In the mountains and forests, the joyful cheers of these children sounded.

"Finally out..."

"thank you all……"

"thank you all……"

Those souls shouted in surprise, thanked Lin Yuanfei and the others, and finally disappeared into the void.

In the end, the pitch-black skeleton completely disintegrated, turning into ashes that shattered all over the place.

Panting heavily, Yuno took a step back and let go of the cross in her hand.

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily.

"Not dead yet! Yuno! Freddie is not dead yet!"

Amid Lin Yuanfei's anxious reminder, Yuno raised his head in astonishment, only to see a strange red figure floating from the ashes on the ground.

The red and green dirty sweater, the pitch-black top hat, the burnt hideous face... the soul belonging to Freddy was suspended in mid-air, staring fiercely at the people present, and roared angrily.

"You guys pissed me off! You even burned my body... Uncle Freddy is angry!"

It raised its sharp claws and grabbed Yuno who had lost strength below, "Uncle Freddy is going to kill you!"

On the wasteland, Yuno was struggling hard.

But in a state of exhaustion, she couldn't resist at all, and could only watch the strange scarlet evil spirit pounce on herself.

Lin Yuanfei, who was a few meters away, watched all this happen and yelled.


Without hesitation, he threw the wooden knife in his hand vigorously.

The old wooden knife flew out viciously like a sharp arrow, directly passing through Freddy's spirit body.

At that moment, the originally illusory evil spirit seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and the entire left hand was broken.

Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded—this broken wooden knife suddenly became so sharp?Can even cut the spirit body?

Freddy in the void let out a painful scream.

"My hand! Ughhhhhhhh!!!"

It looked back at Lin Yuanfei fiercely, with rare anger burning in its eyes, "Little warrior! You are dead!"

After speaking, Freddy's soul turned and ran away clutching his broken arm, and quickly disappeared into the dark forest.

Only Lin Yuanfei was left stunned - you are so angry, are you planning to run away?

And this Freddy runs so fast?Don't you try to struggle?

At this moment, the Kayako at their feet had silently crawled half a meter away.

The biting coldness enveloped Lin Yuanfei again.

Lin Yuanfei felt that he could not move soon.

Yuki beside him yelled in panic, "Yuno! The wooden sword! Throw the wooden sword back!"

But there was no need for Yuki to urge him anymore. Seeing the scene of Freddy's soul being cut off by a wooden knife with his own eyes, several people present understood the power of the wooden knife.

Seeing Kayako crawling in front of her sister and Lin Yuanfei, Yuno had already struggled to get out and picked up the old wooden knife.

In the darkness, Yuno threw back the bloody broken wooden knife with difficulty.

The tattered wooden knife drew an arc in mid-air, and there were even bloodstains sprayed from Lin Yuanfei's body and sticking on it unintentionally.

Under the feet, the pale Kayako stretched out his cold arms and grabbed Lin Yuanfei's feet viciously.

At that critical moment, Lin Yuanfei raised both hands to catch the wooden knife thrown by Yuno, and then slashed hard!

The blood-stained wooden knife slashed heavily at the evil spirit at its feet.

Gayoko raised his head, stared at the broken wooden knife with resentful and cold eyes, and raised his hand as before.


There was a loud noise, and the violent force was transmitted from the other end of the wooden knife, and Lin Yuanfei was directly knocked back half a meter.

The wound on his left arm that had been bandaged with great difficulty burst open, and red blood spurted out.

However, the Kayako on the ground was not unharmed.

When the blood-stained wooden knife fell, it directly split its raised hand.

The ear-piercing screams of the evil spirits made people's scalps go numb.

The terrifying screams from the strange wraith seemed to ring directly in the depths of everyone's souls, piercing and terrifying, making people pale.

Lin Yuanfei stood upright with difficulty, the hand holding the knife was trembling.

The corner of his mouth was also bleeding, as if he had suffered an internal injury.

Yuki screamed in panic.

"Lin Yuan-jun, run away!"

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