Kotomine Shirou looked at him and sighed softly, "Actually... I think you should see a psychiatrist earlier, sir. The social environment in Japan is indeed very depressing. It's hard to stay here for a long time..."

Lin Yuanfei was speechless—is this guy treating me like a crazy person?No wonder you're so talkative, are you afraid that I'll cause trouble?

But forget it, there is no time to continue exploring with this guy.

Lin Yuanfei covered his face with his hands and glanced around him. Through his fingers, he saw a pale little boy standing beside him with a blank expression on his face.

The eyes of the two sides are looking at each other in the air...

Depend on!How dare this damn child enter the church?Don’t you take Jesus too seriously?

Lin Yuanfei glared at Junxiong beside him, put down his hands covering his face, and walked straight out.

But if Toshio Saeki dares to enter this church, then it proves that there should be no special power here... Eh... Sure enough, asking for help is better than asking for oneself.

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and walked out of the church without looking back.

Behind him, followed by a pale kid.

The pitch-black night gradually enveloped the earth.

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were extremely cold.

Freddy, I'm coming to kill you!

Chapter 79

Outside the church, the setting sun has completely fallen to the end of the horizon.

Under the dark sky, night gradually enveloped the earth.

In the city in the distance, bright lights lit up, looking bustling and lively.

But the outskirts of the church are empty and deserted.

Looking around, apart from the barren fields, there is only the gloomy cemetery on the side.

On the crooked tombstones, the breath of time is engraved, and I don't know how many years these tombstones have been here.

Some tombstones are even blurred with patterns and engraved patterns.

Stepping into the dark night, Lin Yuanfei walked out of the door of the church and took a deep breath.

The cool night wind rushed towards the face, giving people a slight chill.

In order to conceal their actions, both Lin Yuanfei and Yuki Yuno changed into their daily clothes. After all, the uniforms of Chunmu High School are too recognizable.

Now they are more or less the kidnappers who kidnapped Takagi-sensei and Tomie. Although it was to exorcise demons, but in order to prevent ordinary people from breaking their plans and causing unnecessary troubles, they changed into daily clothes before they came. Regular clothes.

Because of this, the priest in the church behind him did not recognize the identity of Lin Yuanfei's student.

Kotomine Shirou... Kotomine Shirou... Eh...

In Lin Yuanfei's heart, there was a little frustration of hopelessness.

But at this moment, he was no longer in the mood to think about whether the worldview of this world had a type moon.

After all, he has more important, more life-threatening things to do.

He took all the holy water and the two crosses given to him by the priest, and walked straight to the road outside the church.

Inside the black BMW parked by the side of the road were the Yuno sisters.

As for Mr. Takagi, who was tied up on the co-pilot, he seemed very docile, without any signs of struggling to escape.

But Lin Yuanfei wasn't too worried about this wet middle-aged man, he opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, then looked back at the back seat.

"There's nothing wrong with Fu Jiang, right?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

Yuki nodded again and again, "No, Miss Tomie is very good."

Beside Yuki, Tomie, who was tied up and even covered his head with a black goat skull hood, let out a chuckle.

"My dear, are you caring about me? Don't worry, he will never run away. As long as he can stay by my dear's side, he will be satisfied."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to this female monster.

He took out his car keys and started the car.

In the night that gradually enveloped the land, the black BMW disappeared into the night.

Ahead, the car road of Qiuming Mountain winds and circles, like a silver chain glowing in the dark, the lights are dim...

Under the same night sky, amidst the bright lights of the city, on the streets bustling with nightlife, the bars on both sides of the road were all lit up with blurred lights.

It was in stark contrast to the desolation and desolation of the day.

However, the atmosphere on this street tonight is different from the usual atmosphere. Those usually arrogant and domineering gangsters all carefully hide in the shadows and dare not show their faces at will. They even lowered their voices on purpose, as if they were afraid of causing any trouble. necessary trouble.

Their gazes stared at the bar called Devil's Eye with trepidation and curiosity, quietly hiding in the shadows and watching what happened.

And under the blurred lights of the city, outside the bar called Devil's Eye, several police cars with red and blue lights flashing were parked.

There are also several ambulances parked here.

Inside the cordoned-off cordon, painful and low-pitched wailing and crying came from the messy Devil's Eye bar.

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