could only ask for some holy water crosses to deal with Freddy according to the original plan.

As for the question about the name... Do you keep calling him the priest if you don't know the name of the person?

You have to ask for a name, otherwise it would be impolite to call someone a priest all the time.

Lin Yuanfei thought so.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the narrow-eyed priest smiled and said, "You can call me Shirou."


"Huh? Sir, what's the problem?" The narrow-eyed priest was a little confused, "Your face looks... seems a bit unwell..."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the red-haired priest in front of him with a twitching expression, and smiled a little forcedly, "Is your surname Wei Gong?"

The young priest shook his head, "No, my surname is Kotomine... and my full name is Kotomine Shiro. Uh... sir? Why do you have this expression? Is this name strange?"

The young priest's expression was a little surprised.

Lin Yuanfei's expression twitched, he didn't know what to say anymore.

Kotomine Shirou...Kotomine haired, very young, it's 03...Damn!Is this Kotomine Shirou...

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "Well... Father Kotomine, can I ask some more personal questions? Your father's name is Kotomine Kirei?"

Kotomine Shirou with narrowed eyes shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, I'm just an orphan and has no parents. Kotomine's surname was also given by the church that raised me. I don't know the names of my parents, and I have never heard of them. The name Kotomine Kirei."

He looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Sir, is there anything you can do with Mr. Kotomine Kirei?"

Lin Yuanfei remained silent.

Xingyue world, red hair, orphans, Shirou... so many elements come together, you tell me it's a coincidence?Why am I so unbelievable!

Could it be that Shirou in this world line became Kotomine Shirou because he was raised by Kotomine Kirei or Kotomine Risho?

After all, there is no Fuyuki City in this world, so it is very possible that Shirou did not meet Emiya Kiritsugu because of the Holy Grail War.

He is red-haired, an orphan, and Shirou, the age is just right, or in a world that is obviously deeply related to Xingyue, and you, Kotomine Shirou, surnamed Kotomine, told me that you don't know Kotomine Kirei?Don't know the Church of the Holy Church?

Coax ghosts.

Looking at the squinting young priest in front of him, Lin Yuanfei felt helpless and had a headache.

If this Kotomine Shirou is really Kotomine Kirei's adopted son, he must be a thigh.

But this squinty-eyed Kotomine Shirou killed him because he didn't know Kotomine Kirei, and he didn't know the Church of the Holy Church, so it's hard to bear.

How can I pry his mouth open?

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin, thinking—how about beating up this kid?

However, in the next second, Lin Yuanfei canceled this crazy plan.

He entertained you with a smile, and you rushed up to beat him up without saying a word, just because of a possible guess... This is no longer the category of ordinary neuropathy!

This is severe mental illness!

Testimonials on the shelf, twenty more tomorrow

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and the time to put it on the shelves will be around [-]:[-] noon?

Of course, it may be a little earlier.

Well, let’s not talk too much, everyone who has money will hold a money market, and those who have tickets will hold a ticket market.

The fattening party also hopes that everyone will click an automatic subscription, so that the subscription data will look better.The better your grades, the more motivated you are to write.

Finally, book your monthly pass for next month in advance~

And, tomorrow will follow the agreed [-] consecutive updates.

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