Lin Yuanfei felt that the development of this world must have been mistaken.

He glanced at Yuki at the side, only to see that Yuki also looked shocked, obviously it was the first time he knew this information.

Lin Yuanfei's three views are ruined -- he thought the original owner of his body was just an ordinary martial arts master, but he didn't expect to be the descendant of Feitian Yujian School?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

The successors of Feitian Yujianliu are all tall and burly men, and there are basically no small people like Feicun Jianxin.

In Lin Yuanfei's dream, he saw the master of the original owner of the body, a tall and tall sister Yu with blond hair and long legs, who was almost [-] meters tall.

And Lin Yuanfei's body is also [-] meters tall, which is already considered a burly and strong man among the Japanese.

If both master and apprentice are tall and big, it is more likely that they are descendants of Feitian Yujian style!

But Lin Yuanfei still couldn't accept the reality.

"So I'm actually called Bigu Qingjuro?" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Lin Yuanfei or something, it's just my alias?"

Gui Yanye looked blank, "Master, you... have you lost your memory?"

Lin Yuanfei glared at her, "You are very smart at this time... Yes, I lost my memory. I fell on my head two days ago, and my memory has not recovered yet. I have forgotten a lot of things, even who I am. I can't even remember."

Gui Yanye suddenly realized, "No wonder Master reacted strangely when he saw me these few days, so he lost his memory..."

Then Gui Yanye explained obediently, "Master, you told me before you lost your memory that Bigu Qingjuro is the name you inherited from your master, but Lin Yuanfei is your real name."

"As the existence of Feitian Yujianliu was made famous by Bakutosai at the end of the Bakugan period, in order to avoid trouble, the descendants of Feitian Yujianliu will walk with their real names most of the time instead of using the name [Bigu Qingjuro]. So you It is indeed called Lin Yuanfei, this is your original name."

Yuki stared at gold stars, like a star chaser who was surprised when he saw a star.

"Wow! Mr. Lin Yuan turned out to be the descendant of the Feitian Yujian School... and the same school as that Feicun Badaozhai, so amazing!"

Looking at Yuki's excited face, Lin Yuanfei even suspected that if it wasn't for the restraint of the girl's restraint, the girl would have rushed over excitedly to touch her.

But that doesn't seem to be a bad thing, does it?

Uh cough cough... Feicun draws his sword or something, the world view of this world is really messed up.

Chapter 110 The Sword Is a Murder Weapon

Feitian Yujian style, this is a well-known genre.

Well, at least it is well-known in the housing circle.

It can even be said that even those who don't know the second dimension and rarely watch anime, almost all have heard of the name Feitian Yujianliu and Feicun Kenshin.

Feitian Yujian style is a Japanese kendo school in "Rurouni Kenshin", passed down from generation to generation.

In each generation, there is only one descendant of Feitian Yujianliu.

This successor will inherit the name [Bigu Qingjuro], until the new apprentice defeats the master, the apprentice will become the successor of the Feitian Yujian style, and will inherit the name [Bigu Qingjuro].

Therefore, each generation of Flying Swordsman's name is Bigu Qingjuro.

Until a strange thing happened later...

Feicun Jianxin.

Himura Kenshin, the protagonist of the manga "Rurouni Kenshin", was born in the last years of the Shogunate.

Facing the chaotic world, he decided to go down the mountain to change this chaotic era and use his sword to bring peace to the world.

But Feicun Jianxin can almost be said to be the weakest descendant of Feitian Yujianliu in the past.

Because Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship is most suitable for strong men, Jianxin's master is a strong man of 40 meters, and the cloak on his body weighs ten guan ([-]kg).

What is the concept of [-] meters in Japan in the last years of the Shogunate?

Standing on the street and looking around, everyone can only look at his chest!

To see who is not pleasing to the eye, throwing a cloak weighing ten guan (80 catties) can directly kill people!

This is the unified characteristic of Feitian Yujianliu's successors from generation to generation. He is a big man with strong body and strong body.

But Feicun Kenshin is just a short man of [-] meters. Although his strength is very high, he can beat almost all the swordsmen in Japan at that time, but in terms of strength, he can probably compete with [the weakest descendant of Feitian Yujian style] title.

After all, Kenshin can't even wear his master's cloak...

However, although Jianxin is the weakest Feitian Yujianliu in all dynasties, he is the most accomplished and famous swordsman in all dynasties.

He joined the Banbai faction, helped the Banbai faction to overthrow the shogunate and win the final victory, and was given the title of "Killing Swordsmen" for killing people like hemp.

Even after a hundred years, his legend is still circulating in Japan, and Feitian Yujianliu has become famous all over the world.

...Of course, this is the history of Rurouni Kenshin's plane, and it is also the history of Lin Yuanfei's current plane.

Listening to Gui Yanye and Yuki boasting Feitian Yujianliu and Feicun Jianxin that there are few peers in the sky and underground, Lin Yuanfei is very big.

There are Feicun Jianxin and Feitian Yujianliu in this world?

what the hell!

This style of painting is wrong!

Isn't this the Xingyue World?It's okay to have so many ghosts and ghosts, but now even the Flying Swordsman has appeared.

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