"Sorry, Master, Li's whereabouts... I don't know too much."

Gui Yanye said, "Li said she was being hunted down and was on the run, so she asked me to meet her on Elm Street, and then hung up the phone in a hurry. When I dialed back, it was another person who answered the phone. Said that Li just borrowed his mobile phone and left in a hurry after calling, so I don't know Li's specific whereabouts."

After Lin Yuanfei listened, he was completely convinced.

"So without knowing what happened, you ran to Elm Street, a dangerous place where a serial murder case just happened? And you were alone? Early in the morning? One stop for three hours? That's amazing!"

Lin Yuanfei was speechless at the girl's innocence, "Don't you feel that something is wrong? If Rei Miyamoto is really being hunted down, why doesn't she ask the police for help, but asks you for help. You don't care about such an obvious loophole ?"

Gui Yanye was silent for a few seconds, and said, "But if Li is really hunted down by bad guys and I leave her alone, wouldn't she be very dangerous?"

"Besides, there is a master on Elm Street. Even if I encounter bad people, I don't have to worry about danger. The master will protect me."

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly——little girl, you are obviously ignorant of the dangers of society.

How naive!

But at this point in the matter, it is useless to say these things.

No matter how much you blame this silly girl, it can't change the fact that she has been cheated by Miyamoto Rei.

Anyway, I am not her parents, and I have no obligation or qualification to educate her. It has nothing to do with me if she is so stupid and sweet.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and decided to ask other questions.

"So you've been on Elm Street for three hours. Have you seen anyone else appear in that long time?"

If Rei Miyamoto fooled someone into killing Freddy, it shouldn't be possible to fool only one person, right?

And Lin Yuanfei's question clearly pointed to the core of the problem.

Gui Yanye tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "A boy did appear..."

Gui Yanye thought about it, and said, "He looks very young. He should be a student with short black hair. He wandered around Li's house for a while, and then disappeared into a nearby alley. Come out and leave."

Lin Yuanfei understood that this boy was probably also a scapegoat for Miyamoto Rei.

It's just that Gui Yanye doesn't know him?Could it be that he is not a student in Class A of the first year?

Or is it Rei Miyamoto's former classmate?

After all, Rei Miyamoto used to be in the same class as Brother Cheng and Takashi Komuro, but this year she was in the same class as Gui Yanye after repeating the grade.

emmm... Takashi Komuro...

Lin Yuanfei's face turned dark.

Except for silly girls like Gui Yanye, the only one who can be called out by Miyamoto Reida at night is a childhood sweetheart like Takashi Komuro, right?

Could it be that after Rei Miyamoto killed her boyfriend Haoying Ii, she cheated her childhood sweetheart Takashi Komuro?

Author, your development is too bitchy, right?How much do you hate Rei Miyamoto?

Lin Yuanfei felt that if this world was a novel, then the author would definitely have a grudge against Rei Miyamoto.

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei took out his mobile phone and called Brother Cheng.

Brother Cheng on the other end of the phone yawned and connected the call.

"What's the matter..."

Brother Cheng's voice sounded drowsy, as if he hadn't woken up, "Lin Yuan, don't you sleep at night? It's only half past three in the morning!"

Lin Yuanfei smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

Three o'clock in the morning is indeed when everyone is sleeping.

But it was so urgent that he didn't have time to explain to Brother Cheng, so he asked directly, "Well...Brother Cheng, do you have Takashi Komuro's phone number? Can you send me his phone number? I have important things to go Find him!"

Brother Cheng yawned with a sleepy voice, "It's so late at night, is there anything you can't wait until tomorrow? If you call at this point, are you looking for Xiaoshi to scold you? It's not like you didn't see how much he said during the day. Hate you."

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "But I really have something urgent! It's extremely urgent! I heard that someone is going to murder him, so I must remind him immediately!"

The point is, Takashi Komuro must be found immediately, and don't let him sleep.

If this guy sleeps over and sees Freddy, it's gg.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's anxious reaction, Brother Cheng yawned sleepily and sighed helplessly.

"All right, all right, I'll help you call and ask. To save you from arguing with him...I'll call first to see what's going on with him, just wait a while. "

After finishing speaking, Brother Cheng hung up the phone.

The three of Lin Yuanfei in the living room entered into the waiting state.

However, they didn't wait long. In less than three minutes, Brother Cheng called back immediately.

"Lin...Lin Yuan..."

Brother Cheng’s voice was a little frightened, “You’re right, Xiaoshi was indeed attacked. Now the police and ambulance have arrived at his house, and his father said that when he found out that something was wrong ten minutes ago, Xiaoshi’s classmate was already in the room was brutally dismembered."

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "Have the body been dismembered? Then why did the ambulance drive there? Rescue the body parts?"

"...Is this the point?" Brother Cheng's voice was a little helpless, "The point now is how much do you know? Why do you know Xiaoshi will be attacked by a murderer?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, "I want to say that I don't know anything...Brother Cheng, do you believe it?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then Brother Cheng's voice came.

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