One is Tomie wearing a black goat skull headgear, and the other is Mr. Takagi with a pale face and a frightened expression.

In the forest behind him, the bushes were trembling, and Yuki helped the injured Yuno out.

Yuno's injury was not as serious as Lin Yuanfei's, but she still turned pale due to the excessive blood loss along the way.

She looked down at Lin Yuanfei, and murmured, "You...are you human? You suffered such a serious injury, lost so much blood, dragged two people, and ran so fast..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled miserably, he didn't even have the strength to argue with her.

He coughed in a low voice, and said, "I can't take it any longer...but if I don't drag them away, why don't I leave it to you two little girls?"

Lin Yuanfei said, coughing in pain in a low voice, vomiting blood while coughing.

Yuki rushed over quickly, with a worried expression on his face, "Lin Yuan-kun, your injury..."

She looked at Lin Yuanfei's injury helplessly... Lin Yuanfei's condition at this time can be described as terrible.

One left arm and one left leg were seriously injured, but they were not well bandaged, and now they were bleeding all over the way, and Lin Yuanfei's whole body was stained red with blood.

And the frontal confrontation with Jiaye a few times before, it is estimated that the internal organs were also injured by the shock, and it is estimated that he suffered some internal injuries.

Seeing the bloody Lin Yuanfei in front of him, Yuki bit his lip and said, "Miss Tomie and Takagi-sensei will let Yuno and I be responsible, Mr. Lin Yuan, take a good rest."

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly, "We shouldn't be thinking about taking a break next... Since the group of policemen can chase us there, the BMW we parked on the side of the road must have been found too. If the group of policemen are ruthless enough If so, we might search the mountains next, we have to get out of here before they block the roads and search the mountains, otherwise they will gg if they see Fu Jiang."

Let the group of policemen see Fu Jiang, and Fu Jiang will use his charm to charm the group of policemen, can these people escape?

Yuno sat on the ground, glanced at Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Do you have any plans?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the dark forest, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's go down here, you can go to the church, go there and find a car to go back to the city."

After speaking, Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone and said, "As for the car, I hope my only partner can continue to be a god teammate..."

After pressing a few keys helplessly, Lin Yuanfei called Brother Cheng.

However, the beeping rang for a long time, and when Lin Yuanfei's patience was almost exhausted, Brother Cheng's panting voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin...Lin Yuan? Did you call me late at night for something?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "Brother Cheng, are you running? Why are you out of breath..."

Before Brother Cheng could speak, a girl's low voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Wow... it's pushed... it's pushed inside!"



In the dark forest, there was silence for a few seconds.

Lin Yuanfei's expression was indifferent - I was busy fighting the evil spirits here, and fought back and forth with the two evil spirits for an unknown number of rounds. I was thrilled and my body was wounded and exhausted. In the end, Brother Cheng, are you just playing cannon leisurely?

This kind of temperatureless and indifferent world should be destroyed...

Chapter 91 Clearing the SAN Value

In the darkness, Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent, as if petrified.

The world treats itself so cruelly!Different people have different fates!

Why do I have to be busy fighting evil spirits to save the world, but Brother Cheng can leisurely push the girl through the plot?

The second reaction is Brother Cheng, you are really a humanoid self-propelled cannon!I was at school in the morning and had a chat with the world in the equipment room, and now again?How many hours has it been?Are you so energetic?

Hearing Brother Cheng's embarrassing explanation on the other end of the phone, Lin Yuanfei felt a little helpless, "Brother Cheng, did I disturb the good things about you and the world... But I'm really sorry, if possible, please give me a three-minute Solve the battle within, and then come and save my life, okay? I'm getting cold now!"

Brother Cheng on the other end of the phone was a little stunned, "Lin Yuan, did you encounter any crisis? You stepped on two boats and angered one of them. Are you going to be hit by a hatchet?"

Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face - that was your script!Don't blindly put a pot of shit on Lao Tzu's head, please!I'm a single-minded innocent little virgin!

If it wasn't for relying on brother Cheng for help, Lin Yuanfei really wanted to hang up the phone directly.

"Hey...Brother Cheng, brother Cheng, what do you want me to say about you? Don't be full of these love affairs. There are more things in this world that deserve your attention, such as the life of my friend. Safety."

"I'm currently in Qiuming Mountain in the suburbs. I was hacked to the point where I was covered in blood and seriously injured. I was chased and killed. I managed to find a place to hide, but those guys are still chasing and killing me. Can you find me as soon as possible?" A car drove over to save me? It's late, I'm really cold!"

Lin Yuanfei complained loudly and made the situation extremely serious—although the situation was really serious.

Brother Cheng on the other end of the phone was still panting, "I know... I know... Huh... I'll be here right away."

Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

This guy, is he still wriggling...

He took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and tried to speak in the calmest tone.

"Do you know that there is a church under Qiuming Mountain? I will wait for you near there... Remember, you must find a reliable car. I am covered in blood and I am being hunted down. If you just find a car to come here Expose my whereabouts, and I'm done."

"And the car should be bigger. There are quite a lot of people on my side."

Brother Cheng on the other end of the phone gasped and said, "Don't worry... don't worry, I know a friend who can drive, it's absolutely reliable. I'll go find her right away, Lin Yuan, you should hide as soon as possible, and I'll call you when we get there. "

After finishing speaking, Brother Cheng hung up the phone in a hurry.

In the dark mountain forest, fell into an eerie silence.

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